Stop in for a cup of coffee

Hey Eric @71GSSDemon

Anyone remember the spook show The House On Cranberry hill ? Or something like that , I think that was my last spooky show, now its dr franken stien, the old one.
The Fly, or The Birds was the ones that took me off of them.

Good evening everyone, @MOPARMITCH should be sound asleep, but soon be in here saying good morning.
Anyone remember the spook show The House On Cranberry hill ? Or something like that , I think that was my last spooky show, now its dr franken stien, the old one.
The Fly, or The Birds was the ones that took me off of them.

Good evening everyone, @MOPARMITCH should be sound asleep, but soon be in here saying good morning.
Did you ever see Them ?

Wow, I polished off a breaded pork tenderloin sandwich like I was hungry. I didn't even take a picture to share. Shame on me.
Not sure what's on the docket for today, but do need to get in my workout this morning. Missed a few days getting my body clock caught up... :thumbsup:
Not sure what's on the docket for today, but do need to get in my workout this morning. Missed a few days getting my body clock caught up... :thumbsup:
My bathroom clock would be all messed up and might not survive that kinda change.
Hope the weather is good there though and would be a fun visit.
My bathroom clock would be all messed up and might not survive that kinda change.
Hope the weather is good there though and would be a fun visit.
Fred you are welcome here anytime. Probably would only cost you airfare. You can stay at my house here have four bedrooms with four bathrooms. The weather here is changing from the rainy season to the dry season. It will be 93 or 94° everyday and will be in the mid to high 70s at night. Pretty comfortable. Sometimes humid but not always.
Fred you are welcome here anytime. Probably would only cost you airfare. You can stay at my house here have four bedrooms with four bathrooms. The weather here is changing from the rainy season to the dry season. It will be 93 or 94° everyday and will be in the mid to high 70s at night. Pretty comfortable. Sometimes humid but not always.
I would love it and I bet the people are nice.
Someday I would like to do that buddy and just hang out with ya.
Took off work to get checked out for pain I have been having in chest. All the heart stuff looked good and nothing wrong on the xrays. So, that leaves muscle and cartilage...
Good evening.

Hope all you all with ailments are on the Road to recovery and healing well
Took off work to get checked out for pain I have been having in chest. All the heart stuff looked good and nothing wrong on the xrays. So, that leaves muscle and cartilage...
That happens to me when stress is a problem as well as not being able to breath. Also not enough water is one of my biggest problems.
Hope you get it figured out.
I don't drink much water in America, usually iced tea.....Or Beer......But here in Viet Nam we buy cases spring water, usually 5 or so at a time, 24 in a case. I'm quite sure that helps me a lot to hydrate here after nights of partying....I do drink a lot of water here.... :lol: