Stop in for a cup of coffee

Shold only take a minute Karl, you will need a slotted jewelers screwdriver and a ohm meter.
Thanks Karl, sometimes when we are super busy I don't sleep normally. I know you sleep irregular hours yourself. I'm going to the store in a minute and stock up on some grub, maybe some shrimp (they are fresh here.) A nap will happen.

I hear you.

I have sleep apnea and sometimes don't get into the REM stage of sleep, where is where you get your rest... I usually wake up every 1 1/2 - 3 hours, so I take cat naps to try to get a little rest at a time... Sometimes I can sleep through the night when I'm wore-out tired....
I hear you.

I have sleep apnea and sometimes don't get into the REM stage of sleep, where is where you get your rest... I usually wake up every 1 1/2 - 3 hours, so I take cat naps to try to get a little rest at a time... Sometimes I can sleep through the night when I'm wore-out tired....
I can usually sleep most of the night. Not so much last couple nights. Woke up early and often... But unless I am sick, I rarely sleep during the day. Once I am up and moving, I'm moving till sundown.
You need to get to this screw on the one in the middle.
Hey Chris, I saw you were waiting for your hops to sprout, just an FYI. the ones I planted last year mostly did not make it cause they got hit by a freeze. But, one that did make it did not show for around a month! Patience.
I hear you.

I have sleep apnea and sometimes don't get into the REM stage of sleep, where is where you get your rest... I usually wake up every 1 1/2 - 3 hours, so I take cat naps to try to get a little rest at a time... Sometimes I can sleep through the night when I'm wore-out tired....
Good friend of mine has it. We slept in the same room after a boxing event last year. Or he slept, rather. Me, not so much ... Got up at seven to pick up the car then woke him up and went home.

He's got this mask, though, that gives much relief. Some kind of pump that improves his breathing. He says it's given his life new meaning. Not sleeping ruins everything.
I guess I am making the world a hoppier place one rhizome at a time!
one at a time? lol. there were over a dozen in that container! I put 2-3 together of the weaker looking ones, but still a bit crowded. That's quite alright though. I plan to set better climb posts next year and re-organize.
Really? We call them 'pipe wrench'. Actually, a more direct translation is 'pipe pliers'. They self-lock if you turn them the right way.

I would like to have a larger one and also one with more snout:y jaws.