Stop in for a cup of coffee

22, I bet he is on a roll at work now, Happy birthday to your son, me, well I ain't old, my sons are 40 and 42, wife and I are glad we had them by the time I was your sons age.
Couldn't resist posting two bucks from her on the hill

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I am 47... just seems that I am old with a 22yr old. Now @Just Ron that is his grandson....
Morning to all the old farts in here this AM, me included. -8 when we were out feeding the horses, just a bit brisk and the 20mph winds didn't help any.
Breakfast and coffee and cruising the old interweb.
Happy birthday to him. My daughter just turned 22 also.
Happy Birthday to her as well!

Sucks he is so far away, taking himself out for a birthday meal as there is no school due to MLK day. Hopefully some friends can join him
It's Metropolitan Monday!
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Good Morning :D

Do you all mind if I vent a little bit?. Been working through all this driver's license stuff with my wife which has been a huge PIA. On top of that I need to get her some medical insurance. I know that I must have it done by today in order to have her insured by February 1. For the last 3 days I have been trying to do it online. There on line system is ****.... Apparently stopped me several times and created several new accounts along the way. In three days I have been on the phone for over 2 hours each time trying to straighten this out. Today I finally got with somebody and got everything straight. Now I just need to choose a provider for her. I will show her the providers and go over it with her. That will be another fiasco. Just want to drink.

:BangHead: :BangHead::BangHead:
Do you all mind if I vent a little bit?. Been working through all this driver's license stuff with my wife which has been a huge PIA. On top of that I need to get her some medical insurance. I know that I must have it done by today in order to have her insured by February 1. For the last 3 days I have been trying to do it online. There on line system is ****.... Apparently stopped me several times and created several new accounts along the way. In three days I have been on the phone for over 2 hours each time trying to straighten this out. Today I finally got with somebody and got everything straight. Now I just need to choose a provider for her. I will show her the providers and go over it with her. That will be another fiasco. Just want to drink.

:BangHead: :BangHead::BangHead:
Trying to deal with anyone nowadays is a struggle. Doesn’t matter what company or organization…………. Glad you got it straightened out. Just think in a little more than 15 days you will be able to relax and kick back :thumbsup:
Do you all mind if I vent a little bit?. Been working through all this driver's license stuff with my wife which has been a huge PIA. On top of that I need to get her some medical insurance. I know that I must have it done by today in order to have her insured by February 1. For the last 3 days I have been trying to do it online. There on line system is ****.... Apparently stopped me several times and created several new accounts along the way. In three days I have been on the phone for over 2 hours each time trying to straighten this out. Today I finally got with somebody and got everything straight. Now I just need to choose a provider for her. I will show her the providers and go over it with her. That will be another fiasco. Just want to drink.

:BangHead: :BangHead::BangHead:
I hear ya Mitch sounds like a PITA and on days like that I poor me a double.