Stop in for a cup of coffee

There is no way i would be stepping on a Cruise Ship right not, 300 miles around that hurricane it's going to be lots of rain and high seas. They are already showing the high surf coming in at Melboune Florida on the east coast and the kids are out there surfing cause of the big waves. Id be heading for high and dry ground.
Agreed. I'm sure that'd be one wicked ride
not my image, but sent to me via text from a friend, kind of funny.

For the record, I’ve not had it on since about 3 pm. Some 5 hours ago. I've been outside grilling and putting some more work on my floor pans.

Second, it’s well pass time I say this, you speak about self appointed. You’re a hypocrite, plain and simple. For years, you have acted like a self appointed moderator of this thread, telling me what I can and cannot post. Until Joey promotes you to a moderator, I’m done listening to you telling me what I can and can’t post. You’ve even gone so far as to tell me which emojis I’m not allowed to use, emojis that freely used on this site daily, ones put on by the site owner.

Third, I have not done a single thing to you, not one. You have had an attitude with me now since July. And for no reason. Then you come in the other night and act like I am trying to sabotage this dart deal with Tim. Which I am not and have never done. I could give two ***** less what deal Tim does or what he does or does not buy. It’s Tim’s money, it is his decision, I have ZERO part in anything to do with that and have never had a part in it.

Lastly, I tried to throw some business your way. Ive been trying to get you to give me your PayPal for over a month so the club could get those shirts complete. Sure it took a few weeks to get the orders together and everyone’s money in, but literally since the week before Carlisle, I said we were ready and needed your PayPal. I have 3 emails in my PayPal history for people with your first and last name or something similar and wanted to confirm before I sent out the order as to not send it to the wrong one, yet you never responded as you were in your little temper tantrum over the Dart/Carlisle thing that had nothing to do with me, you chose to ignore it, that’s ok.

That’s your right. We’ve hired a new graphic designer and are going a different route. We will not be using anything that even comes close to the logo you made. So you don’t have to worry about threatening to sue there. On that note, I’ve removed and permanently deleted from all my devices, any and all designs and images you had freely done for me on my dart after you threatened to sue me the last time so that is also not an issue going forward.

Bottom line Dave is this, I’ve had enough of your holy than thou attitude, not towards just me, but towards others as well. For the first time in all my years on any forum, I am officially using the Ignore Function. It won’t be undone so any response, well I’ve got better things to do. If this upsets anyone else in the coffee thread, oh well, I'm sorry. I don't mean to stir the drama up but at some point, everyone has a limit to bullcrap. I don't particularly care if anyone agrees or disagrees with me. I don't want anyone choosing any side BS so I will not be elaborating any further or commenting about this any further. This is between me and Dave.

So lastly, Dave, :icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU:

Your choice.
My Buddy flew down to the gulf coast to visit his sister. They flew down Saturday
That's a nice area. I'm trying to get back down towards Destin/Ft Walton area early next summer. Clearwater was fun and all but just too packed and too much sea debris the last couple times we went down. That, and I think my son may have been conceived on the beach in Destin late one night haha I know, TMI.
He's in Clearwater
Nice! There's a really good resturant down there, bay side. First ate there in 1996, found it last year when we went. It's like Crabby Joes or Captain Joes. either way, they have really good fish, they actually have fishers out in the gulf and the fish is brought in fresh every morning. Prices aren't shabby either.
Hmm, ribs, brisket or Sirloin Tip to smoke tomorrow?
Nice! There's a really good resturant down there, bay side. First ate there in 1996, found it last year when we went. It's like Crabby Joes or Captain Joes. either way, they have really good fish, they actually have fishers out in the gulf and the fish is brought in fresh every morning. Prices aren't shabby either.
Crabby Bills in Clearwater
Crabby Bills in Clearwater
YES!! Thank you Mike. I can never remember the dang name of that place for some reason. Its my favorite place in FL to eat at as well.

Next time I find pork shoulder on sale I might drive the neighbors mad with the aroma from the smoker:lol:
haha. Too bad there's no good way to ship it, I have a full hog's worth of pork shoulders in the freezer, my wife doesn't care for it and normally we have it turned into sausage but last month, I either misstated that to the butcher or they didn't write it down, either way, I have several packs.
Gut feeling. Every prediction they’ve said thus far has been wrong. That’s about the only thing they’ve not called for.

About as possible as anything else

Well, you can take what they predict and then cross that off the list of possibilities...
haha. Too bad there's no good way to ship it, I have a full hog's worth of pork shoulders in the freezer, my wife doesn't care for it and normally we have it turned into sausage but last month, I either misstated that to the butcher or they didn't write it down, either way, I have several packs.

Why not get some styrofoam and line it with aluminum foil, then put some dry ice in there and ship it next day...

I did that once to ship some Chicago stuffed pizza to Georgia when they built the handicap ramp for Bruce when he was in the wheel chair... You have to take it to a "designated" FedEx outlet and declare that it has dry ice and food and they will ship it...

However, it cost me more to ship the pizzas than I paid for them.... :realcrazy: :BangHead:
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evening Karl

Hi Chris..

been busy organizing the garage so my brother could bring back the challenger convertible that he bought from me....

He's in transit moving to Arizona and needs to store it here for a while until he can organize a truck to ship all of his "toys" down...

He's already working down there and goes down during the week and flies back on weekends to get his house ready to sell...
Why not get some styrofoam lined with aluminum foil, then put some dry ice in there and ship it next day...

I did that once to ship some Chicago stuffed pizza to Georgia when they built the handicap ramp for Bruce when he was in the wheel chair... You have to take it to a "designated" FedEx outlet and declare that it has dry ice and food and they will ship it...

However, it cost me more to ship the pizzas than I paid for them.... :realcrazy: :BangHead:
not a bad idea. Though, I'm not even sure where I can get dry ice around here. Was looking for some a while back to make a volcano for my son's birthday party and I couldn't find any place locally.
Hi Chris..

been busy organizing the garage so my brother could bring back the challenger convertible that he bought from me....

He's in transit moving to Arizona and needs to store it here for a while until he can organize a truck to ship all of his "toys" down...

He's already working down there and goes down during the week and flies back on weekends to get his house ready to sell...
Nice! got any pics?
We pulled the Roadrunner out so we could move things around...

Here's my son driving it out...

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My dad wrote this on the back window when we took it to Talledega back in 1988 for a parade lap with the Winged Warrior club... His favorite dog was our half Dalmatian/half English Setter named Captain... Captain loved to ride in all of the cars, especially the Roadrunner, but was too old to make the trip then, so he wrote his name on the back window in his honor so he could be there in spirit...

Captain used to go to all of the car shows with us in the 80's and was well known by the regular patrons... He had a black patch around one eye like the little rascal's dog... He was so well behaved we didn't need to leash him as he would always come when we called him back if he got to far away from us... He was very friendly and liked to walk up and greet everybody and let them pet him... After he was too old to go and later passed away, people who recognized us at the shows would ask where he was...

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Here's my brother and brother in law getting the ramps ready to unload the convertible...

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Here it is in its resting spot now...

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