Stop in for a cup of coffee


@krazykuda this was a reply to your question.
Busy with life and other things. Within a 3 weeks period I had a lot of emotional crap happen. 1. Found out I had an older brother that my dad didnt even know about, his son.
2. I was burned out with work and all the extra stuff at work.
3. As we were leaving the boat my old boat capsized and sank. Of the 7 guys that were like family 3 are safe, 4 are dead and 1 of the dead has not been found.
4. The crane on the boat I work on caught fire and burned, no injuries and no deaths on that one.
So I'm good now but still processing through everything.
Wow.. Very sorry to hear all of that..:(
My wife’s maid of honor is that way. Her parents were both in their early 60s when they had her. Her older sister is nearly 40 years older than her
Parents in 60’s? I’m saying grandparents. My wifes mom was 42 having her. Thats actually getting up there for childbearing. Mae is youngest of 6 with 20 year range...
Just learned that one of my Son's friend since grade school died this week. Lived 4 houses away from my place in Maryland. Was only 35. I think it was drug related..
Parents in 60’s? I’m saying grandparents. My wifes mom was 42 having her. Thats actually getting up there for childbearing. Mae is youngest of 6 with 20 year range...
I’ll double check with her but yeah if my memory is correct
Just learned that one of my Son's friend since grade school died this week. Lived 4 houses away from my place in Maryland. Was only 35. I think it was drug related..
Sorry to hear. Lots of that happening lately.
I have been going back and forth on a C list add with a guy saying he's got 340 mounts. So I just sent him a pic, prolly a waste of time but so rare I gotta check just in case. Again, do not sell your 340 mounts, do not sell your 340 mounts lol!