Stop in for a cup of coffee

We talking mortars or lighting? Now I am confused! Hah! Jodi is telling me to step away from my communication devices? Just when I was getting witty!
Haha shook the house shook the memories. Had some small hail but nothing to worry about.
Just tell her the boys are rocking and it's only Wednesday.
Haha shook the house shook the memories. Had some small hail but nothing to worry about.
Just tell her the boys are rocking and it's only Wednesday.
These big yeti cups are dangerous! Well dang it Bertuzzi scores and does not even know how. Pasta is up next! Panthers are game but simply out matched I think.
These big yeti cups are dangerous! Well dang it Bertuzzi scores and does not even know how. Pasta is up next! Panthers are game but simply out matched I think.
I used to mix my Black Velvet in OP Pizza cups. (a local place) I would fill them up to a line close to the bottom and much later I found out it was like 3+ oz. I would have 3 or 4 a night. :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:
Quater stick of dynamite flash and a big bang. You've watched COPS they kick the door on a search warrant guy throws a bang in and you see a big flash bang. This one malfunction and went off in my hand. I was very lucky except for a 60% hearing loss and burns.
Quater stick of dynamite flash and a big bang. You've watched COPS they kick the door on a search warrant guy throws a bang in and you see a big flash bang. This one malfunction and went off in my hand. I was very lucky except for a 60% hearing loss and burns. I had all my fingers and lived for another day.
Damn! A friend set off a artillery simulator in the back yard. The neighbors flew out of their houses. WTF!!! Like a pop can full of TNT.
Well another red cell pops up behind the first one and now a thunderstorm warning turns into to a tornado warning. :mad:
It is south of us...time to pour another toddy and watch the weatherman!! :popcorn:
Well another red cell pops up behind the first one and now a thunderstorm warning turns into to a tornado warning. :mad:
It is south of us...time to pour another toddy and watch the weatherman!! :popcorn:
I pour a toddy and step outside the front door to watch. :rofl:
I have been outside close to lightening strikes. When you hear and feel the explosion and see the flash you are too close. No hair standing on end though. Good thing!
So close it did damage, caused a fire in neighbours garage. Total loss. The boom was terrifying! That was a gorgeous Harley.

It looks like Craig's storm is heading my way.

That is murky topic right there, a bunch of court cases pending on that topic. The argument being the air space,and how far, above your property. Oddly enough it ties to corner crossing on posted land. It is a hot mess topic. Be interesting to see how it shakes out. In FAA speak you do not even have to shoot at the plane, merely pointing at it is good enough for trouble. If your defense is,I hit his plane with my shotgun, so clearly he was buzzing my house I don’t think that will work? But I ain’t no lawyer and glad to say don’t even have one for a friend. Hah!
just need one of these, very strict as in nothing smaller then a 12 gauge.


It looks like Craig's storm is heading my way.

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I kinda miss those thunder and lightning events we used to have out in the desert. We have very few here on this part of the coast. In the desert they were pretty much harmless, here not so harmless. One clap of thunder would sure get the boss's attention at the rock farm. Numerous steel structures close to 100' above the ground just waiting to be lightning rods :eek: one of them being right over his office :rolleyes:
I kinda miss those thunder and lightning events we used to have out in the desert. We have very few here on this part of the coast. In the desert they were pretty much harmless, here not so harmless. One clap of thunder would sure get the boss's attention at the rock farm. Numerous steel structures close to 100' above the ground just waiting to be lightning rods :eek: one of them being right over his office :rolleyes: