Stop in for a cup of coffee

Woo Hoo, does this make me first? I have had a nasty couple of days complete with evening at ER. When I told you all I was sick at that point I didn't know just how sick I was heading to. Long story short I dislodged my bladder operating some heavy equipment. It finally got a small tear in it I guess. End result was peeing copious amounts of blood and poisoned myself. It has been great! Docs have it under control now but it has been a no fun ride. As a result of meds and bed rest my sleep cycle is a mess. So I am wide awake and bushy tailed when the rest of the world sleeps! Great... Argh!
Dang that could have been ugly! Glad your on the mend. My wife has had some similar experience with blood infections due to surgery. It gets real serious real quick.
In a few hours I'm headed to Portland for the swap meet. Haven't been in a couple years so excited even though not much Mopar. This meet is actually two sites close together, the Expo and the PIR (Portland International Raceway). Lots of walking, in the rain probably but we got out the rain gear!
Woo Hoo, does this make me first? I have had a nasty couple of days complete with evening at ER. When I told you all I was sick at that point I didn't know just how sick I was heading to. Long story short I dislodged my bladder operating some heavy equipment. It finally got a small tear in it I guess. End result was peeing copious amounts of blood and poisoned myself. It has been great! Docs have it under control now but it has been a no fun ride. As a result of meds and bed rest my sleep cycle is a mess. So I am wide awake and bushy tailed when the rest of the world sleeps! Great... Argh!
Man what a pisser....seriously though hop you take it easy and feel better soon.
Snow last night but it was melting as it touched the ground.
1 above this morning. 4 today and warmer tomorrow and sunday.
Snow last night but it was melting as it touched the ground.
1 above this morning. 4 today and warmer tomorrow and sunday.
About time to break out the shorts and short sleeves...:thumbsup:
About time to break out the shorts and short sleeves...:thumbsup:
:BangHead:Today will suck have to meet with my NEW VA rep to straighten out my service dates. This will be fun they have me in the USN when I was Air guard, no record of active service at all and Just two month deployments with the guard. No wonder why my claims were denied! just happened to find it out when the va sent a letter saying I might be edible for a program based on my service dates! :wtf::wtf::mob:
:BangHead:Today will suck have to meet with my NEW VA rep to straighten out my service dates. This will be fun they have me in the USN when I was Air guard, no record of active service at all and Just two month deployments with the guard. No wonder why my claims were denied! just happened to find it out when the va sent a letter saying I might be edible for a program based on my service dates! :wtf::wtf::mob:

Good luck, sounds like DD214 nightmare!
I have them all. Really pisses me off the first service rep I had was a POS and I actually did a AG complaint on him. Then found another one closer and she was great but came down with Cancer. Her replacement I used to work with all is good right! Well he stopped servicing this area and I ust found out when I called him a few weeks ago so now to Harrisburg and deal with a new guy!
Dang that could have been ugly! Glad your on the mend. My wife has had some similar experience with blood infections due to surgery. It gets real serious real quick.
You are correct on the it gets serious very quickly. I was being typical dumb man. Wife saw symptoms explained in that tone,if you have ever been married for a long time recognize. That we were heading to the ER right then and there end of discussion. By time we got there temp was thru the roof and I was not bringing any value to any conversation. Spooked us.
I have them all. Really pisses me off the first service rep I had was a POS and I actually did a AG complaint on him. Then found another one closer and she was great but came down with Cancer. Her replacement I used to work with all is good right! Well he stopped servicing this area and I ust found out when I called him a few weeks ago so now to Harrisburg and deal with a new guy!
What a PIA. Good luck. At least you have your paperwork and once its submitted it should be all straight.