Stop in for a cup of coffee

The only thing the option code books list is a #602 code "H.D. Suspension"
I see. You was lookin in the Chrysler book. I saw that. But not in Dodge or Plymouth

I have the factory order sheet and brochure, hang on a few and I'll go dig them out of my safe
Me thinks youse got little choice other than manufacturer unless you want to spend $$ on custom. And there 's not that many manufacturers of replacment springs. Stanley, Triangle, Eaton are the three I know. Probbaly a few others but the market's not that big.
Me thinks youse got little choice other than manufacturer unless you want to spend $$ on custom. There 's not that many manufacturers of replacment springs. Stanley, Triangle, Eaton are the three I know. Probbaly a few others but the market's not that big.
Or you can just have them re-arced anyway you want. Plenty of places do it....and it isn’t expensive. Chester Spring Works in PA does lots of them.
Or you can just have them re-arced anyway you want. Plenty of places do it....and it isn’t expensive. Chester Spring Works in PA does lots of them.
Apparently it has the wrong springs on it now - and they're probably rust pitted anyway. Takes a 1 year only main leaf.
Or you can just have them re-arced anyway you want. Plenty of places do it....and it isn’t expensive. Chester Spring Works in PA does lots of them.
Agree. Most of the times they can also add a leaf or make other changes.
Pull stack apart and stick leaf in press and give it a home-re arc.
I tried giving a spring a little push in my press, it moves quite easy.
Re-arcing doesent last as long as a new set.
Me thinks youse got little choice other than manufacturer unless you want to spend $$ on custom. And there 's not that many manufacturers of replacment springs. Stanley, Triangle, Eaton are the three I know. Probbaly a few others but the market's not that big.
yeah I'm completely fine with OEM, that's actually what I want. I don't want SS or anything fancy.

Apparently it has the wrong springs on it now - and they're probably rust pitted anyway. Takes a 1 year only main leaf.
not only pitted but the archat ride height is saggy to say the least. I wouldn't be surprised if the previous owner removed a leaf and or heated the things to "lower the car". According to his brother, the dude wanted it low as possible.
Pull stack apart and stick leaf in press and give it a home-re arc.
I tried giving a spring a little push in my press, it moves quite easy.
Re-arcing doesent last as long as a new set.
Chester Springs remakes each leaf on their equipment. It is called a re-arc...but really, every leaf is new.
Pull stack apart and stick leaf in press and give it a home-re arc.
I tried giving a spring a little push in my press, it moves quite easy.
Re-arcing doesent last as long as a new set.
I'll be buying new. Re-arching doesn't seem worth it by the time I ship them somewhere , pay to rearch them, pay to get them back, when I can get a new pair for 300~ with free shipping
No brainer. 300 is cheap.
Only a couple spring shops in winnipeg, what they dont stock, they make.
Work today was like being at a funeral. The head regulatory guy was signing up for Medicare and social security while the rest of the staff was talking about how to find a new job and how soon they might find something. Half of them were trying to figure out what heath insurance would cost them after the severance runs out. The finance people are going to be let go in about 2 weeks, probably the admin too. 3 people have resigned from the lab already.

There was supposed to be a lunch for the people leaving next week, but they decided to wait and make it a bigger turn-out-the-lights party.

More like a wake I think...what a complete **** show.
Work today was like being at a funeral. The head regulatory guy was signing up for Medicare and social security while the rest of the staff was talking about how to find a new job and how soon they might find something. Half of them were trying to figure out what heath insurance would cost them after the severance runs out. The finance people are going to be let go in about 2 weeks, probably the admin too. 3 people have resigned from the lab already.

There was supposed to be a lunch for the people leaving next week, but they decided to wait and make it a bigger turn-out-the-lights party.

More like a wake I think...what a complete **** show.
That's sad, I feel for you bro..
Work today was like being at a funeral. The head regulatory guy was signing up for Medicare and social security while the rest of the staff was talking about how to find a new job and how soon they might find something. Half of them were trying to figure out what heath insurance would cost them after the severance runs out. The finance people are going to be let go in about 2 weeks, probably the admin too. 3 people have resigned from the lab already.

There was supposed to be a lunch for the people leaving next week, but they decided to wait and make it a bigger turn-out-the-lights party.

More like a wake I think...what a complete **** show.
Sucks have you any leads yet
Work today was like being at a funeral. The head regulatory guy was signing up for Medicare and social security while the rest of the staff was talking about how to find a new job and how soon they might find something. Half of them were trying to figure out what heath insurance would cost them after the severance runs out. The finance people are going to be let go in about 2 weeks, probably the admin too. 3 people have resigned from the lab already.

There was supposed to be a lunch for the people leaving next week, but they decided to wait and make it a bigger turn-out-the-lights party.

More like a wake I think...what a complete **** show.
So they're really not looking for a buyer?
The real shame is that all of these people received a full year of pay as a retention bonus and management failed to advise them that is was because the company might likely fail and they should retain it in reserve for the likely outcome.

Instead, 98% of them spent it and now have nothing to fall back on but 3 months of severance and health care. After that, they are on their own.

I banked mine and with it, plus severance, I have 17 months of income in reserve to cover both income and healthcare as I decide what to do next.

The further shame is that the management isn’t stepping up to help people write resumes or coaching on how best to apply for new jobs. The best they have come up with is offering to write letters of reference.

Seriously? What value does a letter of reference have from a senior management team member of a failed company have?

The whole thing is a disaster and they won’t let me step in and help people write better resumes and plan stategies for seeking new jobs...because they are still convinced that they are the smartest people in the room.

More like the finest hockey players in all of Egypt...
So they're really not looking for a buyer?
They are, but the odds are slim and the value they can get won’t make it worth it to the investors.

They might still proceed with a possible sale, but they will shut down the expenses of operations while they do it. There will be nothing left but the physical assets.
If this were my company, I would be taking far better care of the people than they are...despite the claims that they are doing all they can for everyone to have a “soft landing”.

I have spent 9 years making the core technology a success with innovative approaches to development and building first-of-kind equipment and facilities to make the products commercially both within the US and in Puerto Rico.

4 new drugs, developed from prototype to full commercial scale...approved for sale in the US and around the globe in 15 countries. The products have generated over $500 million in revenues to date, but the management has failed to make it profitable across 3 companies that are selling the drugs.

Yet somehow, they still want to marginalize me and think they are the smartest people in the room as they ride their failure into oblivion.

Am I bitter?

Yup, you bet I am...dumbasses.
All too common pair of dimes these days.
Belief that organization and management techniques and things like that can replace the ability of individual people. Its a rare organization that is not dependent on a number of people that make it successful.
If you push someone off a ledge,you arent going to insure a soft landing for them.
Set them up with a parachute first.

Dave, its too bad the dumbasses dont have your compassion..