Stop in for a cup of coffee

Please excuse my language in advance.........
HOLY ****! Thank you guys for all your help and advice In getting my old Dart running. I appreciate everyone’s input so far on this forum it has helped me get this far in my grandpas old Dart. It is running again and the transmission rebuild was a success. The parking issue I found out was the manual valve that came in the shift kit was not sitting correctly in the lever so it was not allowing it to go into park nor was it allowing the transmission to go into any gear. It may not seem like much but the ones who directed me towards it got me to discover the real issue and it drives now. The car is still a work in progress but it’s on the road again.
When I was Rescue we used to go to the cape for the shuttle launches and bee airborne during launch to assist with the astronauts rescue, pretty cool saw a bunch of launches from nearby in the air, 96-101 STS's They never took off on the scheduled date so it was usually a week or so in Cocoa Beach in the fall/winter. Not a bad deal to get paid for! Perdium was awesome also NASA paid for all of it.
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When I was Rescue we used to go to the cape for the shuttle launches and bee airborne during launch to assist with the astronauts rescue, pretty cool saw a bunch of launches from nearby in the air, 96-101 SSL's They never took off on the scheduled date so it was usually a week or so in Cocoa Beach in the fall/winter. Not a bad deal to get paid for! Perdium was awesome also NASA paid for all of it.
Been to Kennedy for the tour. Wife was at Disney park when one launched said she could see and feel it. TDY at Cocoa Beach can't get much better!!
Definitely felt it in the air used be at around 10k ramp down PJ's ready to go. The shuttle actually had a "chute" that would deploy for the Astronauts to climb into and escape in a failure, yeah right.
Been to Kennedy for the tour. Wife was at Disney park when one launched said she could see and feel it. TDY at Cocoa Beach can't get much better!!
That was some of the better missions, I used to go as a Crew chief augmentee and as a avionics guy. Tell you what one July we had to change out a motor and I stayed to do the calibration, Man I could not live there 90's heat 120% humidity!
I've heard summer is horrible. We go once a year usually October to March.
In the current Space Shuttle Program, DDMS had the responsibility for astronaut rescue and recovery, contingency landing site support, payload security, medical support, coordination of airlift/sealift for contingency operations, as well as other support services required in the event of a shuttle emergency. To carry out these responsibilities, DDMS receives and validates NASA requests for DoD support. The support office then selects assets best able to provide the required support, tasks selected units through appropriate command channels, and provides tactical control of those DoD forces supporting a specific Space Shuttle mission.

In the Kennedy Space Center area, U.S. Air Force air-refuelable HH-60 Pave Hawk helicopters, HC-130 tanker aircraft, pararescue and medical personnel; and U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ships are deployed to support launch contingencies and astronaut recovery. Additionally, the Navy provides a KC-130 tanker for helicopter air refueling, E-2C aircraft for enhanced air traffic control and P-3 Orion aircraft for search and rescue operations in the mid-Atlantic region. To support the potential for a Transoceanic Abort Landing (TAL), NASA has selected four TAL sites in Spain and Africa. These sites are Morón and Zaragoza Air Bases in Spain; Ben Guerir Air Base, Morocco; and Yundum International Airport, Banjul, The Gambia. Three of these four TAL sites are activated for each shuttle launch. DDMS supports these TAL sites with C-12 or C-21 aircraft for on-scene weather reconnaissance and in-flight checks of Space Shuttle unique landing aids; C-130 aircraft with pararescue and medical support personnel; and DoD fire/crash/rescue equipment and personnel.
SNL is going in a few months TDY to the base in Morocco...never heard of Gambia.
DDMS looks like a big operation!! With the TAL's a lot of people up and flying during the launch. Most people have no idea.
The talons are a really cool aircraft for sure, a lot of things have been done to them since I have been out also.
They are always changing and improving the aircraft. Between the AF and Navy now couldn't tell you what they have. Been almost eight years since I retired. I've had the opportunity to ride on several military aircraft over the years, always enjoyed it.
So I need suggestions: I have a 12 ft wide, 16 foot long, 11 foot tall storage shed. Sits on 4, 4x6 treated runners, with 2x6 purlings with 1/2in OSB for the floors. Metal sided, shingled roof. I need to move it about 3 miles to my property. It's too wide for any trailer I have access too, too heavy to set on a wagon with the tractor, how do i move it? Ive thought about jacking it up, putting two ash trees under it and dragging it along the road all the way there. Problem is, the road is curvy and hilly. and while not the busiest road, it does have traffic, a couple cars or so every few minutes. by tractor, its about a 10-15 minute drive. Other option is, since I built it in stages, the walls and roof and then the floor, it could be taken apart and transported that way. this step would be the most difficult and time consuming but ultimately the safest.
I thought you were a farmer. I have moved wider loads with a trailer. Just because it sticks out and only 3 miles....geesh I guess I am too much of a dare devil. If I was there I would back a car trailer under it and away I would go. Get someone in front if you want. People will not see a big building coming and run into it....they are going to move! 1st rule of hauling wide loads. Drive your truck and let THEM look out for you.
Just in case you think I wouldn't....ask those who were there

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who has the pic of you in the bucket pumping up the lift I don't, that was a great do not try this at home pic for sure!
Talked to him earlier he is prob breaking in the engine right now as we speak!
Been to Kennedy for the tour. Wife was at Disney park when one launched said she could see and feel it. TDY at Cocoa Beach can't get much better!!
Been to Kennedy Space Center twice. Once before they locked it down, got the tour out to all the buildings, crawlers and pads. Again after 911 when I took my grandkids to DW, set aside Wednesday to go to the center. We didn't plan it but by a happy coincidence it happened to be the day they launched a space shuttle for an ISS resupply trip. There by noon and security lockdown until 7 pm that evening. Stood on the tower of the shuttle mockup at the visitors center and watched the launch with my family. Grandkids said that one event was the highlight of the trip. My 6 year old grandson dropped his toy shuttle off the tower and quipped "Huston we have a problem", totally cracked me up:)