Stop in for a cup of coffee

For the older gents among us. This tells you how far it is to the bathroom...


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And this is a pressure gauge to tell you when it's time to just drop your drawers before you mess your pants.

So story time.

I used to work for a company doing design work for the Marines and Army. Well our manager was a marine officer that got out after 14 years. She was actually pretty cool all in all but every November, she insisted on the entire company celebrating the Marine Corp birthday. Cake, food, booze the whole 9 yards. Anyway, in 2019, myself and my immediate manager, retired army Colonel went together to the local bakery and had a cake made to look like a box of crayons. Had it gift wrapped along with the largest box of crayons we could find. On the card, we wrote, don’t eat all at once, you’ll get a tummy ache. We went to the table with the official cake and such on it and set this stack of boxes down with a note addressing them to her.

Needless to say, it was quite hilarious and she took it in stride.
Our Birthday is a special day, of course she made you celebrate it! I like her already! If I only had a dollar for every student of mine that gives me crayons. Truly I kind of like it as I know it is all in brotherhood and no malice. But then I get a jake leg guy that never served. Then it just pisses me off.
Our Birthday is a special day, of course she made you celebrate it! I like her already! If I only had a dollar for every student of mine that gives me crayons. Truly I kind of like it as I know it is all in brotherhood and no malice. But then I get a jake leg guy that never served. Then it just pisses me off.

I was attending a joint school at one time, when the Marine Corps Ball celebration was set to occur. I was incredibly flattered when I was invited to attend by the Senior Marine at the course. Amazing ceremony and Ball .. I think we went for something near to 18 hours.
I was attending a joint school at one time, when the Marine Corps Ball celebration was set to occur. I was incredibly flattered when I was invited to attend by the Senior Marine at the course. Amazing ceremony and Ball .. I think we went for something near to 18 hours.

And of course... the Marines announced that they were holding their PFT on one Saturday morning .. and any who dared, were welcome to attend.

Well OF COURSE I had to be there wearing my gray Army PT uniform... I think the Command should just have someone dress out like that every time.... I think I was personally responsible for at least a 20% increase in scores :thumbsup:
I was attending a joint school at one time, when the Marine Corps Ball celebration was set to occur. I was incredibly flattered when I was invited to attend by the Senior Marine at the course. Amazing ceremony and Ball .. I think we went for something near to 18 hours.
So you only stayed till half time? Hah!
It is truly a special event. To The unknowing on this here fine thread, the fact that @WV64Signet was invited should tell you all you need to know about him. It is quite the compliment, or he offered to buy booze? Not sure which.
So you only stayed till half time? Hah!
It is truly a special event. To The unknowing on this here fine thread, the fact that @WV64Signet was invited should tell you all you need to know about him. It is quite the compliment, or he offered to buy booze? Not sure which.


I accidently repaid the debt, but at no cost. We posted up at a Casino Bar for an extended stay.. drinks into Breakfast... then beer with breakfast.

Well...unbeknownst to me, the Pit Boss at the Casino was a former 5th Group guy and saw my dress uniform... the bill for our group of 10 was exactly $0.00.

That waitress got the tip of a lifetime though

I accidently repaid the debt, but at no cost. We posted up at a Casino Bar for an extended stay.. drinks into Breakfast... then beer with breakfast.

Well...unbeknownst to me, the Pit Boss at the Casino was a former 5th Group guy and saw my dress uniform... the bill for our group of 10 was exactly $0.00.

That waitress got the tip of a lifetime though
Yep it is the oldest fraternity in the US!
And of course... the Marines announced that they were holding their PFT on one Saturday morning .. and any who dared, were welcome to attend.

Well OF COURSE I had to be there wearing my gray Army PT uniform... I think the Command should just have someone dress out like that every time.... I think I was personally responsible for at least a 20% increase in scores :thumbsup:
At the very least! One can only imagine the ridicule that ensued for those you whipped!
We had an old Gunny, I mean old, more service hash than stripes. He would start the three mile run with cigar lit, and finish it would still be lit. He was Old Corps!
I think all should understand that there were vans and drivers on standby to move the party wherever you wanted to go (within reason) it was quite the shindig. I have some pictures in a box somewhere about
Starting about September everyone is on good behavior as the penalty stroke for being stupid in October is “van duty at the ball”
At the very least! One can only imagine the ridicule that ensued for those you whipped!
We had an old Gunny, I mean old, more service hash than stripes. He would start the three mile run with cigar lit, and finish it would still be lit. He was Old Corps!

My First Sergeant at Bragg would walk out of the building... stare down the company while he field stripped his cigarette.... call out "face to the right" and haul ***. It was great
Ok I know for a fact you been sampling all night as your pix are always in focus! In some weird twist of fate we are drinking Gin tonight? It was a hundred some odd degrees here today and Gin and ginger ale got the nod. Then @WV64Signet got me feeling all nostalgic! It has been a fun evening!
Ok I know for a fact you been sampling all night as your pix are always in focus! In some weird twist of fate we are drinking Gin tonight? It was a hundred some odd degrees here today and Gin and ginger ale got the nod. Then @WV64Signet got me feeling all nostalgic! It has been a fun evening!
I used to like Gin and Tonic. I like Tito's and tonic now. If I wasn't chasing Elijah Craig B523 I would be into that Tito's tonight. Cheers!