Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's a huge difference.
The next month was 90 which is great, it was measured 8 hours a day per member training, working or supporting aircraft, everything was documented. Base average before was around 40 then went up to 70 in a few days.
Front licence plate bill is being discussed at the statehouse. We now have plates on both ends.
And a step further I've been at Lowes, Walmart, barber shop, middle of the day and run into people in uniform. I'd never, ever, thought of doing that. That's what off-duty time was for.
I'm with you, that's the best policy. With NPS, lunch is unpaid, so its our time, - usually its only a 1/2 hour. Vehicles, that's a different story - only allowed to stop at places that were on direct route between units that you had business at, even on lunch.
It is just a goof thread about nothing to see how many people chime in like the jack stand one, betting a few pages at least.
I knowww. But it makes me smile when sit down at the 'puter in the AM. I think it would be funny if you know who bites. He might think its funny too - somewhere behind his beard there must be a sense of humor.
Matt you in the guard?
No - I worked NPS, National Park Service. Seasonals, intermittants and terms. That means I have no status for permanent positions. Not that any will be opened (except maybe LE) in the for forseable future. Hopefully the SCA gets the contract this year and I'll do that again. I liked that.
Wow have a guy from FBBO stopping by Sun to get some points and look at a sun machine, NICE!
Funny tho - my first boss at the park was also a Capt in the Guard at the armory down the road - self propelled artillery. Good leader.
No - I worked NPS, National Park Service. Seasonals, intermittants and terms. That means I have no status for permanent positions. Not that any will be opened (except maybe LE) in the for forseable future. Hopefully the SCA gets the contract this year and I'll do that again. I liked that.
The guard is a good deal for the education benefits had a lot of once and done come and go just for the payback of the student loans and also free state college while in, man they used to pitch a ***** when they had to deploy! And of course it would usually be mid semester also.
I always tried not to deploy the ones that were in there last semesters, usually was able to send them later on after they graduated, usually.......
Hope you sell it. Other than your own, how many do you have to sell?
Maybe tommorrow. AJ just posted one of his classic endless paragraph shaggy dog explanations... :lol:
11 on cabinets prob 8 or so smaller stand alone units, I am out of room on the big ones, got the part for the newer dist tester in yesterday, that one is sweet might sell the original 1040's one. Then I have a bunch of bad units for parts.
For undergrad I was lucky. my dad had enough to cover the tuition and books, and worked summers, some weekends and commuted. Of course tuition then was a fraction of what it is now. It was around 900 to start and up to 1,200 for the last semester - state supported school of course.
We ran production numbers at the end of each month, went from 40% to 85% in one month when I cut them off from it. Sorry I might be old school but have absolutely no tolerance for personal business while on the clock.
We ran into this last season with the kids working in our training program. The crew's leader tried to give them a little flexibility and it creeped over time. He clamped down at the end; but the damage to productivity and morale isn't like a switch you can just turn on and off. Lesson learned. Hopefully he's back if we have a program again.