Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well get to work today..... boss changed my schedule and got me working in the shop on Saturdays now. I could be working on the Dart but it’s ok I guess I’ve got to pay for the Dart somehow lol. Just gives me mondays off to work on it while the wife and kids are at school/work so I don’t get yelled at for “playing with the Dart too much” haha
Well get to work today..... boss changed my schedule and got me working in the shop on Saturdays now. I could be working on the Dart but it’s ok I guess I’ve got to pay for the Dart somehow lol. Just gives me mondays off to work on it while the wife and kids are at school/work so I don’t get yelled at for “playing with the Dart too much” haha
I'd make that trade to be off on Monday!
I replaced a bunch of 8 ft fluorescent bulbs with LED bulbs today (had to bypass the ballast on each fixture). They look really cool and light up the area tons better than before. Now to see if they last as long as they're claimed to..
Ben... I just did the same, in my shop, a couple a months ago. Pull all the ballasts out and direct wired 20 , 4 bulb units. Bought 80... YES 80 bulbs to do the job. But.... Its great now.. plenty of light in the shop. and I can turn off a row of lights as needed.
An old job was 6 days one week,4 the next. Was my favorite schedule.
This summer i wont be booking any work on mondays, leaves day open for catching up,maintenance or after weekend breakdowns.
I started that late last year,will start again as soon as spring melt begins.
An old job was 6 days one week,4 the next. Was my favorite schedule.
This summer i wont be booking any work on mondays, leaves day open for catching up,maintenance or after weekend breakdowns.
I started that late last year,will start again as soon as spring melt begins.
I used to work nights 3 on 3 off 12 hour shifts no holidays (military), it was fantastic take 3 off get 9!
Oh....Just waiting for my GI Joe coffee to be delivered today and shovel a little snow (with the tractor) and laundry
I hope I can break up some of this ice here today, barley cracked it yesterday. Dam Rick that's a temp change!
I replaced a bunch of 8 ft fluorescent bulbs with LED bulbs today (had to bypass the ballast on each fixture). They look really cool and light up the area tons better than before. Now to see if they last as long as they're claimed to..

I have had real good luck with mine. I have only had this shop up a few years but no issues at all. For the $ they better last!
I definitely need better lighting in mine I walked in yesterday and could not see anything till my eyes adjusted. Ice blind I guess!
They quit emailing me. I guess I don't buy enough
LOL think I will go to auto zone a wiper motor two belts a thermostat and gasket 43 shipping! Think not, and that was getting it from two warehouses.
Prob still pissed at me for the scampy magnets!
Man I go a break yesterday that 1953 sun timing light I scored actually works! That does not happen to often, already stripped the box and one coat of paint on it.
will start again as soon as spring melt begins.
So what's that, sometime in July for you? :eek:
Morning just got a e mail from Grundy for renewal on the pop. $135 got to love them!
Mines just a little more than that with State Farm on the Duster. Did you get antique plates. I need to do my registration and will probably go antique. Ran out end of January.

I hope I can break up some of this ice here today, barley cracked it yesterday. Dam Rick that's a temp change!
I wouldn't waste any more time on it than you must to be able to get through at this point. You are probably getting same as us . Heavy rain tomorrow and above freezing most of the week- even at night. :thumbsup:

Good Morning
I have 12, need to bump it then towing, break down (hotel) spare parts, Very happy with them after the engine fire, any restrictions? Think mine is 10k a year.
Little more coffee and gotta head into work. The print room is off, just a few people working. I'm mainly going in to change some cieling light bulbs. Just doing half of dayshift.