Stop in for a cup of coffee

How about this. There is a disabled vet who goes to LA Jolla cove and makes huge bubbles for the kids enjoyment. Quite popular. Well some Karan told police that he was poluting the ground when the bubbles exploded. He got a ticket for liquid polution. Only in California
I lived in California 2x, it is a beautiful state..........................I love where I live now.
Been three times, really don’t wanna go a 4th but it’s the only way I can do Route 66 to its end.

People generally are rude as hell, especially So Cal, NorCal, a bit better but still .
How about this. There is a disabled vet who goes to LA Jolla cove and makes huge bubbles for the kids enjoyment. Quite popular. Well some Karan told police that he was poluting the ground when the bubbles exploded. He got a ticket for liquid polution. Only in Commifornia
Got a "new transmission" bath
