Stop in for a cup of coffee

So easy to twist the line! As often happens, even when the threads broke free, the line was still stuck to the nut.
Heat and water. But wont work if you spray penetrating oil on it. Seems to boil out the rust.
So here’s a question for you. Assembled engine minus cam shaft and timing chain. Currently oiled up and wrapped in plastic trash bags, is there a better way to try to keep it safe from moisture over the winter?
I'm usually up at this time.
Nap a few times during the day for about 30 to 45 minutes.
Old fart syndrome.
Riots and looting going on in the city here the last few days.
Last night they hit mostly the state spirits stores.
Riots and looting going on in the city here the last few days.
Last night they hit mostly the state spirits stores.
So there will be some good bottles available on secondary then. :thumbsup: Sorry, it's not funny. Something has to be done about these thugs.
One business they robbed was a business that had something to do with insect collecting. The stole among other things several shopvacs full of bees and wasps..
I sure would like to see what happens when they open those
One business they robbed was a business that had something to do with insect collecting. The stole among other things several shopvacus full of bees and wasps..
I sure would like to see what happens when they open those
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
They seem to target higher end stores but just grab anything. I'm suprised some of those stores don't lock up inventory like many jewelry stores do.
They seem to target higher end stores but just grab anything. I'm suprised some of those stores don't lock up inventory like many jewelry stores do.
Years ago I did a friend Jewerly store. Double entry doors . Open they first door. It locks behind you and you have to get bussed in
6 guys open the first door masked it locks behind them now they are trapped and hear click click as the guns come out from the employees behind the counter. Owner says can I help you. Um um I think we are in the wrong store. He never was robbed or attempted after that.
I am going to try to get back to sleep. I could use 3 more hours.
Morning all wow an extra hour of sleep how lucky I am. Time for some coffee!!