David Vizard - Which to prioritize - PORT FLOW or PORT VELOCITY?

So being an unhelpful dick.
If you want to believe those numbers are set in stone then pay your money and get your heads done so they get exactly the number you want.
All I'm doing is simply pointing out the flawed assumptions and holes in claims people make.

How about you point us to what you have built, how many championships you have and then tell us how to do it?

I’ve tried to stay out of these velocity threads because as someone is pointing out, velocity is over rated.

While Morgan did say velocity velocity velocity, he also said he is a VELOCITY MANAGER.

I know I’ve done heads done by these screaming velocity types and every one of them I corrected went faster. Every single time.

And the tune up window was wider.

Velocity is over rated.

Don’t believe that bullshit. His software works.

Hysteric has no answers. Never has. He lives vicariously through individuals we can’t ask and probably if we could ask they wouldn’t answer anyway.

I doubt he’s ever built or tuned anything.
How about you point us to what you have built, how many championships you have and then tell us how to do it?

I’ve tried to stay out of these velocity threads because as someone is pointing out, velocity is over rated.

While Morgan did say velocity velocity velocity, he also said he is a VELOCITY MANAGER.

I know I’ve done heads done by these screaming velocity types and every one of them I corrected went faster. Every single time.

And the tune up window was wider.

Velocity is over rated.
Why would velocity matter?
No one said he was fucked you did. All I'm pointing out is those numbers do not account for all the variables in a running engine. If you want to use them go right ahead.
It's to help to get you into the ballpark, it don't need to be 100% accurate, and it's probably far more accurate than any actual advice you would probably give, when people are coming up with a combination.
No one said he was fucked you did. All I'm pointing out is those numbers do not account for all the variables in a running engine. If you want to use them go right ahead.

No, you said his **** doesn’t work because it can’t.

So I suggest you call him and tell him how stupid he is and let him see what a fart smeller you are.

That guy has forgotten more than you’ll ever think you know.

To trash him and his work is chicken **** and despicable.

Go tell him rather than slam him on the web like a little *****.

Your posts are a perfect example of why guys like Larry don’t post here. Or damn near anywhere.
No, you said his **** doesn’t work because it can’t.

So I suggest you call him and tell him how stupid he is and let him see what a fart smeller you are.

That guy has forgotten more than you’ll ever think you know.

To trash him and his work is chicken **** and despicable.

Go tell him rather than slam him on the web like a little *****.

Your posts are a perfect example of why guys like Larry don’t post here. Or damn near anywhere.
Tell me why velocity matters
Shorter rods move away from TDC sooner than longer rods that dwell longer a TDC, so with longer rods there's little piston movement so overlap and velocity are generally starting off the intake charge, shorter rods the also has some piston movement to help early on the intake charge supposedly lessoning the need of higher velocity.
I’m stupid. I’m waiting for you to explain it to me.

Then I’ll know.

Hurry up
Did you make the assumption that the fuel droplets are all the same size and uniform in weight as they leave the carb and magically turn corners like gasses do?

Let me guess you think a formula can tell you what size droplet the fuel is when it has to travel past the exhaust charge as it travels up the intake port with your magical formula.

Do gasses separate from the air stream and coalesce into pools of liquid in the chamber.......

This is basic physics.......different objects of weight and size travel differently in a pipe. How much of it is a gas and how much of it is still a liquid.......

But I have a formula.
Did you make the assumption that the fuel droplets are all the same size and uniform in weight as they leave the carb and magically turn corners like gasses do?

Let me guess you think a formula can tell you what size droplet the fuel is when it has to travel past the exhaust charge as it travels up the intake port with your magical formula.

Do gasses separate from the air stream and coalesce into pools of liquid in the chamber.......

This is basic physics.......different objects of weight and size travel differently in a pipe. How much of it is a gas and how much of it is still a liquid.......

But I have a formula.

I make NO assumptions. So why not explain to me how YOU determine fuel droplet size and then how you determine it’s even correct.

I’m still waiting…
Much of engineering is based on emperically derived formulas and tables that have known relationships. It relates to science but is not the same describing relationships strictly on physics and chemistry. This is the way stuff gets done. This why Pipemax provides good guidance at the same times Burns and Elston can provide equally good guidance even though in some instances it is rather different guidelines. All of its emperically derived - although some of you are well aware DMtovof and others on ST have had deep discussions and attempted various models of the gas and sound waves.

How about dynomax? Does anyone think Larry Atherthon is a physicist or hired a team of them to develop the F&E and Wave modeling?

I can tell you the company I worked for sold a critical safety item to two of the three big US car companies that was emperically derived, developed, and tested. There were a few physisists working on computer models but that was for down the road when it was thought that solid state equivalents could be made cheaper and smaller.
I make NO assumptions. So why not explain to me how YOU determine fuel droplet size and then how you determine it’s even correct.

I’m still waiting…
What happens when you increase the vacuum in the plenum?

Why read spark plugs......when you have a formula.
I make NO assumptions. So why not explain to me how YOU determine fuel droplet size and then how you determine it’s even correct.

I’m still waiting…
Apparently it's not his job to know, just to harass people when making reasonable choices for their builds and to show them how some car made x hp & e.t. with "smaller".
Hysteric - you are arguing with yourself. Nobody here is making the presumption you think they (we) are. Its fine to think about what is probably happening in a real pulsing engine compared with a dry or a wet bench. Nobody is arguing with that either.

The strawman statements are wear on everyone. Let people speak for themselves, and make their own points. If you don't understand a point, then ask if xxxyyz is what they meant. Let them answer.
Hysteric - you are arguing with yourself. Nobody here is making the presumption you think they (we) are. Its fine to think about what is probably happening in a real pulsing engine compared with a dry or a wet bench. Nobody is arguing with that either.

The strawman statements are wear on everyone. Let people speak for themselves, and make their own points. If you don't understand a point, then ask if xxxyyz is what they meant. Let them answer.
Pay your money and target what ever velocity you want.

P.s. when was the last time you looked at that pic of your intake manifold with the evidence of reversion?