Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well just got done with Instructor block. Three solid days of hard work, long days too. I have been running hard enough no time for FABO.sounds like Eric is rocking it on the Salt!
Still waiting to hear how Eric is doing in the gang's rocket today..
Outside of Roanoke, VA


Busy weekend. After having the pipes out and fixing the well last week, I read that they recommend shocking with chlorine. I’ve had it out before and never did that, but thought it sounded like a good idea. So, before working a regular shift last night, I made sure I had everything needed. Mainly lots of bottled water and plenty of buckets. This morning I mowed the yard. Changed oil in her car. Then got everything ready I could before I got a shower. Around 6 tonight I put a respirator on, went in the pit and dumped bleach in. Mixed in good with a hose from the house running in the well. Then ran everything to fill the house pipes. Now I wait till morning and flush it all out. Should be able to use water later tomorrow, but won’t drink for a while till tests for no chlorine. Fun stuff…
That serpentine belt system you have intrigued me.
We felt the advantage was the less belt slip, a 2000 Dakota alternator is good for 95 amps with the charging system bypassing the amp meter, we avoid the fires caused by shorted diodes in the alternator along with a heavy duty regulator we're good. the power steering pump is from a 2000 ram van for the lower mounting if we decided to put the battery in the engine compartment.
Busy weekend. After having the pipes out and fixing the well last week, I read that they recommend shocking with chlorine. I’ve had it out before and never did that, but thought it sounded like a good idea. So, before working a regular shift last night, I made sure I had everything needed. Mainly lots of bottled water and plenty of buckets. This morning I mowed the yard. Changed oil in her car. Then got everything ready I could before I got a shower. Around 6 tonight I put a respirator on, went in the pit and dumped bleach in. Mixed in good with a hose from the house running in the well. Then ran everything to fill the house pipes. Now I wait till morning and flush it all out. Should be able to use water later tomorrow, but won’t drink for a while till tests for no chlorine. Fun stuff…
I used to carry a small dropper bottle of Clorox so I could drink the water in some of the places I went

Well we had some huge delays due to timing equipment and wind. Some heavy rain, but most never hit the ground. Virga Rain I guess. Will be back out trying tomorrow, last day.
Well we had some huge delays due to timing equipment and wind. Some heavy rain, but most never hit the ground. Virga Rain I guess. Will be back out trying tomorrow, last day.
Yup .. used to experience that often in Colorado. Weather radar shows rain and a whole lot of nothing on the ground
I did lemon Clorox once ..

Maybe lemonade?
Didn't help :lol:

It beat the iodine tablets for taste and you didn't have to wait as long
When you don't have a choice in the water you have to drink, anything is better than muddy water.
We only got 1 run in today and came up short again. Car is geared better for the long course. Have ideas for tomorrow...
One of the pictures you gave us with the crew, did I see your old man Ron in that picture?
Hey FABO. Odd and unrelated to anything… has anyone had any experience in getting a trademark to protect a personalized car group name? Is such a thing necessary? My wife and daughters did some creative thinking and came up with a clever little family “car group” name and a mascot… my mom suggested getting the group name protected as to not cross any legal paths if such a thing ever came up if we had stickers or shirts for ourselves or anything fun made up… apologies is this is just a dumb topic, just figured I’d ask if anyone’s explored that. Thanks!

Drew water out of a muddy boot print through a ceramic ketadyne filter before Fred. We undervalue having potable water on this continent
I figured you had some reason for cleaning water. Would like to have a sit on the porch with you someday and learning what you experienced.
Hey FABO. Odd and unrelated to anything… has anyone had any experience in getting a trademark to protect a personalized car group name? Is such a thing necessary? My wife and daughters did some creative thinking and came up with a clever little family “car group” name and a mascot… my mom suggested getting the group name protected as to not cross any legal paths if such a thing ever came up if we had stickers or shirts for ourselves or anything fun made up… apologies is this is just a dumb topic, just figured I’d ask if anyone’s explored that. Thanks!
Yeah we did it on the farm name. Google us trademarks, they have a search function. If it’s not taken, for like 100 bucks you can apply for it, they’ll confirm it and issue it after so many weeks
Good Morning All! Up early, wife has oral surgery today, reminded me yesterday so I'm going in early to make up the time to drive take her there/back. Typical weekend, got nothing done on the duster although it went up and down on the lift as I jacked up the front end of the John Deere rider, thrown DRIVE belt. Glad I threw that belt in the front yard instead of a mile down the road where I had mowed earlier