Stop in for a cup of coffee

Same as getting an Elephant out of a tree.
You just jerk it off.

You can buy Av Gas at any local airport. There’s no law preventing it
As long as its for off road use. Same with most race gas.
You can not fill your car's tank from the pump at a local airport.
Most airport sellers these days won't sell fuel except to those with a plane. I'm sure that is in part due to big mouthed people who post about how they get avgas for their cars from XYZ location.

I've seen listed few places have oxygenated race fuel for sale with road tax and not sure what various tracks do to comply.
There are a few around that still sell it. Do a search racing fuel. I would run 93 and a few gallons of it and you will be fine. Now the track I would fill it and re tune it.
Man the local news needs a reality check. If your setting off fireworks or having gatherings celebrating this weekend. Man I feel a reality check e mail going out.

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That one always looks just like my former neighbor the last time I saw him. He was on the Newport News - heavy cruiser - went in with the fire support teams.
k.. front end rebuild kit ordered from DrDiff.. Need to get the old **** out and everything cleaned up now.. well.. in the next week or 2. need to swap the poly oil pan to my LA and get that poly to a scraper :) Garage is getting tight
Have any of you looked in on Sparkys WiFi Thread.
One of the altime Stupidest pieces of advice to post on a public forum. With today's laws seriously.
Looks like you straightened them out.
I poke my head in a few firearms forums and see some dumb comments like that them too. There of all places you would think people would be a little more prudent about advising such things in any way that could be considered serious. :realcrazy:
I think it would be cool to see what records are available from his service time.
I'm sure the Canadian service records would be available to immediate family.

I have my dad's discharge papers, which has a lot of info, and my friend did a quick search on ancestry that turned up a couple muster roles. Digging a little deeper is on my bucket list. Also to get a little more info on all my uncle's and great uncle's that served. Even their kids don't know much, with one exception - career Navy family including my cousin.
A lot of clueless individuals

I will enjoy the three day weekend, do some grilling and all the fun stuff. But, hearing 'Happy' Memorial Day always rubbed me wrong.
Not sure if there is a correct expression other than 'Thank You'.
I did not serve, but Dad did. 9 years Army/NSA. Got in just after WWII, so no active combat at that time that I know of. He never talked much about it. I'm not aware of any wartime losses in my family except for possibly my first US ancestor Johan Conrad Bloss who was believed to have died in the Revolutionary War.
This young man interned with me when I was working Morristown NHP and he was a university student. Good kid.
This young man interned with me when I was working Morristown NHP and he was a university student. Good kid.
Thanks for posting this.
Sad ending to a promising young life.
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Morning warriors and thank you for your military service and whatever else you may have done to make this a better safer world for us to live in!!

We played our charity golf tournament yesterday. Our four-person team turned into a threesome...haha Karl!! My golf buddy's wife went into the hospital Wednesday with breathing problems. Test found hemoglobin was a 5 which is not good. Got three pints of blood overnight and released the next day has a bleeding hernia they'll fix.

So we played three and played well getting second place with 36 teams. With that money and a proximity award I won Cheryl, and I got $120 back. I won the center line award which is a line down the middle of the fairway. Person with longest drive and closest to the line wins. I was 277 yards down and a foot off the line...pure luck on being that close but that's golf. I missed a second award by just a few yards closest to the green on a 340-yard hole. A blind shot over the trees cutting a big dogleg was 12 yards off the front of the green. A guy 30 years younger beat me haha. I did drive a short 320 yard green with a little wind and a nice bounce helping.

The only drawback to these is too much free beer for the idiots which turned this into a six-hour round. We had fun though!!
Did you use your new driver?
Yup. Sure was. His step-dad still has difficulty with it. I think that's why they setup the foundation.
Chris was gung ho on joining the Marines. It came up nearly every day he was working with me.
I have the info on the foundation .Thanks again.