Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here ya go Mitch some “American” breakfast. Fried taters, fried ham, whole wheat toast and poached eggs with the obligatory sun tea. Like you I drink it with every meal. Be sure she knows that is a weekend version and we don’t eat like that every morning! But man o man o love weekend breakfast!

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Hey when you retire there is no weekend, and this could be an every morning meal.
Of course, if it was, you'd have to work a little harder to keep the pounds off.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
List of things to do this evening.
1... Go up the street a little ways to see the local Hot Rods cruise into Old Town Orcutt for one of their monthly get togethers.
2... Watch Saturday Night Live to see if the writers had time to incorporate material about Winter Storm Kenan into the fun. Nothing personal to those of you in the north east, just seems like a waste humor when one of your cast members is dumping all manner of winter right outside your studio door. :lol:
So, I installed and paid for solar Electricity a few years ago. As soon as I did, I had a net zero electric bill. Fast forward to now. I have a net bill of 1200.00. WTF? So a little investigating. I do not use any more electricity, so that is not the problem.... Hmm. Well, it turns out I still produce almost as much electricity as I use, it has been un commonly overcast. BUT, California, has a tier system, so if you use over your baseline, tier 1, and the baseline is real small, you are in another tier, in my case tier2. BUT they only give you monetary credit for what you produce at tier 1 prices. I call BS!!!! Something new they changed to make solar customers pay more.....I paid over 40 grand for the system!!! Frickers!!!!
Turned out pretty ok. Added the potatoes a little too early so they were a bit on the soft side but no complaints!
So, I installed and paid for solar Electricity a few years ago. As soon as I did, I had a net zero electric bill. Fast forward to now. I have a net bill of 1200.00. WTF? So a little investigating. I do not use any more electricity, so that is not the problem.... Hmm. Well, it turns out I still produce almost as much electricity as I use, it has been un commonly overcast. BUT, California, has a tier system, so if you use over your baseline, tier 1, and the baseline is real small, you are in another tier, in my case tier2. BUT they only give you monetary credit for what you produce at tier 1 prices. I call BS!!!! Something new they changed to make solar customers pay more.....I paid over 40 grand for the system!!! Frickers!!!!

PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E have to pay to maintain their junk equipment somehow. Not to mention, pay for those brush fires their junk continues to set each year. :BangHead:
So, I installed and paid for solar Electricity a few years ago. As soon as I did, I had a net zero electric bill. Fast forward to now. I have a net bill of 1200.00. WTF? So a little investigating. I do not use any more electricity, so that is not the problem.... Hmm. Well, it turns out I still produce almost as much electricity as I use, it has been un commonly overcast. BUT, California, has a tier system, so if you use over your baseline, tier 1, and the baseline is real small, you are in another tier, in my case tier2. BUT they only give you monetary credit for what you produce at tier 1 prices. I call BS!!!! Something new they changed to make solar customers pay more.....I paid over 40 grand for the system!!! Frickers!!!!
Yep. They really don't want to buy your excess electricity. They have as much as their lines can hold (lol) If you produce your own and they don't sell you any, there is no profit. Without profit they cannot pay their overhead and infrastructure. Just like all the electric cars not requiring gas and in turn don't pay any road use tax. Who pays for the highway construction and maintenance then? The only thing you can do to prevent what just happened to you is to go completely self powered and disconnect yourself from the grid. Catch my drift?
Yep. They really don't want to buy your excess electricity. They have as much as their lines can hold (lol) If you produce your own and they don't sell you any, there is no profit. Without profit they cannot pay their overhead and infrastructure. Just like all the electric cars not requiring gas and in turn don't pay any road use tax. Who pays for the highway construction and maintenance then? The only thing you can do to prevent what just happened to you is to go completely self powered and disconnect yourself from the grid. Catch my drift?
BUT, and it is a big BUT, they are tearing down power plants here all the time. BUT new housing are still being built. A developer has to prove where utilities are coming from... SDGE. OK your good to go. BECAUSE they are using the excess electricity produced by private owners, to show they have the capacity to provide for the new housing!!! Because we are all on there grid... What a scam.....long term plan I'm sure....
Vandenberg AFB had their own power producing and grid capabilities when I was working out there. Diesel powered, not diesel burning turbines, but actual diesel engine generators, 3 maybe 4 of them scattered about the base. On those really foggy mornings the insulators on their transmission lines put on the prettiest little fireworks shows on the way to work in the mornings :lol:. I got to see one of their power plants up close, not your little Cat, Detroit, Cummins type diesels, more like ATSF&RY or UP locomotive type diesels, 2 of them in each power house :eek:. When the fireworks displays were going I had my assistant go warm up our generator for the concrete plant in expectation of the approaching base power failure :lol:.
BUT, and it is a big BUT, they are tearing down power plants here all the time. BUT new housing are still being built. A developer has to prove where utilities are coming from... SDGE. OK your good to go. BECAUSE they are using the excess electricity produced by private owners, to show they have the capacity to provide for the new housing!!! Because we are all on there grid... What a scam.....long term plan I'm sure....
And solar panels have a finite life span. You only have so long to get to the break even point....cost wise...
And solar panels have a finite life span. You only have so long to get to the break even point....cost wise...
PA had multi-tier deal years ago. If you got in Tier 1 it was pretty much a freebie. Looked like their loss to advertise the program. Next level I think reduced what they covered by 25 or 50%. From my calculations, it was a losing deal long term if you missed the first level. I tried to get the cold storage in it, but they never gave my proposal a serious look till it was too late.
Today made 7 weeks exactly in Mexico. At least now there is an end in sight. Hell thats short time in comparison to what our armed forces personel deal with.