Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey Eric... How's things?

Plowing through Wednesday.

Hey, things are ok. Migraine today, got some of it taken care of before work. Still hurting a bit yet. I am thinking of retiring from Tae Kwon Do in a couple weeks. It is getting to be too much time and travel. average 2 -3 nights per week plus volunteering for things which comes out to 150 miles per week minimum. Teaching is donated time and my gas. It is also nice having every night free for what ever. While teaching, it is go to work, race home, change, snack, race 35 miles north, teach a couple hours, 35 miles back home, shower, scarf down food and bed for a typical 16hr day in. I need to close this door and bring on something new - I think.
Hey, things are ok. Migraine today, got some of it taken care of before work. Still hurting a bit yet. I am thinking of retiring from Tae Kwon Do in a couple weeks. It is getting to be too much time and travel. average 2 -3 nights per week plus volunteering for things which comes out to 150 miles per week minimum. Teaching is donated time and my gas. It is also nice having every night free for what ever. While teaching, it is go to work, race home, change, snack, race 35 miles north, teach a couple hours, 35 miles back home, shower, scarf down food and bed for a typical 16hr day in. I need to close this door and bring on something new - I think.

Hope the brain pain passes soon

I get it. I've reduced significantly once I decided that my most valued commodity was my time. Was very involved in historical reenactment stuff but had zero down time. Slower pace feels better
Hey, things are ok. Migraine today, got some of it taken care of before work. Still hurting a bit yet. I am thinking of retiring from Tae Kwon Do in a couple weeks. It is getting to be too much time and travel. average 2 -3 nights per week plus volunteering for things which comes out to 150 miles per week minimum. Teaching is donated time and my gas. It is also nice having every night free for what ever. While teaching, it is go to work, race home, change, snack, race 35 miles north, teach a couple hours, 35 miles back home, shower, scarf down food and bed for a typical 16hr day in. I need to close this door and bring on something new - I think.
I had to do the same thing at the range. Much of my time was donated. It sucked me in. I resigned from the Board and decided to focus on getting my own range started. My ah hah moment was when it dawned on me they were just automatically figuring on me to work the shift, the event, teach the class or whatever. Once I realized my time had more value to me than them it was an easy decision. Slooooowing down is good. As I head out to the tractor for another late night of moving dirt around! Hah!
Got that second alder down, used McCollough with new chain. The tree was not round at base hence the hack job but at least it fell where I wanted it to and didn't pinch the bar.

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Well I got all the corners and piers located today so we can start digging footings for the foundation slab tomorrow on the big house. Finally passed my compaction test. Had to reroll and vibrate it a bit. Red dirt, arghh! At least I did not have to pump in fill like Mitch had to. I had my own fill I just had to shape it a bit. Be nice to get the slab poured. I fear Jodi and I are going to be the framing crew. There is not a framing crew to be had in our neck of the woods.



Well I got all the corners and piers located today so we can start digging footings for the foundation slab tomorrow on the big house. Finally passed my compaction test. Had to reroll and vibrate it a bit. Red dirt, arghh! At least I did not have to pump in fill like Mitch had to. I had my own fill I just had to shape it a bit. Be nice to get the slab poured. I fear Jodi and I are going to be the framing crew. There is not a framing crew to be had in our neck of the woods.

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Nice work and Congrats! Excited to see this progressing!
Has been a cold day, got one oil change done, and did get avalanche serviced as well. Tried troubleshooting the evap purge solenoid fault,to no avail. I made a jumper and tested the circuit,9 ohms resistance from ecu to solenoid and back. I call it pretty good. Plugged it back in and reconnected battery and its behaving. I can assume its pinched against another wire,and when it gets wet, the circuit bridges and causes a fault.
Start a 1200 cu. yd, concrete pour on the day before Thanksgiving, one that can't be cut off at will and the placement crew has difficulties. Only time I ever got triple time for working a holiday. Part that really ticked me off was it was customary at my contractor to call it a day at noon on the day before and go to the big holiday company buffet that they had catered at the office :rofl:. They were nice enough to bring us some plates of food, but we didn't get to enjoy the free beer :rofl:
Was another good evening visit with mom. Some good conversation. Had questions about finances,and my if my sister was doing ok financially.