Stop in for a cup of coffee


Letting things dry out a little. Then try to get some trimming done. The 'Spring' growth on bushes game late with the dry weather we had. With all the rain we had recently everything is going nutz now!
Speaking of uncivilized. Baltimore block party ended in mass shooting last night. At least 2 dead and 28 injured. Nice place... :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:

@Sublime one

See them rivers? Those are all big enough that there are only limited number of crossing locations.

Those going into the Delaware River all form deep valleys.
Allentown to Harrisburg the mountain ridges of the Appalachians are the opposite diagonal.
That's the only way to make sense of Pennsylvania's geography and resulting roadways.
A lot of diagonals.
Speaking of uncivilized. Baltimore block party ended in mass shooting last night. At least 2 dead and 28 injured. Nice place... :BangHead::BangHead::BangHead:
I haven't read the details yet.
Good chance its like a lot of other places. Not random, and not one lone psycho. Rather its roots were in rivalry or gang business. Whether it be a street corner gang or highly organized operation like La Costa Nostra or the Warlocks don't make a difference really.
Morning again rain we got some rain last night and cooler today mid 80's with a north breeze.
Yesterday 95 with 105 heat index making the five-hour golf round we had to endured miserable.
Where are the country but semi neighborhood with three acre lots (we have five) a small lake across the street and about 40 houses.
John @Sublime one has spent the night here. He liked the set up just didn't care backing out the very long driveway with his car trailer with steep drop offs on either side. Ya well I didn't like mowing that area either which is why it's now covered in 3-5" river rock.
Jesus.. the humidity is insane today... like 200% i don't think sanding down my bay to watch it instantly rust is the best idea... plus it's just gooey out... so lazy day it is...
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@Sublime one

See them rivers? Those are all big enough that there are only limited number of crossing locations.

Those going into the Delaware River all form deep valleys.
Allentown to Harrisburg the mountain ridges of the Appalachians are the opposite diagonal.
That's the only way to make sense of Pennsylvania's geography and resulting roadways.
A lot of diagonals.
Susquehanna is about a mile wide here. Largest commercially un-navigable river in North America.