Stop in for a cup of coffee

Speaking of manholes and sewers and such, The plumber is on his way. Unplug the drain, pull the dishwasher and repair the soil stack pipe. Frickin 100 year old houses.
Wounder if the plumber has any idea the plumbing layout of a 100 year old house.
Speaking of covers.
There go's my weekend.

Dinner tonight is trying to clean up leftovers. Pot roast, mashed potatoes, green beans mixed with Mexican leftovers in a stew.
Kinda like putting a Chevy engine in a Mopar, stuff all the old parts in one basket and hope for the best.
Kinda think I'm looking at an Alka Seltzer for desert kinda night.
Hey as a kid we didn’t have much and I was one of 5 kids. At the end of the week my dad would take all the leftovers out of the fridge, dump them all into a pot and cook it up. Surprisingly it always turned out well and we ate. As a kid it always amazed me what he would cook up. You couldn’t be a picky eater in my house.
Hey as a kid we didn’t have much and I was one of 5 kids. At the end of the week my dad would take all the leftovers out of the fridge, dump them all into a pot and cook it up. Surprisingly it always turned out well and we ate. As a kid it always amazed me what he would cook up. You couldn’t be a picky eater in my house.
LOL you sound like me when I grew up with dad making leftovers for us 5 kids.
The plumbers left. Nice guys, good work, and I am glad they were able to come today and not Monday. I guessed it right. It was the broken soil stack in the wall behind the dishwasher. Not the previous repair but a threaded connector that had rusted and me using the plunger finished it off. It would have fallen apart on it's own and we would have noticed the sewer gas smell when it did. If I don't plug the drain again their repair should out live me. $500. Make the call, write the check. I might have been able to fix it myself over the weekend and have no hair left on Monday morning. Time for a toddy.
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The plumbers left. Nice guys, good work, and I am glad they were able to come today snd not Monday. I guessed it right. It was the broken soil stack in the wall behind the dishwasher. Not the repair but a threaded connector that had rusted and me using the plunger finished it off. It would have fallen apart on it's own and we would have noticed the sewer gad smell when it did. If I don't plug the drain again their repair should out live me. $500. Make the call, write the check. I might have been able to fix it myself over the weekend and have no hair left on Monday morning. Time for a toddy.
Not that you want to spend $500 on that but I’m glad that’s all it was. Now you can rest easy and tell the dishwasher to get back to work. :lol:
The plumbers left. Nice guys, good work, and I am glad they were able to come today and not Monday. I guessed it right. It was the broken soil stack in the wall behind the dishwasher. Not the repair but a threaded connector that had rusted and me using the plunger finished it off. It would have fallen apart on it's own and we would have noticed the sewer gas smell when it did. If I don't plug the drain again their repair should out live me. $500. Make the call, write the check. I might have been able to fix it myself over the weekend and have no hair left on Monday morning. Time for a toddy.
For sure Mike and fixed and done in one day I would do the same.
Glad you got it done and was fast.