Life's most embarrassing car moments

I had a 65 Sport Fury with a 440.I only had it a few days and decided to do a burn out,it was great until I heard a thunk. I pulled into the 7-11 where I worked and popped the hood found the battery laying against the block with a big hole melted in the corner of it. I pulled the water hose out of the store room bought a 2 liter of Coke soaked every thing down real good and rinsed. I bought a Battery hold down and a battery next day.
Keep the stories coming guys and gals,it's very entertaining, besides it's raining out side and my wife has a list and I told her I was very busy!!!!!

1994 money was tight,just divorced working days at the dodge dealer fix'em and delivering food 3 nights a week,had '78 chevy that i got dirt cheap form the dodge dealer,had a worn out plastic bushing for trans. linkage,would not always go in to park.ordered the part,but still useing to deliver food,pull in to a regular customers driveway left car i am counting back change the customer said "your car is backing up by itself! "run after car that is out of driveway ,and into house across the streets driveway .i stop it just before hitting garage.pull it back into customer driveway,give him his change,he tips me 10.00 on a 10.00 bill and said you need to have a good mechanic look at that.i felt 2" high after that:wack:
1994 money was tight,just divorced working days at the dodge dealer fix'em and delivering food 3 nights a week,had '78 chevy that i got dirt cheap form the dodge dealer,had a worn out plastic bushing for trans. linkage,would not always go in to park.ordered the part,but still useing to deliver food,pull in to a regular customers driveway left car i am counting back change the customer said "your car is backing up by itself! "run after car that is out of driveway ,and into house across the streets driveway .i stop it just before hitting garage.pull it back into customer driveway,give him his change,he tips me 10.00 on a 10.00 bill and said you need to have a good mechanic look at that.i felt 2" high after that:wack:

O that had to hurt!!!!!!!!! When my truck ended up on the guard rail I was 300 feet from the main gate to a huge paper mill. No where to hide
I kinda hate to tell this one....but I will

Last year my Corvette buddy J bought a 1972 Corvette in another
town. Told him he could use my tow dolly.......I ended up going with him.

Anywho, we drive over to get the's West of Indy and we are
in Columbus. We get there and he backs the dolly up to the garage door
where the Vette is. The owner has stripped all of the custom paint (1980's)
from the body. The body is perfect! No damage or repair at all. A couple of
large flares had been added to the rear. The installation was excellent...I used
to do a few Corvette body repairs years ago.

Remember, I'm only supplying the dolly for the transport.

They push the car onto the dolly rear end first because it had been pulled
into the garage before the guy started working on it. They strapped it down
and doubled checked everything.

Now here's a couple of things that were not done.
No safety chain in case the straps fail.
The tranny was left in neutral and not park.

The deal was done...the guy was paid and away we go.....don't read ahead
on this one, you might miss something:D

We get about 10 minutes from where we got the car on our way back home.
We had to turn off the main road onto a country road to get over to
I-70. When we made the turn there was a chuck hole the dolly tire hit.
We continue up an incline and I just happened to look in the mirror on my side of
the truck. Yep, you guessed it...I see a Corvette rolling down the hill behind
us going like a bat out of you know where. Stop the truck I yelled.

I jump out and start running to catch the if I could catch it and
if I did how would I stop it. The farther it went, the faster it got. They pick
up speed going downhill you know.

I watched that car go into the trees, then all of a sudden the rear end bounced up,
slid sideways and came back down as the pictures will show.

It had ended up on a steep hill going down to a small stream. A tree was
sticking out of the left front fender back to the tire. The T tops flew off the car
when it hit the log that caused the rear of the car to bounce up. The previous owner
only had them laying on the car as the hold downs had been taken off and were in a box.
Had we had made it to I-70 we would have been
flinging parts off that car all the way home. We later discovered that the
windshield was just laying on the windshield frame also. When I saw that tree sticking out
the middle of the rear end...I thought to myself "How in the hell did that tree go all the way
thru that car."

But wait! gets better

J calls the Police to report the accident. When the policeman comes out
an hour later he was with out words. Said he had to go to his car to write
this one up as he didn't quite know where to start. There goes another 45
minutes. He ends up calling his wrecker contacts and in another 2 hours
here comes a roll back. He takes one look at the car and decides to call
a standard wrecker as the roll back was useless. Here goes another hour.

When the new guy arrives he hooks onto the rear end assembly of the car and begins to pull.
When it came down sideways from the bounce the right rear flare slips behind a tree. J says he
has a saw in his truck and gets it. He cuts wheel flare from the car.....probably totaled anyway.

Now he pulls her out. We pick up the pieces, throw them in the back of the truck and load the car up again.
This time it gets a safety chain from the car to the dolly.

But wait it gets better.

The wrecker drivers said they would show us the way to I-70. We would follow one and the other one
would bring up the rear.
As we are getting close to the Interstate the front driver stops and puts his emergency lights on.
We pull in behind him and get out to see what is going on.

The guy in back radioed him to stop because the right front tire and wheel had come off
and that we had been dragging the car on the suspension.
The reason the wheel came off is because the previous owner
only put 3 lugs on finger tight.

By this time it was well after dark and rainy. The guy in back goes back and
finds the wheel in the ditch line and brings it up. At that point J told them to take it on the roll back to
their facility and to deliver it to Scottsburg the next week.

J's insurance company had to write him a policy that next week. Since he
got a smoking deal on the car when he bought it, he got twice
what he paid for it and was able to buy it back from them for a very small sum. They didn't want a busted up Corvette.

He is still using parts from that car for his other vettes. Sorry the story was so long but that's what happened.

Here's the pics.

P.S. When the right front tire came off it busted up the right front area of the car.


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In 1968 My Buddy and I lost our driver's license because of too many speeding tickets and We had to go to traffic school to get a few points taken off so We could Drive. We were issued a provisional license that let US travel to work and driver's school.

My Pal had just bought a 68 barracuda fastback with 340/4 speed and He drove US to school that night. After school He offered the car to Me to drive home and I quickly accepted.

About two miles from home, on a main road, a 66 chevelle pulls alongside and rev's it up a bit. I look over at My Buddy and He looks at Me nervously and says..."don't do it"...."please don't do it"...I look at Him and state "I have to defend the honor of this car' Light turns green..both cars jump and I'm riding high as I got the chevelle out of the hole and earn a two car lead. Hit second..hit third.....and all of a sudden the car lights up red and a familiar siren is heard. My Pal starts screeming incoherently that we're going to jail...His car is being confiscated....way out of control. So I pull over.

Cop comes to the window, both our heads are looking at the floor, and He asks for My license. I look at Him and explain that I don't have one and are just returning from "driving court". He raises His voice and starts yelling about what a jerk I am and how I have no respect for speed limits and His face is turning red but He stalls and says very quietly, "ok, let Your Pal drive home" I look Him straight in the eyes and sheepishly say, "he don't have a license either" All betwen this My Pal is mumbling,"We're going to jail, We're going to jail "

I think If He could of legally shot both of US He would have. He's shaking His head,scratching His hair and looking at the heavens for an answer. Finally says "kid, if I catch You EVER driving over the speed limit again, I'll hang You Myself,now get out of here ! "

Classy Cop and mopar honor stayed in tact for another night.
I was standing in Tony's shop and met this guy with the Vette and heard this adventure they took :D:D It was cool to see pictures Tony :happy1: That story I bet is told by many policemen, wrecker companies all over the air ways and will be told for many years I bet..:cheers:
My most recent one is trying to remove headers... a header is stuck on the passenger side and needs the header bolts removed so i proceded to jam nut them and unbolt them... little did I know they're connected to water jackets, now fluid is all over the storage floor.
My brother and I were driving to work one Saturday at 4:30 in the morning. We worked deliveries and cleaning our parents bakery. I was driving my '69 Mercury Cougar 351C and we came up on a Nova who wanted to race. We came hit it and went around a curve three blocks ahead. We had beat him so badly by the time he rounded the curve we were two blocks away and still pulling away. That was when the asshole off duty cop put the cherry on top of his Nova and pulled us over. Got a speeding ticket even though he urged us to race. Kicked his ***, though, and told every cop that was called to the scene what happened. Maybe not embarrassing, but a pisser of a moment!

They used to do the same thing in Augusta Ga. on Rt 1. They had a 56 ford and made a ton of money with it. My story involved a girl and isn't PG, but it was fun!
Reboot. Running the 70 El Camino,at, the track '97. Ran a 13.0 @ 106, third pass. Pulled a plug,to check the burn. Was lean ,threw some more jet at it. Someone pulled me away,for a question or two. Fired it up,hit the staging lanes(Famoso). Rolled out of the hole,didn't feel right. Ran a 14.40@ 98. Pull ovthe pits,number one spark plug wire was dangling in the breeze....
HMMMM, first one that comes to mind.... in my 64 Custom 880, a few days after it snowed, snow was gone from most main roads but side streets it was still piled on the sides.

I was cruising down the street, playing in the stuff on the side, getting out of shape and bringing it back, I looked up and I forgot there was a 79 Mustang parked on the street for a while.

I knew if I hit the brakes I would slide right into it, so I gassed it.

The rear came around, and the bumper just kissed the rear light of the mustang breaking it, and I ended up doing the most perfect 180 parking job on the opposite side of the road.

I ended up about 6 inches from the curb. I however lost my hub cap, you know, the ones with the 3 pointed mopar emblem that look like knock offs, that some big Dodges had, really hard to find.

I looked up and the guy who lived in the house I had ended up next to, had picked it up and was walking into his embarrassed to go ask him for it, I bought a new one.
when I was about 18 there was a small group of us, maybe half a dozen that would go out and burn gas and rubber almost daily
living out in the country we hit up a lot of dirt roads so there was always one of us with a 4X4 to pull us out of ditches, cornfields, hedges, whatever we got ourselves stuck in when we wiped out
(I really should let my buddy tell you this story, its in his top 3)
we all had CBs in our cars in order to stay in touch
there was this one field I had a habbit of playing on, hit a hard left of the dirt road, do a couple of donuts and jump across the dirt road, over the little bridge that went over the ditch and spin in the opposite field for a while
I guess the farmer who owned the field wasn't too happy with me doing this and one day decided to go ahead and take his bridge down

if my buddy in the 4x4 was telling this he would say all he heard was me cussing over the CB
he asked where i was and i said something about a bridge
so he drove over to the bridge and figures something isn't right, my one tail light is here (lifts his hand up about waist high) and the other is here (other hand shoulder high)
apparently my car just nose dove right into the ditch and was sitting almost straight up

another time we were out driving and my windows were fogged up something bad
i couldn't see anything
no worries, i proclaim, i know these roads like the back of my hand
so i hit the road behind my house which ends in an intersection, a road goes left, one goes right and the one going straight is actually the entrance to a air force base
im hauling as fast as i can, and come to a screeching halt at the intersection
i can barely see the white line where you are supposed to stop though my fogged up windows
turning left i punch it hard
spin the tires in first, shift into second and then the floor just dropped out from underneath me and the car ended up in the exact same position as in my previous story
turned out the white stripe i had seen was the one from the other side of the street (when you leave the airforce base) and instead of turning into the street i had crossed the street, stopped on their drive way and trenched the airforce base' front lawn before driving right into the moat like ditch that was in front of their fence
in less time then it would take to tell you this there are 4 MPs with guns drawn at my window, dragging us out of the car
didn't take them long to figure out we were only a threat to ourselves and they left us alone
we sat there for 45 minutes waiting for someone to help pull my car out of the ditch (you know the MPs couldn't be bothered) finally some hippy in an old and also very foggy VW van stopped and pulled us out

this one is a little more recent (just to show i don't learn, i guess)
at this time i wasn't driving a car but my KDX, a plated 2 stroke dirtbike with a head and tail light, no indicators, no rear view mirror
im minding my own business, sitting in the slow lane at a traffic light when this rice burner pulls up next to me in the fast lane
the light turns green and i pull out, next extremely fast but the import chirps the tires and pulls away from me
i shift into second full bore and set the bike up straight, passing the sweet-n-sour car with ease
i shift into third and the import make a right hand turn, tail between his legs
i shift into forth and only now let of the gas, dropping the front wheel back down to the ground
no sooner has my front tire made contact with the asphalt or the MARKED CRUISER behind me flicks on his lights
i pull over and got the biggest lecture i have ever had (and a ticket and 2 points on my license)
needless to say, i have since invested in a rear view mirror for the bike
A few years back, I lit the engine in my dart on fire !

This was about 2 months after I had just painted the engine bay, the engine itself, and had redone all the under hood wiring.

Emptied a dry chemical fire extinguisher getting it out.

Bubbled the paint on the pass side inner fender, and on the bottom of the hood. Fried a bunch of my new wiring.

Took weeks to clean up the mess left behind by the chemical extinguisher.

BTW the dart was in the garage at the time. Lucky I didn't burn down the garage and the car.

Lesson learned: After having the top off your carb to change jets, always make sure
to reattach the fuel line to the carb before starting the car. When I started the car, the fuel line was pointing right at the coil and distributor, caught fire instantly.
Pulled into staging lane...get tires wet and roll ahead.I pump brakes,hit the line lock and start my starts to bog down and dies.Ran out of have a fuel cell so can monitor fuel level easier....stupid fuel gauge.:banghead:
Engine fell down and locked the axles on my Corvair years ago
on my way to pick up my date. The rear nut came loose and fell off.

Had to call dad and borrow his 1962 Chevy II that he had just
bought that same day. He was not happy.
Not so much of an embarrassing car moment, more of an embarrassed passenger.

Back around '78 I was tooling around in a 68 GT Fastback Mustang that I had as a beater car, stuffed a 390 between the inner fenders and that car would rip it up.

Well, one night a good buddy and I were out doing our usual party prowling and picked up another friend who wanted to go with us. We drove out of town and got to a 4 way intersection in the middle of the Maine back woods which was a popular place to do donuts. So I lit the stang up and commenced to goin' round and round and round some more. It got to a point I couldn't see and had to stop as I knew there was a utility pole on one corner of the intersection and I wasn't exactly sure where I was at that point. When I stopped it took a minute for the smoke to clear and low and behold the pole was directly in front of the car hood. We picked up on a fairly familiar odor and I looked at Jim and he looked at me with puzzled looks on our faces. Hello, well the guy in the back seat was a nervous Nelly type and it seems as though he had, well, defecated in his britches. He requested we drop him off at home which we gladly obliged.
A few years back,( ok quite a few years back,) I was driving my 67 Chevelle on a very busy 4 lane highway. All of a sudden my buddy starts laughing and says look at that tire passing us. Well we both thought it was funny, until all of a sudden the back end of my car dropped onto the brake drum. All the wheel nuts came off so we found the tire brought it back to the car, jacked it up put the wheel back on using a wheel nut from each of the other 3 wheels. Wound up needing a brake drum a new rim and it also damaged the rear quarter panel.
Lotta years ago my brother and I were out in the country with my 68 Dart Gt. We hit a huge line of really slooooo traffic doing like 5mph on a long left turn. It was so long we couldn't even see the front of the line. Couldn't see to pass on the left either but no fear I had a plan. Started passing cars on the right shoulder like they were standing still. Felt like the Duke Boys! It was great until we got close to the front and saw the hearse.... Immediately pulled off the road into a field and shut the car off. Felt like a total ***.
Years ago, I was driving my Dodge D50. Back then it had a hopped up 2.6L (aftermarket non-jet valve head, custom ground cam, forged dome pistons, dual weber carbs) and a 5-Speed.

Apparently I didn't have as much gas in it as I thought I did, and I ran out on my way to town.

A grounds keeper for a nearby apartment complex stops to help, he comes back a few minutes later with a can of fuel. I give the can of fuel a shake (I can't smell, so I judge fuels by "feel" and sound by shaking the can). I say to him "You sure this is gas?"

"Yeah it's gas!"

I dump about 3 gallons of it in my truck, thinking "there's no way this is gas." Then the grounds keeper charges me $25 for those 3 gallons and disappears in a hurry. It takes me a while to get the truck started, but it finally rumbles to life and the poor ol 2.6L is hammering like a worn out diesel.

I drove that poor thing into town, running on 99% Diesel Fuel, whipped in at the nearest gas station and the attendant comes up to the window and says "we don't sell diesel fuel here kid." "I know... just fill it up with high octane...don't ask." :D

I should also note the gas gauge DID work back then (it hasn't since the day I small blocked it).
Years ago I had a '69 Dart GTS 'vert, factory 383, 4 speed (1 of 34, and I believe 1 of 2 in T5 ) It was a good looking car I bought at the local car auction for $600 or $650. The cool thing about the car (to me at the time) was that you could do awesome donuts and figure 8s due to the weight of the big block in the front and the sure-grip in the rear.

Well, one night I was putting on a pretty impressive show for an enthusiastic audience. It lasted for quite a few minutes, too many donuts and figure 8s to count, could hardly see the car for the tire smoke! :burnout: :burnout: :burnout: :burnout: :burnout: :burnout:

The only downside was I had forgotten about the alternator in the trunk............ :eek:ops: