Stop in for a cup of coffee

Mr Dick Mr Tracy.
It's all the same. Mr Dick just has that cool sound.
When you say it slow and drag it out.:rofl::rofl::rofl:
Like this guy,


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It will be very Nou-veau.
Colored concrete is one thing, done that many times. Asphalt only comes in black, sometimes maybe a little brownish cast if the hot plant operator is not paying attention :rofl:. I actually set a load on fire once. I looked over at the temp gauge on the rock and sand heading for the mixer 600*F. Usual is about 360*. The flash point on asphalt oil is about 650*. I knew it was junk so I sent it off to the waste pile :BangHead:. A few hours later loader operator calls me on the radio "This AC is still smoking". "I'll be right there". He met me down there, had a gray ashy look to it. He reached out with the bucket and back dragged the crust off and WHOOOOSH went the flames. Took me 3 loads of water in the water truck to get it cooled off :rofl:. Never did figger out what happened to the burner control to let that happen :rolleyes:
One mechanic in town,ended up at the fair working on a truck on the fairground one july long.
There on known as the carnie mechanic...
Tim the Carnie!!! It fits!:poke::rofl:
A great bunch of hard working people. There used to be a huge Meth issue, but the new carnival is drug tested every week. Fail, and jail! Tough to make a living in it anymore....Taxes killed it for lots...
putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt
putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt putt sputter piff bang putt putt putt putt
Bang Bang!!
Ugh so many decisions to make right now, I think I need some time away from everyone hahahahaha
Not easy when you are

Ehh not quite.

In the next few weeks, I’ve got to potentially make 2 life altering/affecting decisions, both with the military and with my civilian job. Plus finish my MBA in a couple weeks. Plus both kids now are in school, something I’m not ready for lol
Ehh not quite.

In the next few weeks, I’ve got to potentially make 2 life altering/affecting decisions, both with the military and with my civilian job. Plus finish my MBA in a couple weeks. Plus both kids now are in school, something I’m not ready for lol
From my life experiences, what ever you do will be......wrong!! So just go with whatever. It will always work out....
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