Stop in for a cup of coffee

Busy morning in here.
Got a/c running in shop. Should help some. Until i open door. Think i will go get starter and ignition wired up in the 37. Its going to be close to 90° today.
Nothing you can do but burn it down now...
unfortunately we went to roll the 68 out and it became Roadkill under the right rear

Is that a Tarantula ???
Looks like one, but i'm not an expert.... those are actually pretty cool for spiders :( My house gets a ton of like daddy long legs and i leave em alone to kill anything they want. Once something gets dark or furry it's game on
sooo.. for my fender bolts that go along the top.. should i go with zinc plated.. or clean the stock bolts and paint them so they match and try to put them on without taking all the paint off...
Paint them. use some masking tape on them to keep from scratching.
Paint them. use some masking tape on them to keep from scratching.
Ahh! see.. my brain is like.. just paint them and put them in! don't worry bout the scratches... then it would annoy me forever:)
Never heard of a 2 way thermostat. Its all in the rad cap. Mopar correct caps have a dangly bit, cup shape. Will burp air intil coolant hits it then closes. When it reaches rated pressire it will purge excess coolant into overflow. Then as it cools it will draw coolant back into rad.
I have a dangly bit!!!
Wiper transmission bushings on my '92 ram 250 truck. I guess they did okay. They lasted 30 years. Lol. Not too bad of a job. Replaced all four of them.