The official vent thread

Where did the time go:wack: I did not go fishing at all this year :banghead:


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here is mine
people who have more "thanks" than they give out
is it lazy or greedy that stop's them from returning the favor?
(oh and it snowed yesterday so the band I wanted to see got canceled and I cant go out and work on anything)
One thing I see people do here sometimes is being quick to jump on someone and then others gang up. You never know what that person is going through. If you want to help, great, otherwise keep comments to yourselves. Not long ago, this happened to a member, turned out his son had just passed away. You never know when you might be kicking someone when they're down.
I hear ya.
About that member,I sent him a 74 dart engine harness free and paid the freight also...Did not even get a Thank You....
seriously ? i mean WOW ! i would have been forever grateful.thats unbelievable that there are such good people out there that would help someone out like that and not even get a THANK YOU! . i would have been pissed, and not over the money factor but over the ungratefullness of the individual . that upset me just reading that S%^T !!
Trying to mate a 71 dash harness to a 89 collum and a 66 engine harness to a 89 318 in my 53 truck. Why the hell couldnt ma use the same color wires on both sides of the bulkhead in and out. Sheesh i,m about to flip out. This is frying my brain.
One thing I see people do here sometimes is being quick to jump on someone and then others gang up. You never know what that person is going through. If you want to help, great, otherwise keep comments to yourselves. Not long ago, this happened to a member, turned out his son had just passed away. You never know when you might be kicking someone when they're down.

I hear ya.
About that member,I sent him a 74 dart engine harness free and paid the freight also...Did not even get a Thank You....

seriously ? i mean WOW ! i would have been forever grateful.thats unbelievable that there are such good people out there that would help someone out like that and not even get a THANK YOU! . i would have been pissed, and not over the money factor but over the ungratefullness of the individual . that upset me just reading that S%^T !!

No offense guys but your posts are a perfect example of what I was venting about. We don't know the circumstances of said member. Unless we are in another's shoes we should not judge. Maybe the engine harness you sent wasn't exactly free, if you expected a thank you in return.
hay DD im a clown now huh Get it right im a back woods redneck thank u very much .... now that we got that out of the way would u rather get into pissing machies hmmmm?... Or make fart jokes thats an ez one for me i didnt come on here to fight i came on here to help and have fun man i hope thats what u came here to do lol now dont take any of this a bad way man i was not mint that way
Hey DD(dart_doctor),the other DD(daredevil) is just joking....
hay DD im a clown now huh Get it right im a back woods redneck thank u very much .... now that we got that out of the way would u rather get into pissing machies hmmmm?... Or make fart jokes thats an ez one for me i didnt come on here to fight i came on here to help and have fun man i hope thats what u came here to do lol now dont take any of this a bad way man i was not mint that way
I agree with you on this Dart Doctor. Which leads me to my Vent...I wish people would not point out problems without supplying their solution. For example: in another post someone accused me of typing the word "Carby" Which I didn't do I wrote Carb(No Y on the end). Either way, They never offered up the correct abbreviation. This to me is a serious character flaw. To just go around pointing out others mistakes without offering advice or help is just anti-social behavior IMO. Like The older truckers I meet on the road always criticizing rookies but never offering any advice. Nasty old grumps is what I perceive them as. I am far from perfect, I'm Just a Bass player trying to make ends meet by training truck drivers and driving as well. But.... I always try to be constructive and not just critical. So many people need an education on how to talk/type/text to other people in a respectful fashion. Just my 2 Cents.
I agree with you on this Dart Doctor. Which leads me to my Vent...I wish people would not point out problems without supplying their solution. For example: in another post someone accused me of typing the word "Carby" Which I didn't do I wrote Carb(No Y on the end). Either way, They never offered up the correct abbreviation. This to me is a serious character flaw. To just go around pointing out others mistakes without offering advice or help is just anti-social behavior IMO. Like The older truckers I meet on the road always criticizing rookies but never offering any advice. Nasty old grumps is what I perceive them as. I am far from perfect, I'm Just a Bass player trying to make ends meet by training truck drivers and driving as well. But.... I always try to be constructive and not just critical. So many people need an education on how to talk/type/text to other people in a respectful fashion. Just my 2 Cents.

hey another bass playing truck driver! :drinkers::supz::rock:

oh and you did use the word "carby" on your ad "Holley 600 CFM Carby For Sale"

you can fix it by using the edit feature to change it to "carb"
I hear ya.
About that member,I sent him a 74 dart engine harness free and paid the freight also...Did not even get a Thank You....

TXDart, my wife died when she was 34 and I was 35. I was in a fog for about a year. Grief can do that to a person. In that time, I received the help and generosity of many people as I was trying to adjust to raising 8 and 4 year old daughters alone. After the fog gradually went away, I began to realize that there were some people who did acts of kindness or charity for me that I didn't thank at the time. I sought them out and expressed my gratitude even though it was 1 to 2 years after their help.

Maybe he will eventually realize what you did for him and seek you out to thank you. Maybe he won't.

In any case, please know that what you did for him was an act of kindness from your heart for someone who is grieving.

Thank you.
Ya you are right,One thing I have learned when you think you got it bad,there is always someone that got it worst.
Sorry about your lose.
hay DD im a clown now huh Get it right im a back woods redneck thank u very much .... now that we got that out of the way would u rather get into pissing machies hmmmm?... Or make fart jokes thats an ez one for me i didnt come on here to fight i came on here to help and have fun man i hope thats what u came here to do lol now dont take any of this a bad way man i was not mint that way

Nope youre a clown. Youre too nice to be a redneck.You probably even have the big feet.
Hey don't big feet mean that you have a big nose?
So that would be a compliment !!!
OK, here is my vent.

I can't stand this forum.

There are way too many interesting, irritating, humourous, knowledgeable, pathetic, energetic, old, young, middle-aged, wise, or generous members who are regular contributors. I find myself surfing FABO so much that I haven't wrenched on either of my cars for about two months now. I seem to go online to "check out a few things" before I go to the garage and when I do get off of my butt, it is too late to get started because I have to do something else like eat, sleep, use the bathroom, shower, run an errand, etc.

This is worse than when I used to spend hours in chat rooms on old AOL.

I even have been caught at work spending time on FABO instead of doing my job.

You guys better cool it or I will get fired!!!



There. That's much better!

Thank you.
OK, here is my vent.

I can't stand this forum.

There are way too many interesting, irritating, humourous, knowledgeable, pathetic, energetic, old, young, middle-aged, wise, or generous members who are regular contributors. I find myself surfing FABO so much that I haven't wrenched on either of my cars for about two months now. I seem to go online to "check out a few things" before I go to the garage and when I do get off of my butt, it is too late to get started because I have to do something else like eat, sleep, use the bathroom, shower, run an errand, etc.

This is worse than when I used to spend hours in chat rooms on old AOL.

I even have been caught at work spending time on FABO instead of doing my job.

You guys better cool it or I will get fired!!!
X2 on that,I put myself on restriction last two weeks and slipped and gave in yesterday...I am at work and only got 2 more deposit to finish but here I am......
Logging off,
OK, here is my vent.

I can't stand this forum.

There are way too many interesting, irritating, humourous, knowledgeable, pathetic, energetic, old, young, middle-aged, wise, or generous members who are regular contributors. I find myself surfing FABO so much that I haven't wrenched on either of my cars for about two months now. I seem to go online to "check out a few things" before I go to the garage and when I do get off of my butt, it is too late to get started because I have to do something else like eat, sleep, use the bathroom, shower, run an errand, etc.

This is worse than when I used to spend hours in chat rooms on old AOL.

I even have been caught at work spending time on FABO instead of doing my job.

You guys better cool it or I will get fired!!!
i dont care who you are THAT SH&T IS FUNNY !!!LMFAO !