Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's an iron worker.
It punches holes, shears plate., if you have the tooling you can bend with it.
That's what I was thinking. Nothing I'd ever use. Buddy down the road who has a restoration business has one similar.
Supply chain story. Last April we ordered a really nice solid wood 8 chair dining room table and matching buffet table.
Delay after delay covid, then supply problems, then hardware and so on. We really wanted this table, so we waited.
I called to check on it yesterday and got a call back saying it's been shipped by rail (Georgia) be here in 2-3 weeks.
:wtf: train takes 2-3 weeks to get here...ugh!! Oh well waited this long, never again.

A year, yeah that might be the longest delay I've heard of covid related! Hope it arrives in good shape!
Looks like a UBER day for me. Dam pot shop, prob the commissary since we will be almost there, and a few other stops. Her Chrones is acting up again and she should not drive.
Would suck if you have to send any pieces back.
The builder is widely respected throughout the industry which is a main reason we went with them.
I'm not expecting any problems. If there is I'll let the lawyer handle it...:lol:
I went through the furniture deal once. Had to wait only a week and because of the distance we had to pick up. We get there and they bring out a 6'x6' box. So I said that can't be it. It is a LARGE 8' table and the guy tried telling me I had to put it together.....I wanted to open it and he said they couldn;t...policy. Get the manager. After arguing (oh we already had the 8 chairs at home) I opened it to find a poker table! So now they are delivering regardless of the distance. 2 weeks later it gets there and the top is damaged. On the phone immediately and when they returned they had the 8 chairs! Dang
They are hard to find but those are over priced and a mess. I see them around 200-250.
They are a mess. But if they are truly for the early valve cover pattern, which it appears they are, they’re even harder to find. Offys in the early pattern can go for over 4-5 hundred to the right person.
Hey Karl...feeling better??

Not really, on a down stroke...

I was doing better over the last week, but last night the breath got short again and my oxygen levels are going below minimum.... Had one reading at 63, but that was when I put the gauge on the finger before it calibrated, so I rechecked it and it was 93... I will write that one off as a fluke...

However when I walk from my bedroom to the living room, the level sometimes goes down to 85 or 83, then will climb back up to 92 - 94 within a minute or two...

Last night I got some readings at 88 when at rest.... Then some readings at 90 and 91 for a bit...

I feel a deeper cough in my lungs since yesterday...

(and I was feeling pretty good for the last week before Wednesday, now I'm going down hill again....) My oxygen levels were between 92 - 96 for the last week before I hit this snag....

Thanks for asking...
Not really, on a down stroke...

I was doing better over the last week, but last night the breath got short again and my oxygen levels are going below minimum.... Had one reading at 63, but that was when I put the gauge on the finger before it calibrated, so I rechecked it and it was 93... I will write that one off as a fluke...

However when I walk from my bedroom to the living room, the level sometimes goes down to 85 or 83, then will climb back up to 92 - 94 within a minute or two...

Last night I got some readings at 88 when at rest.... Then some readings at 90 and 91 for a bit...

I feel a deeper cough in my lungs since yesterday...

(and I was feeling pretty good for the last week before Wednesday, now I'm going down hill again....) My oxygen levels were between 92 - 96 for the last week before I hit this snag....

Thanks for asking...

Sorry to hear that Karl, do you have a follow up date on your appointment?