Stop in for a cup of coffee

What's up early risers. I am on vacation in California but I'm still on New York time. It's 5:25 AM out here, been up since round 4:15. My internal clock was telling me it was 7:00 AM.

Drinking my coffee right now which tastes like tree bark.

It's all good though,, I am in California.
Morning all.
RMCHRGR where on Long island? I grew up there and also lived there again.
Morning all.
RMCHRGR where on Long island? I grew up there and also lived there again.
I went there once and I'll never go back lol

Have family there actually

You haven't experienced white knuckle driving until you head out there. Lol
I grew up in Valley stream, summers in Noyack before it became a rich playground and owned a house in Patchouge. Really miss the food.
I went there once and I'll never go back lol

Trying NOT to go back there. I've been trying to convince my wife to move out here but she won't, she is too tied to her job.

NY is a pretty dreary place sometimes. Or always.
I loved it in the 70-80's, a lot to do there. Now just to expensive that is how I ended up in Centrural PA. My wife really wants to move back there. Her family is mostly there, another reason to stay here!
Karl, Can those drawings go to a 3d printer? Keith and I were talking about that last weekend.
I drove by NYC once, almost got lost... #-o

Missed my turn, then when I tried to take an exit to turn around had to go down 3 LEVELS to the ground, then find a way to turn around, then find my way back up 3 levels of street and try go figure out where I should have turned.... :banghead:

Not in a hurry to go back there... :wack:

I get lose easy enough on one level, I don't need two extra levels to complicate things more.... :violent1:

Nothing against New York, just don't like to drive near there where I can get lost real easy. :D

And you don't dare ask anyone downtown for directions when you have out of state plates, because if they notice they may direct you down a dead end alley and rob you... (I know how the big city streets work)... :finga:
That's some cool stuff Karl. My neighbor owns a pattern shop and his partner does the modeling for their cnc machines. They're thinking of getting a 5 axis cnc to keep up with the times. They do some work for John Deere here in town. I kinda understand what you're talking about. lol
Karl, Can those drawings go to a 3d printer? Keith and I were talking about that last weekend.

Yes, they can.

Both programs are capable of 3D printing. We have a 3D printer at school and we send an AutoCaD 3D model to print. It takes about a day for them to print, as they usually do about 6 models at once and it takes a while to build up all of the levels..

I have some pictures of some of the 3D printed parts, but I have to reformat them for posting. I can do that and put them up later.... There are some real cool ones....
That's some cool stuff Karl. My neighbor own's a pattern shop and his partner does the modeling for their cnc machines. They're thinking of getting a 5 axis cnc to keep up with the times. They do some work for John Deere here in town. I kinda understand what you're talking about. lol

In addition to 3D printing, the CAD models can be used to make the tooling for the parts, like injection molds, or stampings. You can take the 3D model and have the tool cut directly from the model data and eliminate the middle man and another opportunity for error.

I would like to learn how to convert the CAD file to a CNC machine program to cut the tooling. That way I could be a one stop prototype and production tool designer. There should be a demand for that out in the industry somewhere....
I think there's a tool path program out there that does it. (or helps do it)
Well folks, time for me to get the week started. See you all later. tmm
Monin all, back to work for me. Looks to be a nice day today. Spent prety much all day working on reviving the Roadrunner. :coffee2::coffee2:
Tuesday has not been good to me, woke up and all was fine, frigen booby traps in the kitchen #-o I touch a cup in the drainer/dryer and all the dang pans go flying in the floor :banghead:
Yesterday at 8:15 am I sat down and plugged in my lap top and a big metal leaf gets tipped over and falls into a 3 foot tall bottle Treva has displayed in the living room and it shatters :banghead:

I can just hope to wake up one morning this week with out braking something or making a bunch of noise :pale:

Good morning damn it :toothy1: