Are there any experienced beer drinkers here?



Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2024
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New York
I used to drink Budweiser many years ago but then stopped, and then started drinking a different brand. Then just last month I opened a fresh can of Bud and it was disgusting. There was no fizz, it went flat in three minutes, the bubbles were small, and it tasted like beer flavored water. I thought I had a defective can, so I bought another one a few weeks later, and same thing. Then i tried again a week after that and the same thing. So I complained to Budweiser and they said they were sorry for my experience, so to rectify the problem, they were going to send me a coupon for free Budweiser.... I told them to shove it...

So my question is, have any experienced Budweiser drinkers out in A-Body land noticed the change in the beer recipe from real beer to nasty beer flavored water?
I swore off of Bud when...well. you know. Haven't had one since.

I keep my fridge stocked with Yuengling Lager now. Much better beer IMO.

I grew up in Pennsylvania and had a buddy with the same last name. Not sure if he's related though.
Ever since they were bought out by an overseas company the recipe has never been the same. I've never been hot on Budweiser, although I did somewhat like it before the change. I'm a big Yuengling fan. Good tasting beer and reasonably priced. Although I'm not that big a drinker anymore. I go through spurts I guess.
Couldn't agree more, loved some good stevewiesers but they don't taste the same.. still love crushing a case of Busch lights on hot summer days but as sad as it is lately seltzers are my go to. No hang over. No guy rot and no full feeling. NOCA Livin lemonades got crushed this summer man are they good
I was never much of a Budweiser fan. I just don't like it. When I drink beer, I like Blue Moon with a few slices of orange. The colder the better.
I used to drink Budweiser many years ago but then stopped, and then started drinking a different brand. Then just last month I opened a fresh can of Bud and it was disgusting. There was no fizz, it went flat in three minutes, the bubbles were small, and it tasted like beer flavored water. I thought I had a defective can, so I bought another one a few weeks later, and same thing. Then i tried again a week after that and the same thing. So I complained to Budweiser and they said they were sorry for my experience, so to rectify the problem, they were going to send me a coupon for free Budweiser.... I told them to shove it...

So my question is, have any experienced Budweiser drinkers out in A-Body land noticed the change in the beer recipe from real beer to nasty beer flavored water?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:BUTTWIPER?

It's rice beer. Yuck!
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Experienced beer drinkers ?

I hate to admit it but been doing this BS for 'bout 50 years and mucho consumption. Coors for a few, Heineken, Corona, Dos Equis, Becks, Bass, Guinness Stout, Tsing- Tao, Kirin, Sapporo ,Carta Blanca, Lucky Lager, Pabst Blue Ribbon, Hamms, Shlitz among some others I'm sure to have left out.

My go to is Miller Lite ( tastes great & less filling) lol but one of my old favorites was San Miguel Dark picked up at $ 2.99 a six pack in about '85.

I'm still estimating total beer count over 50 years and screw naysayers as I love my beer and have worked my tail off to enjoy life and all that entails
Beer is very regional. Here is the midwest (Missouri) Budweiser used to be the "King of Beers". My buddy used to always have a case in the garage fridge and that's what I drank when I was over at his house. I recently had a couple at a local bar and it was not the same. Like was mentioned earlier, less carbonation and it definitely tasted sweeter.

Hamm's is now my go to American lager beer. It is cheap and tastes good. A Chicago magazine did a blind taste test with about 50 beers and Hamm's came out on top. Some people will not agree, but hey, that's what makes the world go round. Your results may vary. My buddy insists on drinking his raspberry stout mocha IPA at $6 a bottle because some local rapper or athlete endorses it. Whatever.
Dos Equis Ambar is really good with some lime slices squeezed in. That's what I get when Kitty and I go to the Mexican joint.
I used to drink Budweiser back in the 80's but if I had more than I should the hangover was horrible. That bizarre behind the eyes headache forced me to quit. Switched to Busch light or Hamms so I guess we need to go visit Brian T. LOL When we go to a larger town, we usually pick up a stash of Mickey's Big mouth bottles. Very tasty when ice cold! We used to drink the crap out of John Tooth's KB lager, but it is hard to find where we live. I would have to say the John Tooths was my favorite beer.
I swore off of Bud when...well. you know. Haven't had one since.

I keep my fridge stocked with Yuengling Lager now. Much better beer IMO.

I grew up in Pennsylvania and had a buddy with the same last name. Not sure if he's related though.

PA beer only.
Yuengling, Iron City, Straub, Duquesne
No more Rolling Rock.
Never did like Bud
Beer is very regional.

Bingo! We have friends and relatives in PA who swear by Yuengling, and while I've had "more than a few", it's just not my cuppa. And when they are here on a visit and ask for some Summit, they don't really care for it, but they're polite about it.

Before I tore the meniscus in both knees I was a hard core cyclist. You know, the kind that a lot of the guys here make fun of. Anywhooooo, cycling and beer drinking seemed to go hand in hand with a lot of my buddies, and many of the rides they organized seemed to be little more then micro-brew hopping (no pun intended) in and around the Twin Cities area. As a long distance rider I didn't really care for these rides, but I did learn a lot about beer....

I've never been much a Bud drinker, but I too noticed a change a while back. My advice to you would be: Tastes change, and if you no longer care for it, move on, as there is no shortage of lagers & pilsners out there. Find a place that offers "flights" of different beers, and you may be surprised at what you like. If it wasn't for these I would have never discovered my affinity for amber ales.

Life is too short to drink bad beer.
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So far, I've not had a Sam Adams product that I didn't like. All of the Angry Orchard stuff so far is pretty good. They are a division of Sam Adams.
I enjoyed most of them for years but preferred European style beer. My Buddy said you only taste
the first one and can get used to anything. He was right because when i started drinking cheap beer
i hated it, but after a few weeks it was my favourite. I eventually just got tired of buying it every week
and quit altogether. One of the best decisions i ever made!
What I've found is your taste buds "graduate" to better beer and you can never go back. I've drank craft brew for years and when I do
regular beer" its usually Yuengling, Heineken, Coors original or Molson etc. Budweiser, I gave that up years ago...I can drink it in cans on ice at a BBQ though...but not often. Beer and alcohol, alot of it is finding what "agrees with you" as we get older out tastes and preferences change. Actually Bud in th eold days gave me on ehell of a headache...when i started working I had to get up in the morning and needed a beer without those after effects. yuengling doesnt keep me down the next day...
Bingo! We have friends and relatives in PA who swear by Yuengling, and while I've had "more than a few", it's just not my cuppa. And when they are here on a visit and ask for some Summit, they don't really care for it, but they're polite about it.

Before I tore the meniscus in both knees I was a hard core cyclist. You know, the kind that a lot of the guys here make fun of. Anywhooooo, cycling and beer drinking seemed to go hand in hand with a lot of my buddies, and many of the rides they organized seemed to be little more then micro-brew hopping (no pun intended) in and around the Twin Cities area. As a long distance rider I didn't really care for these rides, but I did learn a lot about beer....

I've never been much a Bud drinker, but I too noticed a change a while back. My advice to you would be: Tastes change, and if you no longer care for it, move on, as there is no shortage of lagers out there. Find a place that offers "flights" of different beers, and you may be surprised at what you like. If it wasn't for these I would have never discovered my affinity for amber ales.

Life is too short to drink bad beer.
I agree. I've traveled and in Alaska its "Alaskan Amber" upstate NY near the Canadian border its "Molson Canadian" you just have to look around or ask the bartender what's what wherever you are.
Beer is very regional. Here is the midwest (Missouri) Budweiser used to be the "King of Beers". My buddy used to always have a case in the garage fridge and that's what I drank when I was over at his house. I recently had a couple at a local bar and it was not the same. Like was mentioned earlier, less carbonation and it definitely tasted sweeter.

Hamm's is now my go to American lager beer. It is cheap and tastes good. A Chicago magazine did a blind taste test with about 50 beers and Hamm's came out on top. Some people will not agree, but hey, that's what makes the world go round. Your results may vary. My buddy insists on drinking his raspberry stout mocha IPA at $6 a bottle because some local rapper or athlete endorses it. Whatever.
I like Hamms was 18 dollars a 30 pack last year Im sure its went up,still a good deal at less than a buck a can...I do cheap beer every now and then but will do a 100 dollar sextel of IPA in the kegerator also for good measure...
That looks like a product of Labatt's. I remember when they made the really cool B-5 blue metal cans with the Red Canadian Maple leaf on the label. Those were beautifully made cans. I had a few different ones in my beer can collection back in the 1970's LOL
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That looks a product of Labatt's. I remember when they made the really cool B-5 blue metal cans with the Red Canadian Maple leaf on the label. Those were beautifully made cans. I had a few different ones in my beer can collection back in the 1970's LOL
"Hand me a Blue and tape a minnow on it eh?" :rofl:
I used to be a beer drinker but I switched to bourbon and rye a few years ago. Coors Light was the favorite back in the late 70's and 80's. It was crisp and clean back then when the Coors family brewed it. I still enjoy a nice craft beer from a cool brewery an hour away. Oatmeal stouts are a favorite. I brew some of my own as well.
PA beer only.
Yuengling, Iron City, Straub, Duquesne
No more Rolling Rock.
Never did like Bud

Same here with Rolling Rock. No more. Too bad because my wife also liked it. Man, I drank a ton of that when I was growing up in Pennsylvania!!