Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah.. i have a 2018 grand cherokee that is prime for rust to start up.. i REALLY need to rustproof it this summer.. i keep putting it off
Same here on my 09 GMC pick up so far no rust but if I don't get it done soon I will have rust.
Really? Ron got some seemed like it was lanolin. So basically, chassis black?
They may have a different coating product that is a wax type. But yes this is black paint. You put multi direction nozzle in as far as possible and drag it out as you spray. Hopefully it slowed down some rust, cause my rails... :eek:
Picked up one of these kits from Bobby at Carlisle (next to Mitch) Love them, the locktight does not dry out and no waste at all.

Still good 5 years later also
Best part of the lanolin based is when it burns off the exhaust it smells like gyro's cooking!
Fred I got mine off of e bay, has the wands also in two different lenths and three quarts of wool wax brand I think it was. Around 50 I think
Do it last after paint stuff is hard to get off since it penetrates deeply. I use it on distribs, great to stop flash rust at Carlisle.
Same as fluid film but more expensive.
Eastwood carries some things that are hard to find otherwise but I don't trust them since they lied about their self branded replacement of the Corroless paint. I'd go for a known product first. LPS 3, Fluid Film, or Waxoyl. Heck if anytone knows about rust - its the Brits!

Tell you what MSD 6AL boxes are all over tempest from 100-600!
If they were only 6C boxes, there would be so many less questions!