Stop in for a cup of coffee

Get the storms yesterday? They just gave us a quick rain storm the bulk of it was just south of here.
Yeah, we didn't get much. Rained while I had the Wife out at dinner.
Kind of disappointing since all the boo haw on the news. I thought we were getting the SHARNADO the way they were talking! LOL
Might get a few this afternoon they say. Turning a little cooler next week.
Ray, I still have a note out in the shop on those filters that you and Keith need. I'll make sure I get them here prior to Carlisle.
At least it cooled down a bit. 20% chance here in the afternoon, the pond can use a topping off it is down a few feet.
Ray, I still have a note out in the shop on those filters that you and Keith need. I'll make sure I get them here prior to Carlisle.

Thanks it was Tike that needed them. I could use six for the deere.
Hey Keith!
I am pretty sure that if I remove the guage cluster and the glove box I can get at them. The spedo is jumping again not as bad though so I want to look at the spedo and see if any thing is obvious. What else can it be? New cable so spedo is logical unless the gear in the trans is bad or not aligned.

Mine was jumping when i moved the Duster this weekend. I popped it off under the dash and pulled the cable out a little. Put it back in and it seems like its ok. Guess i wont know for sure till i get it on the road...

You can definitely improve access with the cluster and glove box out. i think also pulled the defroster tubes. Even with all that it takes some manuevering.
That be the plan

Going alone or with the family. Marilyn will be going with me. Which day are you planning on so we can meet up at Mitches booth or if you want I can meet you somewhere if you want to go in the popmobile!
Hi guys.

The ends of the strand of the speedo cables are ground to be square. You have to make sure that it lines up properly when installing them in the trans or speedo end.

Then maybe spray some lube into the speedo where the cable goes in to help lubricate it.

The inner strand for the speedo cable can be removed and you can lube it and put it back in the conduit...
My housing had a small kink in it and just changed it the jumping got better but it is still there. Annoying as hell, and the wipers are really loud so I need to do the seals and might as well change the bushings and add a zerk fitting to the posts. Figure I would look at the spedo while it is out.