Quarter-mile speeds are the BEST indicator of power output in a drag car. Elapsed times are reliant on a multitude of things related to the chassis setup, aerodynamics, drivetrain specifications, and tires.
When comparing two vehicles' performance potential, elapsed times are far too "iffy" to give you a good idea of what that vehicle is capble of when the chassis is sorted out. We were discussing engines, not the whole package, here, so the MPH is a more reliable yardstick for measuring performance portential.
QUOTE] yes that is correct, but;
definition of drag race;
drag race
noun a
race between two or more automobiles starting from a
standstill, the winner being the car that can accelerate the
fastest to an indicated point or mark ....so with that said, i go on to quote your signature; by the time you get your 6 boosted, i will be half way down the track lmao.
ops:it doesnt matter how much boost and horsepower you are making when the objective is too beat your competitor to the end of the track. are you going to argue that a drag race is an exibition of HP and NOT an exibition of speed?
"I KNEW THE LIGHT WAS GREEN!! I was waiting for the BOOST!!!!