Stop in for a cup of coffee

wow - someone who is having an easier day than me!!!!
more frustrating than anything else, office manage throwing a fit because nothings getting done but we are literally dead in the water. it literally is the equivalent of trying to drag race without having the drive train the car.... sure you can tow it down the track but what's the point...
so over the weekend our NCOs got creative, and bored, which is a bad bad thing. decided to do a push up competition, most pushups to muscle failure won. Bragging rights mostly but also got to leave earlier...... I won believe it or not, 126 pushups consecutively in about 3.5 minutes. Man am I feeling that one today. Sad part is, I used to be able to do even more. And yeah, I got to leave "earlier" about 30 seconds earlier fuckers
so over the weekend our NCOs got creative, and bored, which is a bad bad thing. decided to do a push up competition, most pushups to muscle failure won. Bragging rights mostly but also got to leave earlier...... I won believe it or not, 126 pushups consecutively in about 3.5 minutes. Man am I feeling that one today. Sad part is, I used to be able to do even more. And yeah, I got to leave "earlier" about 30 seconds earlier fuckers
LOL - so they gave you a head start...
LOL - so they gave you a head start...
essentially, yeah. But man, I am not 18 anymore. that's for dang sure. its funny because I'm older than all but 2 of the NCOs in my platoon and I beat them.....
pretty good - I doubt I could do 26 in 3.5 minutes... LOL - - it's been a really long time since I did any "regular" push ups...
pretty good - I doubt I could do 26 in 3.5 minutes... LOL - - it's been a really long time since I did any "regular" push ups...
shoot, I used to be able to do handstand pushups...... no way that's happening now
:rofl: - you're such an asshole!!!
yes, yes I am haha

but here's something even funnier. Our IT department has been working on this issue since Thursday, they worked all weekend and they just called us to tell us they have no idea how to fix our system and that they "fubar'ed" it big time and they don't know what they did.
so over the weekend our NCOs got creative, and bored, which is a bad bad thing. decided to do a push up competition, most pushups to muscle failure won. Bragging rights mostly but also got to leave earlier...... I won believe it or not, 126 pushups consecutively in about 3.5 minutes. Man am I feeling that one today. Sad part is, I used to be able to do even more. And yeah, I got to leave "earlier" about 30 seconds earlier fuckers
Believe it or not, at age 59 ... I can still do that....Of course It depends upon What/Who is beneath....:rofl:
I did get some work done here today...I pulled the GOOD 65 Belve hood and started to strip it... Got pretty far... Needs a little metal work. And then HR Black..Goes on the Post car.. Then I put the Post car Hood on the 4 Dr, to be sold..
I did get some work done here today...I pulled the GOOD 65 Belve hood and started to strip it... Got pretty far... Needs a little metal work. And then HR Black..Goes on the Post car.. Then I put the Post car Hood on the 4 Dr, to be sold..
nice, hey, what do you think about the issue I have with the quarter panel?
nice, hey, what do you think about the issue I have with the quarter panel?
I Aint happy bout it. But I don't know if you really have any other choices... I guess I'd try to find a way to modify/overcome/control the Sit.
I Aint happy bout it. But I don't know if you really have any other choices... I guess I'd try to find a way to modify/overcome/control the Sit.
yeah that was kind of my attitude about it. besides, its gonna be much easier to fix that than the swiss cheese that was my factory quarter