So, low post count and join time regulate me to a know nothing?
Now I know you are on the defensesive and are non to bright for a simple word applies here, "Assume"
That word yet again appears to fit perfectly
Are you sure, because the below quoted statement isn't what I was making the mention to.
And the below I do not understand. Explain what? Nevermind
Dog man,
Before you call anyone "non to bright" and use the word "defensesive," you should look them up so you can spell them; it should read "non
too bright: and
"defensive." Bottom line; if you can't spell a word, don't use it; people might not know what you mean.
Every BB is run with different rules, and tha Administrator (and, to a lesser-extent, the moderators) have their own ideas and opinions of what constitute the ideal circumstances, regarding post decorum (look it up) and the limits of rhetoric, pertaining to such.
A cyber "gang fight" is not something that the folks who run these forums want to see, so they are not above stepping in with their software control mechanisims and deleting posts that they opine are inflammatory, or the type of comment that incites belligerent behavior... breaking up the "gang fight," is their intention.
Some of that happened on this thread, earlier, and one of my posts got deleted in the process. It was a post in which I had demonstrated what I felt were the mathematical reasons why the slant 6 head is not well-suited to normally-aspirated racing applications.
For whatever reason, you didn't believe that that post was deleted (or, ever written by me, apparently.) ("I call B.S." you said).
I pointed out that you were relatively new in this forum and you responded by accusing me of calling you a "know nothing,"
which I never said, and then you said , "Are you sure, because the below quoted statement isn't what I was making the mention to."
I never could figure out what it was you thought I was lying about.
What I did say, was that if I told a lie on this forum, I might find myself having to explain it in detail, to Joey... not something I would look forward to. That's all.
When your post count gets up over a thousand, and you've been around here long enough to see how this board operates, then, if you still think I am a liar, call me out on it and we'll talk about it.