Stop in for a cup of coffee

I had a beer. A week ago. Doesent agree with me like it used to.
I still want to go fishing.
I will go fishing at the drop of a hat...and never any alcohol involved.

Fishing is serious business to me and alcohol just diminishes the experience.

Alcohol is for after the fishing is done...:)
Sometimes I go fishing in a cooler full of canned(mostly light) beers to find what brown glass bottles are lurking in the icy cold water.
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#2 Good morning all. Being this mentions coffee...what is everyone drinking (those that drink coffee)? Gevalia Costa Rican for me today. Cool and pouring rain. Not a bad day to have to go to work.
#2 Good morning all. Being this mentions coffee...what is everyone drinking (those that drink coffee)? Gevalia Costa Rican for me today. Cool and pouring rain. Not a bad day to have to go to work.

I'm not a coffee drinker...

I don't do beer either...
Gotcha. I work 4am to 4pm on rotating day schedule. Hence my sometimes close to first and other days not around.
Dog woke me up again, on the mid morning pee schedule again! Kona it is today for me!
Hey Rani. Looked only have one mount that I know fits, got a pic on both sides?
I don't miss my late dog's late night/early morning potty breaks, getting sick, etc....
That's the only issue I have so far with Harley. Rather have that then the alternative. Just went through the sick dog thing with a 13 YO beagle. If it was mine would never have lived past 11!
Just got a text from my daughter.
Van broke down.
That’s #3 vehicle that has bit the dust while in her posession...
Nothin like getting a text at 3:47 am. Im glad its vehicle trouble and she’s ok. Caa is dragging the carcass home.
It's a way of live for me to be up before everyone, wake up after four hours for a bathroom break, back to sleep for another four hours and can't or don't want to go back to sleep, neck and shoulders hurt , wrists hurt but coffee and getting busy helps everything it seems ......... Good morning everyone