Stop in for a cup of coffee

You are correct on the it gets serious very quickly. I was being typical dumb man. Wife saw symptoms explained in that tone,if you have ever been married for a long time recognize. That we were heading to the ER right then and there end of discussion. By time we got there temp was thru the roof and I was not bringing any value to any conversation. Spooked us.
Yeah the whole “man/pride” thing sure can put us in some scary predicaments. I think that’s one of many reasons they say women live longer than men. You got a good woman there sir.
Too many knuckleheads working in the system. Only takes one with no one checking his/her work to screw things up. And every new uber boss thinks their job is to shuffle people around to make it look like they've 'changed' things.
NPS lost track of my seasonal and part time hours accumulated, so its not just military. I got lucky we had a good AO at that time, sortof a troubleshooter. He wasn't thrilled about it but was professional; it still took over a month to go through. AL and steps within grade are all based on that so don't want to lose that time.
Front End Friday
:BangHead:Today will suck have to meet with my NEW VA rep to straighten out my service dates. This will be fun they have me in the USN when I was Air guard, no record of active service at all and Just two month deployments with the guard. No wonder why my claims were denied! just happened to find it out when the va sent a letter saying I might be edible for a program based on my service dates! :wtf::wtf::mob:
Well that explains a lot. I wondered why you'd been denied. You can actually go back using your original claim date, explain their screw up and possible get approved. The best thing is VA will owe you any back pay for those approved disabilities to that original date $$:thumbsup:
Im glad my wife had some of hers, but they did lose some of her major medical papers from her deployment.
Was it her unit that provided medical support?? If it wasn't did she contact the unit that did provide the support??
I've seen as a reservist or guard member that your medical paperwork doesn't make it to the home unit to go in your file after you've gone home.
Sometimes you can contact the supporting medical unit and they'll have a copy.
Before I left to come home I went by to get a prescription filled.
While standing there I was talking with the clerk telling her I was on my way home. She asked if I wanted a copy of my medical paperwork for the last year. I said sure and got a copy.
It was a huge deal for me, and my medical paperwork like many did not make it back to my home unit.
TGIF. Not that it matters much. I work tonight and tomorrow yet. But not complaining. Glad to have the day of OT tomorrow. Hasn't been much lately.
Printing press maintenance correct? How did you get into that line of work?
Printing press maintenance correct? How did you get into that line of work?
Have been in maintenance for ever. Was at cold storage warehouse most of it. Going from management to hands on, there's more $/hr in production maintenance. Just different equipment - still mechanical, electrical, facilities. It's just fixing stuff to me.
Have been in maintenance for ever. Was at cold storage warehouse most of it. Going from management to hands on, there's more $/hr in production maintenance. Just different equipment - still mechanical, electrical, facilities. It's just fixing stuff to me.
I think Ramie (straightlinespeed) is into main. at a hospital. Interesting work I'm sure.
I think Ramie (straightlinespeed) is into main. at a hospital. Interesting work I'm sure.
He's at the college there. I knew a guy like you, a fix it guy. He retired got a truck, put his name out, and had more work than he wanted with home repairs.
He raised his hourly rate a couple times thinking that would slow business down...nope.
Finally just plain cut it back to 20-25 hours a week. Cash business!!
He's at the college there. I knew a guy like you, a fix it guy. He retired got a truck, put his name out, and had more work than he wanted with home repairs.
He raised his hourly rate a couple times thinking that would slow business down...nope.
Finally just plain cut it back to 20-25 hours a week. Cash business!!

Yep, correct @ a college. I did work 15 years in a max security prison prior to coming to the college. I miss being the hands on guy out fixing things, now Im pretty much a desk jockey and rarely get my hands dirty. It certainly isnt stimulating, and Im bored a lot.

The thought of starting my own business would be interesting doing something similar to that, but I wouldnt want the hassle of chasing money if people didnt want to pay and more or less being on call for HVAC issues. Although I wouldnt have to deal with all of the political BS that happens here, that would be a blessing!
He pretty much worked for the older retired people. Fix a door, light, facuet, tile, floor...etc... Didn't door any remodeling work.
Once good word spread through the bridge-social circles he was busy.
Yep, correct @ a college. I did work 15 years in a max security prison prior to coming to the college. I miss being the hands on guy out fixing things, now Im pretty much a desk jockey and rarely get my hands dirty. It certainly isnt stimulating, and Im bored a lot.

The thought of starting my own business would be interesting doing something similar to that, but I wouldnt want the hassle of chasing money if people didnt want to pay and more or less being on call for HVAC issues. Although I wouldnt have to deal with all of the political BS that happens here, that would be a blessing!
Next question, Good benefits at the college? Something you have to pay huge $$$'s for if you're on your own. I was lucky to have good benefits through my wife's work.
Next question, Good benefits at the college? Something you have to pay huge $$$'s for if you're on your own. I was lucky to have good benefits through my wife's work.
Well its a State job, so the benefits are pretty good and everything I had from the prison transferred over, which is a huge plus and I dont have to start all over.
Just finished organizing my taxes, for my tax guy, and paying some bills...Now its time to eat... Cooking a Chicken Sandwich now...
I will never buy an AZ battery again. Got one for my wife’s GC back in Memphis. Was supposed to be an 84 month battery...lasted 30 months. Tried to get it replaced under the warranty and the best they could offer was $15 off of a new one. They ran me around hoping I would give up and go away. I did, after tossing the battery across the counter and walking out while telling every customer in the store to shop somewhere else.
that has happened to me a few times. just yesterday i had to replace an advance auto silver battery for my civic
i looked at their screen while they pulled me up and i have spent $6000 dollars with them over the past 20 years AND WONDERED if THAT and the lack of rechargeability of this battery was why they quickly replaced it. the battery was 13 months old, tiny 500 amps
i paid the 30 dollar difference and upgraded the battery while i was there.
Friend of the wife broke ankle. Took her husband an hour to get her in the house when they came home from hospital....I was going to build a wheelchair ramp with wood but remembered someone tried to give me an aluminum one last summer (wanted it out of his way, lol). Texted and he still had it. Picked it up yesterday. Its 10ft long aluminum and will carry 600lb, but a bit wavy to walk on. So I am making some supports for under it. Will probably take it down and set it up tomorrow.