Stop in for a cup of coffee

Dam it is actually cold in the shop! Been out there for a bit came in to warm up actually!
Couple of need it yesterday distribs then maybe try to get the shelving in the loft. Have to clear the areas first. Also had a weevil (black bugs in flour) invasion that we noticed yesterday in the baking closet where we keep flour etc. Freaking buggers did damage a bunch of flour/mixes. As you can tell we don't bake much here.
Couple of need it yesterday distribs then maybe try to get the shelving in the loft. Have to clear the areas first. Also had a weevil (black bugs in flour) invasion that we noticed yesterday in the baking closet where we keep flour etc. Freaking buggers did damage a bunch of flour/mixes. As you can tell we don't bake much here.

Yah you were saying your shop was needing a bit of clearing. How much loft area can you create? I have a small one in my pumphouse that has room now that the duster has gone to body shop, I need to get new stuff up there as I can't walk across the floor lol
My loft is off to one side above the workbench. 8x20. Just cluttered can prob get half cleared once I get the cuda metal down/arranged. Really need to cut the qp's apart for the inner wheel wells, just takes time drilling the spot welds out from all the angles.. (2 old qp's fenders grill etc). Bunch of empty boxes for shipping just thrown up there and some miscellaneous.
Same with my place. Stuff just thrown on piles...I need to get the energy to do it. I get the F-its a lot lately
Been down a bunch lately. Got home yesterday was vertigo city at 11 am. This is really starting to suck used to just push through it seems harder to do now. Then throw in the wife aggravation and it multiplies. Really need a cone of silence here.
I hear that. My work truck gets pretty f'd up. I am running running sometimes at work, things get so tossed it's hard to work out of it so I have to stop and reclaim it. That's when I find missing stuff lol!
I have the trouble of most of my things being in two storage units. I now own two of several things including a palm sander that I can't find the first one.
Whats really crazy I used to be a neat freak. Not anymore I just say f it and move on to get it done when I can. I need a week to get the shop right before winter hits.
No Idea just asked actually. He is not in jail that I know of though...….
I'll be glad to be out of mine. My son was visiting and we ended up doing a late night run to it to get wife's suitcase for unexpected trip. Gate auto locks at 10 pm, didn't realize and had to call police to let us out. Looked around, no button or switch to bypass, what a pain.
So hard to keep the mess at bay.
I managed to keep my bench useable for a week.
Need to clean yard and empty fabric shelter, i just remembered i bought a box of hubcaps, probably 40 caps i want to go through. Save the good ones and toss the junk. Then put them up somewhere.