Stop in for a cup of coffee

Here's a cool shot down the collector...

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So my graphic artist friend who took the pics I posted earlier is a younger guy, 27 and recently married, that I have been a mentor for as he got his GA degree and made his way into the work world. He went along with me for the 2 hour shake down run in the GTS today after we finished up working on his car.

He's a guy who loves cars but really has no experience with old-school Mopars. He just posted this over on the Charger Forum in my GTS thread...

"Well I had the honor of taking a ride in Dave's GTS earlier today. I've always liked the idea of having an old school Mopar and now it's not just an idea, it's a very strong desire!

I love my SRT to death but if there were a good enough deal for something else, I'd have no problem trading it. There's just a lack of a deep bond. My SRT is still just very much "a car" to me.

After riding in and being around the GTS, I don't feel like I've just experienced another car...I feel like I've met someone (and a really REALLY cool someone at that). I almost feel like I've bonded with it, and it's not even mine. I can't imagine how attached I'd be if/when I find one for me down the road."

How cool is that? I makes me happy that there is hope for continuing the love for these cars if we take the time to expose the younger generations to what they are...and then just stand back and let their enthusiasm grow!
That's cool. He's cool. Your car is cool. You're cool.
Treva said thank you for the writen recipe :thankyou::thankyou: and I will iron the patch on my Levi jacket and take a picture and share it :thumbsup:, that sure made our day Friday.

You're welcome Mike! I never would have thought lentil soup would be so tasty. And I like the fact that you just use one pot. Don't skip the dry sherry you add at the end. The lady selling the patches had hundreds, in hindsight I wish I'd bought more, they were mostly military, not old or valuable but still cool patches you don't see every day.
Morning colonel Hops. Enjoying a bowl of strawberry Cherrios this morning. One of those limited production things. Actually pretty good.

From the look on her face she enjoyed every minute of it.
She looks a lot like my last dog lucky. Lab pit mix. She would only destroy a toy when stressed. I miss her.
This one is a chewer, but toys nothing else which is good. She is a lab/pit mix but I see some boxer in her also. I really like this one, reminds me of a dog I had in Hawaii, same temperament. I might get her from Danny she has her hands full wit a pit puppy and Harley.
Goo time yesterday for a drop off. Nice meeting your wife, seems to get along with Marilyn good.