Stop in for a drink.

You got it Mike. Bourbon? I found a new brand. (spendy though) Iowa grown Cedar Ridge. Ben got a bottle from his secret Santa last year. It's pretty smooth stuff.
Sounds like I need to look in to it, while your at it top me off ! my pretzels bowl is about empty
So if I put a shot of Meyers Dark rum in my coffee can I post to this thread and "stop in for a cup of coffee"?
Looks good.
Trans on the tractor is acting up, water softener is full to the top of water and the kitchen sink is stopped up!!!
I'm with ya bro. I might try some Toto's clear with some tonic.
Just got me a bottle of Gentlemens Jack and before I opened the bottle 1/2 of it evaporated!! What ya gonna do?
I have that problem with Black Velvet. I'm glad I'm not the only one. LOL
There was a thread a while back about smurfs but I need to know who is getting thru the cap on my stuff!
Just got me a bottle of Gentlemens Jack and before I opened the bottle 1/2 of it evaporated!! What ya gonna do?
I hate when my beverages evaporate! Seems my beer just did that. Picked up a case of Gunpowder Falls Dunkel tonight. Poured one in a glass and its gone already. Haven't even decided if I like it yet. :wtf: Guess I'll have to have another one...:lol:
If you need a second opinion let me know. That's always advisable in the medical profession and I think beer has medicinal properties so I'm volunteering.
If you need a second opinion let me know. That's always advisable in the medical profession and I think beer has medicinal properties so I'm volunteering.
Some people call it alcohol and some call it spirits. I'm not a alcholic I'm spiritual.:lol:
BTW that's AN alcoholic, and if you want to have a spiritual competition I'm up for it!! Just don't know if I can remember the rules!