Stop in for a cup of coffee

goop morning men, first cup of the day, congrats dartnabout, now where is Mitch and Ray Sr. this morning.
I'm here guy's. Just a little late gettin here this morning.
I think my wake up is getting later since the sun is rising later! Beats 0400
Well I have half of the field done with new drip tape. Now I have to find two of the giant bales of straw for weed block.
I had to type an Email to a guy I bought a tailpanel for my GTS from. I got the panel yesterday and when I opened the package, I discovered that the guy misrepresented it even though he provided pics. Basically told me that it had no ding dents or scrapes, and that all it needed was stripped, polished and re painted. Wrong... I found at least two spots that have been tried to repair from the backside. But that aint the end of the problem. Ups crushed the box on each end so badly that the panel is now crimped on each end. He says it was insured for $500 so we will see . I expect the seller to refund some funds to me as well. I paid, what I consider to be a lot of $$ for this panel and I'm pissed.
I think my wake up is getting later since the sun is rising later! Beats 0400

Amen to that, it was a far day here yesterday, it rained a few minutes and that was about it, this morning a few scattered showers and I believe another 75 degree day..
I do not blame you at all Mitch. We are all paying premiums for oem parts and want what the seller says they are. I did one claim with UPS a few years age make sure you have pics and more pics of the box and part.
Good morning Gents! Pardon me while I get the coffee started.
I had to type an Email to a guy I bought a tailpanel for my GTS from. I got the panel yesterday and when I opened the package, I discovered that the guy misrepresented it even though he provided pics. Basically told me that it had no ding dents or scrapes, and that all it needed was stripped, polished and re painted. Wrong... I found at least two spots that have been tried to repair from the backside. But that aint the end of the problem. Ups crushed the box on each end so badly that the panel is now crimped on each end. He says it was insured for $500 so we will see . I expect the seller to refund some funds to me as well. I paid, what I consider to be a lot of $$ for this panel and I'm pissed.
:pale: that sucks !! packed chitty ?
Memi, Where the heck did you find that fact on Neem oil? I was laughing about it with my boy and told him he would not be here if Mom used bug repellant. The hop oils do weird things to women back in the day the women were the hop pickers and there would be 100 or so in the fields. The hops for some reason forced their "cycle" to the same time. I am glad we use machines today.
I do not blame you at all Mitch. We are all paying premiums for oem parts and want what the seller says they are. I did one claim with UPS a few years age make sure you have pics and more pics of the box and part.

Yup, plenty of pics today. It is obvious looking at the box. The cardboard is accorianed on each end pretty bad. That's only part of the issue though. I told the guy that he needs to refund me some of the $$ because of the misrepresentation. I did pay with Paypal, so I have recourse if all else fails.
I never did a paypal claim but it is supposed to be pretty painless.
Memi, Where the heck did you find that fact on Neem oil? I was laughing about it with my boy and told him he would not be here if Mom used bug repellant. The hop oils do weird things to women back in the day the women were the hop pickers and there would be 100 or so in the fields. The hops for some reason forced their "cycle" to the same time. I am glad we use machines today.

I will have to look, yea :glasses7: first thing I did was look at the down falls and that was about all I found, I will be looking into getting some after all the reading I did on it :color: Thank you for the knowledge :cheers:
I do not blame you at all Mitch. We are all paying premiums for oem parts and want what the seller says they are. I did one claim with UPS a few years age make sure you have pics and more pics of the box and part.

I hate when people "pump up" the descriptions of their parts just to get more money.... :finga:

Good luck getting that resolved, I can see many potential problems that could arise.... :banghead:

There's a guy asking $150 for a "69 340 timing cover"... Another guy has one listed and just lowered his price on another 69 "340 timing chain" to $50.... Why is he advertising it as a "340 part" when it fits any small block of that year??? Why, because he thinks it justifies jacking up the price if he advertises it as a "special 340 part" instead of a "standard small block timing chain cover".... :finga:

But we are not allowed to comment in the for sale ads, so we have to just sit back, watch, and laugh at the arrogance, meanwhile someone may get ripped off if they don't know any better.... :banghead:
Just was reading through the posts. That sucks Mitch. Hopefully you will be reimbursed for the damage. I take pictures of every crumpled box i get before I cut them open. I've had loss and damage before.
Try a local nursery. If you cannot find it there I buy it by the Gallon and can send some.. Mix it with water about 1 TBS to a quart of water with a little liquid soap in it to emulsify the oil and spray away. The only drawback I can think of it has a slight sweet garlic smell to it. 4 OZ would get you through a season. Buy 100% oil. Works on the animals also.
Yup, plenty of pics today. It is obvious looking at the box. The cardboard is accorianed on each end pretty bad. That's only part of the issue though. I told the guy that he needs to refund me some of the $$ because of the misrepresentation. I did pay with Paypal, so I have recourse if all else fails.

You may want to mention that to the shipper, or else he's going to get more money from them than the part was worth. But that may also cause "complications" with him and you. But it's not right that he's going to get a refund for the inflated price of the valence instead of the true value based on its condition.... I'm sure that he's going to try to scam them for as much as he can if he's going to mis-represent the condition of the part to you....
MeMike, What do you spread around the yard is it the Ortho Stuff? I forgot the name of it but comes in a red 20# bag.
You may want to mention that to the shipper, or else he's going to get more money from them than the part was worth. But that may also cause "complications" with him and you. But it's not right that he's going to get a refund for the inflated price of the valence instead of the true value based on its condition.... I'm sure that he's going to try to scam them for as much as he can if he's going to mis-represent the condition of the part to you....

Have you ever wondered what happened to the values our parents had? Most of the 90's kids seem like scammers not all but a lot of them.
I think my wake up is getting later since the sun is rising later! Beats 0400

the only problem about long days on a car is you get worn out and it gets harder to get out of bed in the morning.

I have been jamming on the duster hard last few days and at the end of the days im totally pooped.

have a bunch of dings and cuts on my hands but I am getting the firewall to where I want it. Amazing how too much time on a grinder makes your hands tingly :???:
Morning Rani. Your Duster is looking good.