Stop in for a cup of coffee


Hmmmm... Old wives tale... hornet nest low to ground means mild winter. High in trees means harsh winter. We tend to have them both ways around these parts lol.
Almost hit this with the hedge trimmer...

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Couple years ago I got rid of 2 of those. One for me and one down the road. Huge bald face Hornets. Built a big hot fire in the firepit, suited up in all my welding clothes, sprayed the nest heavy with the foaming hornet spray that encapsulates the nest, cut the branch and quickly ran with nest in hand to the fire, and set the whole nest in the fire. Hundreds were dead as they came out, but didnt get stung. Burned all those bastards. 2nd time went even better.
Away from house. Right next to the garden...
I trust you'll make the decision that makes the most sense.
Bald faced are great at controlling aphids, flies and even yellow jackets. :)
On the other hand, they're nasty SOBs when pissed off. :(
I'd be asking myself is that nest really secure? or could the wind or the dog (or a kid) hit the hedge and shake the thing? and possibly drop it? :eek:
Bald-faced Hornet
Bald-faced Hornet Facts - NatureMapping

On the other hand, if you're having trouble with tresspassers - just a tie a string from the branches to some trip wire. :rolleyes:
So, trying to set the alignment on the Demon in the driveway good enuf to make it somewhere. Man this sucks. Every adjustment is messed up the next. Pulling my hair out!!
So, trying to set the alignment on the Demon in the driveway good enuf to make it somewhere. Man this sucks. Every adjustment is messed up the next. Pulling my hair out!!
Get it close, drive it slow. Toe is the easiest and most important if the other two are close to plumb.
So, trying to set the alignment on the Demon in the driveway good enuf to make it somewhere. Man this sucks. Every adjustment is messed up the next. Pulling my hair out!!
Watchya using?

Following the FSM sequence minimizes what effects the next.
Ride height - cause that effects camber and caster a lot.
Camber -
recheck the camber

With the alignment cams. Remember if you move just one, the caster and camber will change.
If you move two together, the caster will not be effected (much).
Using string from under rear of the car around rear tire and measure rear of tire to string, then same for front. Had plates that rest against the tires and measure across front and back but was missing something. Maybe all the sun exposure, hangover or ????
Using string from under rear of the car around rear tire and measure rear of tire to string, then same for front. Had plates that rest against the tires and measure across front and back but was missing something. Maybe all the sun exposure, hangover or ????
You know me, I'll have to draw a picture to understand. LOL.
But Chrysler used a narrower rear track than front. So if you're counting on the rear tire widths to be same as front (to get parallel strings), that would explain why reality is diverging.
You know me, I'll have to draw a picture to understand. LOL.
But Chrysler used a narrower rear track than front. So if you're counting on the rear tire widths to be same as front (to get parallel strings), that would explain why reality is diverging.

No, I know they are different widths. Pull strings tight and until it just touches the front side of the rear tire but doesnt bend over the edge. Definitely not perfect but way better than the scrub marks the tires did leave.
I haven't done strings in a while, but I when I did it was using 4 jack stands.
Set the distance to be the same from something solid on the rear wheels, and then made width the same at front and back.

Then took the measurements from the string to the front and rear of each front tire or wheel.
Hey TJ do you think they'll catch those murdering teenagers running up in Gillam? News says it's pretty rugged terrain but they are closing in, is that anywhere near you?
14 hour drive away. Barren terrain and nothing but scrub brush. Havent heard a thing.
Got the vortec to run hanging from a chain. Guess next is thin out wiring harness.
Hmmmm... Old wives tale... hornet nest low to ground means mild winter. High in trees means harsh winter. We tend to have them both ways around these parts lol.

I trust you'll make the decision that makes the most sense.
Bald faced are great at controlling aphids, flies and even yellow jackets. :)
On the other hand, they're nasty SOBs when pissed off. :(
I'd be asking myself is that nest really secure? or could the wind or the dog (or a kid) hit the hedge and shake the thing? and possibly drop it? :eek:
Bald-faced Hornet
Bald-faced Hornet Facts - NatureMapping

On the other hand, if you're having trouble with tresspassers - just a tie a string from the branches to some trip wire. :rolleyes:
Don't think I want to tiptoe around this thing till Winter. Somehow we have not stirred them up so far. I run right up alongside them every time I mow. Don't know how long it takes them, but this was not constructed overnight. It's in a Spirea bush, maybe 4 ft off the ground. I took one pass over one side of it and there it was. If I had started on the other side I likely would have run the trimmer into it or maybe under it and had it laying on the ground at my feet. Sitting on the mower going by it would be about a foot from your head. :eek:
Wifey just came home from Costco, after a long detailed discussion over the merits of our perfectly functioning grill last night vs the merits of a new Traegar we decided to hold our position and wait till present grill dies then buy a Traegar or equivalent. Did I mention I may have married a headstrong woman, who pretty much does whatever the f*** she wants? Guess what was on sale at Costco? Yep, I am the proud owner of a "but it was 400 dollars off" new Traegar grill. When I saw the size of it I gently reminded her our kids are all grown and there is but two of us in the house. Might as well explained the aerodynamics of a pig. Reckon I will put it together and be happy. Perhaps one more single malt will allow me to believe it all makes sense!
Well, some good news all around today.

First, Brook, my half sister with the suicide attempt has been released from the treatment center, will still have daily counselings for the foreseeable future.

Second, my brother has been given a full clean bill of health. Hospital is supposedly turning it over to the US State department, something about an oddity regarding one of the strains of ecoli that they feel leads them to believe it was possibly intentional.

3rd, wife is happy, remodeled her bathroom this weekend and fully cleaned and installed shelves into our storage barn.

4th, A possibly job offer making 35 percent more is currently being finalized. Not counting my chicks before they hatched but the prospect company hiring manager has contacted me 4 times this weekend working on this offer.
Wifey just came home from Costco, after a long detailed discussion over the merits of our perfectly functioning grill last night vs the merits of a new Traegar we decided to hold our position and wait till present grill dies then buy a Traegar or equivalent. Did I mention I may have married a headstrong woman, who pretty much does whatever the f*** she wants? Guess what was on sale at Costco? Yep, I am the proud owner of a "but it was 400 dollars off" new Traegar grill. When I saw the size of it I gently reminded her our kids are all grown and there is but two of us in the house. Might as well explained the aerodynamics of a pig. Reckon I will put it together and be happy. Perhaps one more single malt will allow me to believe it all makes sense!
Good plan!
Roll with punches.
Well, some good news all around today.

First, Brook, my half sister with the suicide attempt has been released from the treatment center, will still have daily counselings for the foreseeable future.

Second, my brother has been given a full clean bill of health. Hospital is supposedly turning it over to the US State department, something about an oddity regarding one of the strains of ecoli that they feel leads them to believe it was possibly intentional.

3rd, wife is happy, remodeled her bathroom this weekend and fully cleaned and installed shelves into our storage barn.

4th, A possibly job offer making 35 percent more is currently being finalized. Not counting my chicks before they hatched but the prospect company hiring manager has contacted me 4 times this weekend working on this offer.
Good for you guys. You've been needing a streak good luck.
Well, some good news all around today.

First, Brook, my half sister with the suicide attempt has been released from the treatment center, will still have daily counselings for the foreseeable future.

Second, my brother has been given a full clean bill of health. Hospital is supposedly turning it over to the US State department, something about an oddity regarding one of the strains of ecoli that they feel leads them to believe it was possibly intentional.

3rd, wife is happy, remodeled her bathroom this weekend and fully cleaned and installed shelves into our storage barn.

4th, A possibly job offer making 35 percent more is currently being finalized. Not counting my chicks before they hatched but the prospect company hiring manager has contacted me 4 times this weekend working on this offer.
Hope it works out for you all around.