Weekend Warriors/Workout Addicts/Athletes (30's)



Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2007
Reaction score
Hemet, California
This question goes for you guys out there who are entering your mid to late thirties and are fighting to continue your athletic endeavors going into your forties. Did you guys ever get sick of the beer gutted guys at work who are in their fifties constantly telling you it's time to slow down and join them in the E-Z chair ranks? I ask this because in November I suffered a horrible elbow injury while doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu that earned me a nice ambulance ride, tons of morphine, and eventually being knocked out in order to pop it back in to place. At work all the guys who have given up trying to stay in any kind of shape are constantly mentioning my fight to return and how it's going to be rough considering my age. It's almost like they are trying to discourage me from making a comeback. Any experiences with these same thoughts?
I have been working out for 15 years, 3-4 times a week faithfully. I am now in the best shape of my life at 39. I still coach and play baseball and hockey. I have had younger guys ask me when am I going to slow down. A guy at the gym just turned 30 and said it is time for him to slow down, not lift too heavy, and do what sounds to me like a Jane Fonda workout. He says he can't beleive how hard I still go so close to 40. MY reply WTF, I still feel good doing it, and I enjoy doing it, and that is all that matters!:toothy8:
Well It's funny you say this b/c for the last 6 weeks I have been doing the insanity workout program followed up with my typical weight training. I'm 34 year young and have been weight training for the past 12 years. I'm the wellness coordinator for the Coast guard here in Yorktown, VA. you would think I would already be in impeccable shape right? Well I looked like I was, but I soon found out when i started the Insanity workout I wasn't even close. After two wks into the program my energy level and body changed drastically. I'm as fast as I was in my early 20's and I look way better... I guess what the point of all this is that if you work ur arse off you can change your body to act like it did in its 20's... work work work!
I have been working out for 15 years, 3-4 times a week faithfully. I am now in the best shape of my life at 39. I still coach and play baseball and hockey. I have had younger guys ask me when am I going to slow down. A guy at the gym just turned 30 and said it is time for him to slow down, not lift too heavy, and do what sounds to me like a Jane Fonda workout. He says he can't beleive how hard I still go so close to 40. MY reply WTF, I still feel good doing it, and I enjoy doing it, and that is all that matters!:toothy8:

Nice!!!!!!! You sound like this guy I run into at the gym all the time. I'm not sure of his age but he says he worked out at Muscle Beach here in SoCal during the Schwarzenegar craze. He says he'll keep lifting and conditioning until it no longer feels good for his body. That guy is always at the gym.
Well It's funny you say this b/c for the last 6 weeks I have been doing the insanity workout program followed up with my typical weight training. I'm 34 year young and have been weight training for the past 12 years. I'm the wellness coordinator for the Coast guard here in Yorktown, VA. you would think I would already be in impeccable shape right? Well I looked like I was, but I soon found out when i started the Insanity workout I wasn't even close. After two wks into the program my energy level and body changed drastically. I'm as fast as I was in my early 20's and I look way better... I guess what the point of all this is that if you work ur arse off you can change your body to act like it did in its 20's... work work work!

Excellent man!!!!! What exactly is this workout you are doing? Is it like P90X or something in that same fashion?
Excellent man!!!!! What exactly is this workout you are doing? Is it like P90X or something in that same fashion?

It's made by the same folks that did P90X... It's basically max interval training turned upside down.... which makes it really really tough! I've lost about 4 lbs which is quite a lot for me b/c I was already muscled up hardly no fat... The training consist of a lot of plyometrics 8 wks worth... 6 days a week after each workout I still do my hard core weight training.
Ya gotta tap before it breaks bro.........or your partner needs to hold back a touch. Practice is practice, ya dont want to break your teammates arm.

Im 33 and been doing MMA for the last year-ish, dropped 25lbs and the skill I've learned are priceless
Ya gotta tap before it breaks bro.........or your partner needs to hold back a touch. Practice is practice, ya dont want to break your teammates arm.

Im 33 and been doing MMA for the last year-ish, dropped 25lbs and the skill I've learned is priceless

Oh it wasn't due to a submission. It was during a scramble for positioning that led to the accident. I've been training for nine years and have had injuries but nothing like this. I plan on hitting the mat again in June.
Excellent on the weight loss though. Keep it up because I guarantee you it changes your body.
Oh it wasn't due to a submission. It was during a scramble for positioning that led to the accident. I've been training for nine years and have had injuries but nothing like this. I plan on hitting the mat again in June.
Excellent on the weight loss though. Keep it up because I guarantee you it changes your body.

Don't listen to a bunch of LOSERS! Anybody at such a young age as 40's or 50's that thinks you are destined to be a fat out of shape slob, is CRAZY!
As you age the only thing is it takes LONGER to recover! You can still work out and stay "young" as long as you want.
I'm 65, 6',175 and can out work much younger guys where I work! They all think I'm not telling the truth when I tell them I'm 65.
If Jack Lalane was still here w/us, he would kick their BUTTS!
Probably more than half of my co-workers are Fat, abt half of them are OBESE!

Keep working out and have the last laugh on them.

I am 40. I was a powerlifter until I was 38. Before I got hurt I felt great. I blew my back out during a training session for the Worlds. My family told be that I should quite since I got hurt. I told them if I would have gotten into a car wreck and got hurt would I never drive again. I need to have surgery on my lower back this year and once that is healed I will be back in the gym. It makes me sick to see all these obese people out there. People don't need to be 0% fat and buff but my god people push away from the table and put the fork down.
I am 40. I was a powerlifter until I was 38. Before I got hurt I felt great. I blew my back out during a training session for the Worlds. My family told be that I should quite since I got hurt. I told them if I would have gotten into a car wreck and got hurt would I never drive again. I need to have surgery on my lower back this year and once that is healed I will be back in the gym. It makes me sick to see all these obese people out there. People don't need to be 0% fat and buff but my god people push away from the table and put the fork down.

I could not have said it any better!=D>
I am 45, and have been working out 4 or 5 times a week since i was 16. In my 30s i was always listening to the older guys and their "your metabolism slows down" comments. I always thought it was BS.

But i started paying attention to it, and they were right. About age 43 or so i noticed i had less energy and had to work out harder at the gym.

I have been adhd/ADD my whole life, so i could be physically tired, but in my head i feel like i could run a marathon. I refuse to give up, even though i feel like sometimes instead of going to the gym, i could work on my car, or lay around and watch a movie. For me working out has been a drug, but its kinda gotten harder to convince myself to go workout, but i kick my butt and go anyway. I refuse to give into myself sometimes.
I started roller speedskating when I was 15. When I was 40, due to changes in the sport, I switched to inline speedskating, much faster. I had to quit competing when I was 52 due to arthritus in my hips. I still skate and bicycle. I am a three time US National Champion, the last time in 2002 at the age of 51.

At 97 National Championships indoor short track. I'm 46.

At Downers Grove outdoor race. Here I'm 50.
It's made by the same folks that did P90X... It's basically max interval training turned upside down.... which makes it really really tough! I've lost about 4 lbs which is quite a lot for me b/c I was already muscled up hardly no fat... The training consist of a lot of plyometrics 8 wks worth... 6 days a week after each workout I still do my hard core weight training.

Nice, very nice. I have some colleagues that do P90X religiously six days a week and they look like Navy SEALS. I say that because we would have some SEALS come train where I was at years ago. I might just start doing P90X with them.
Don't listen to a bunch of LOSERS! Anybody at such a young age as 40's or 50's that thinks you are destined to be a fat out of shape slob, is CRAZY!
As you age the only thing is it takes LONGER to recover! You can still work out and stay "young" as long as you want.
I'm 65, 6',175 and can out work much younger guys where I work! They all think I'm not telling the truth when I tell them I'm 65.
If Jack Lalane was still here w/us, he would kick their BUTTS!
Probably more than half of my co-workers are Fat, abt half of them are OBESE!

Keep working out and have the last laugh on them.


Sweet!!!!!!!! Keep going man.
I started roller speedskating when I was 15. When I was 40, due to changes in the sport, I switched to inline speedskating, much faster. I had to quit competing when I was 52 due to arthritus in my hips. I still skate and bicycle. I am a three time US National Champion, the last time in 2002 at the age of 51.

At 97 National Championships indoor short track. I'm 46.

At Downers Grove outdoor race. Here I'm 50.

Excellent!!!!!!! That has to be a major adrenaline rush for you too going on those things.