Stop in for a cup of coffee

Fish. Some are near 13 Lbs now.
But I have 200 that are small yet. Under a pound.




The dog had surgery on Monday and he was doing well. That cost $950.00 then camre home to find he had removed the cone and he had removed have of the staples and was into the inner another 350 last evening and then he had me up but things will pick up
It’s dark. And cool outside.
Will try to make more progress on Firebird today. At least i got headlight panel done.

The dog had surgery on Monday and he was doing well. That cost $950.00 then camre home to find he had removed the cone and he had removed have of the staples and was into the inner another 350 last evening and then he had me up but things will pick up
Damn. What happened to your dog?
I don't have a picture but it was about baseball size til they finally got it off.
Morning all the weekend is almost here.
I'm an uber driver today. My golf buddy's wife, her friend (flight attendant) visiting in town, and my bride are heading out early this morning to play golf. After golf they'll have lunch and then a few hours at the pool...drinking may be involved which is why I'm the DD.
Think I'll find something to do today. Spent a few hours working in the yard the last couple days so probably find something better to do.