Stop in for a cup of coffee

So, my back is killing me today. All I can think of is....
stig eating popcorn.gif
It’s not the original tank, and it looks pretty good from the outside. Just figured it’s likely got varnish in it from sitting
Acetone will eat the varnish.
On a cruddy old tank i put 5 feet of chain in it and strap it to my tractor wheel, jacked up of course and let it idle in a low gear to beat all the junk loose.
One oil change done. Next one on the way. Bridge is a gong show, traffic held up for a half mile on either side due to the crew moving the cement divider/barriers. People werent slowing down while passing workers. Bridge traffic is all but shut down.
It’s not the original tank, and it looks pretty good from the outside. Just figured it’s likely got varnish in it from sitting
So you haven't run it yet? If not, maybe back flush the lines and suck out whatever is in there. See what's on the pickup screen....
If it's all clear, nothing to worry about. If not, get a look in it and decide where to go from there. But you will need to slosh it around to do much cleaning and not gonna do that without dropping the tank.
So you haven't run it yet? If not, maybe back flush the lines and suck out whatever is in there. See what's on the pickup screen....
If it's all clear, nothing to worry about. If not, get a look in it and decide where to go from there. But you will need to slosh it around to do much cleaning and not gonna do that without dropping the tank.
I have, but I've been using the 5 gallon gas can approach to the fuel tank.
Strap a 55 gallon drum to the roof!!! Get some distance.....
I have a 43 gallon tank from a Ram350 van Ive thought about putting in the trunk but I'm afraid the weight would cause the bumper to drag.
If you are going to half *** it, might as well go all the way! Drop the it right....
Its not the half-assing thats the issue. The PO has the exhaust running UNDER the tank. its all welded and then the hangers(homemade pieces of flat steel) are welded from the pipes to the frame, so I'd have to cut it all out and I really am trying to avoid doing that at the moment.
Its not the half-assing thats the issue. The PO has the exhaust running UNDER the tank. its all welded and then the hangers(homemade pieces of flat steel) are welded from the pipes to the frame, so I'd have to cut it all out and I really am trying to avoid doing that at the moment.
OOO I see......Bummer....
If you are going to half *** it, might as well go all the way! Drop the it right....
There's a few things I did to my 66 when I started on it that I have no regrets spending the extra money for. One is the fuel system. We cleaned the tank out and blew out the lines to get it going but he first year I changed the fuel filter 5 or 6 times and every time the gas I would pour out was orange. A new tank, sender, and lines (and another carb overhaul :BangHead:) fixed the problem. It has been working flawlessly for 10+ years.
Its not the half-assing thats the issue. The PO has the exhaust running UNDER the tank. its all welded and then the hangers(homemade pieces of flat steel) are welded from the pipes to the frame, so I'd have to cut it all out and I really am trying to avoid doing that at the moment.
No flexible hanger between? :wtf: