Stop in for a cup of coffee

Got a situation going on that I want to see what you all think:

I need some advice on how I should handle a ticket that I have been sent in the mail. It's from Sep 11, 2018 for not having a village sticker on a 99 Jeep. I sold that Jeep last winter.

The ticked did have my license plate number that I had the Jeep registered to, but my son has a picture showing that plate expired in 11-16 and we didn't renew it as it broke down and we had trouble getting it fixed. We finally gave up and cut our losses and sold it. I'm wondering if the buyer sent in the registration or not and if we forgot to take our plate off of it when we sold it. we usually remove our plates so this would have been an oversight on our part. But it that is true, why isn't there a ticket for an expired plate?

My son and I just drove to the address where the ticket was from and looked for the Jeep and license plate and neither was there. I may check a few more times to see if they show up. If they do, how should I go about getting my license plate back, just take it or call the local police and let them know what is going on?

What do you guys and gals think????
This happened to my grandfather. Two options, Appeal ticket, go to court with proof you sold it PRIOR to the ticket date.

Go to the BMV, explain the situation to them, get proof, of when it was last registered to you and when you sold it, call/go to the police department the tissues said ticket and see if they'll drop ticket right there. If not, option 1 is only recourse
First? Me? Good morning everyone. Happy Sunday. Supposed to be a day of rest, so...what is everyone up to? I am going to work.
85 race cars at the track tonight, not counting the Mini Dwarf Car kids. Pretty good show it was. All of our local divisions are done for the year. I'm glad the original owner/builder put the track on the leeward side of a hill. The wind was fierce here today, 40mph gusts. It did get a little chilly though. 2 special events and the racing season is done here. I'll have to go visit the granbrats in Phoenix for my winter racing fix. :D
Morning. Happy sunday.
Supposed to not rain. Guess its roofing the shed day today.
Strip roof,replace rotten planks and screw metal on. Shouldnt be too difficult. Other than its a little steep.
Stay sure footed @Tooljunkie , enjoy your day all you can, I am heading back to the drag strip this morning myself for some memike time, been a busy week here on the hill..

Watching ice road truckers. A producers sure put a lot of drama in and try to make shitty drivers look like super truckers.
Its going to be a long day at work. Been here for 90 min and seems like a heck of a lot longer than that. Here until 4 this aft yet.
Its going to be a long day at work. Been here for 90 min and seems like a heck of a lot longer than that. Here until 4 this aft yet.
I am glad those day are behind me, on call 7 days a week, 8 to 16 hour day for 15 years at my last job, hope the rest of your day flies by sir
Morning all.....been up since 4am. Went to bed early, and of course woke up early. Never could just sleep in.
Rain here, all day yesterday, and off and on for the next few days.
Grey skies and rain I call it doom and gloom...ugh!!
Morning all.....been up since 4am. Went to bed early, and of course woke up early. Never could just sleep in.
Rain here, all day yesterday, and off and on for the next few days.
Grey skies and rain I call it doom and gloom...ugh!!
Same here, never could or did sleep in.
Very nice here, 88 for the high and sunny skies today.
Heading to George Rays drag strip for some me time :thumbsup:
Memphis street outlaws was there last Sunday, anyone here know this man s name, he is driving Old Heavy

Have fun and enjoy your day!!!
JJ The Boss driving Old Heavy, Trish driving Zip Tie, just wanted to share with yea this morning, should be another great day, 88 degrees and sunshine,, Ooop's, the Roadrunner was a great old fellow out having fun, we will call him Jim :lol:




Well Good morning to you, I better get a shower and see what I can do about breakfast before I head out to George Rays for some memike time

yeah, Stans truck is fighting him all the way dam fuel lines, just being a PIA for sure to get in. Hey Ray can I use your lift for a few hours?:mad: