When is it whining?



Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
State of Jefferson
I put a deposit down on a rebuilt 833 just over a year ago, from a known fine and upstanding 833 rebuilder. At the time, lead time was said to be 6-9 months.


In October I asked about it, was told, 'First of the year.'


In April I asked about it, was told, 'In a couple of weeks.'

It is six weeks later and I have heard nothing.

This is NOT a whine...just a question. I understand that 'things happen' and timing of future plans doesn't always work out. Still, I am beginning to wonder a bit. Am I being shuffled to the back of the line JUST BECAUSE I am not pushing a screaming meemie fit about it? Such fussing seems not only untoward, but highly likely to get one in trouble. I would love to know, of the last rebuild shipped, what THAT deposit date was.

So...some general input would be appreciated. Simply sit and wait...with mouth shut? Call every <X-and-so-interval> to ask about it?

Tell me I'm being unreasonable, my panties are bunched too tight, whatever the proverbial 'you' thinks is appropriate. I will appreciate it.

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Yeah, I'd be upset too. Askin for my deposit back.
And then find another 833-er I would trust. I wouldn't know where to start.

A local transmission shop wanted over $3500 to install a rebuild 'kit' in MY trans (with me bringing the trans to their shop)...and they would work ONLY with 'their' kits. Clearly, I heard, 'We don't want your business. Please...go away now.'

Yes. I have had an 833 apart before and, yes, it worked when I put it back in the car. It's not that I'm askeered of 'em, I just don't want to do it! I understand hearing, 'Just do it yourself...' but...I don't wanna!
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And then find another 833-er I would trust. I wouldn't know where to start.

A local transmission shop wanted over $3500 to install a rebuild 'kit' in MY trans (with me bringing the trans to their shop)...and they would work ONLY with 'their' kits. Clearly, I heard, 'We don't your business. Please...go away now.'

Yes. I have had an 833 apart before and, yes, it worked when I put it back in the car. It's not that I'm askeered of 'em, I just don't want to do it! I understand hearing, 'Just do it yourself...' but...I don't wanna!
Definitely not whining in my opinion but more frustrating not getting a definitive answer rather than a brush off.
I put a deposit down on a rebuilt 833 just over a year ago, from a known fine and upstanding 833 rebuilder. At the time, lead time was said to be 6-9 months.


In October I asked about it, was told, 'First of the year.'


In April I asked about it, was told, 'In a couple of weeks.'

It is six weeks later and I have heard nothing.

This is NOT a whine...just a question. I understand that 'things happen' and timing of future plans doesn't always work out. Still, I am beginning to wonder a bit. Am I being shuffled to the back of the line JUST BECAUSE I am not pushing a screaming meemie fit about it? Such fussing seems not only untoward, but highly likely to get one in trouble. I would love to know, of the last rebuild shipped, what THAT deposit date was.

So...some general input would be appreciated. Simply sit and wait...with mouth shut? Call every <X-and-so-interval> to ask about it?

Tell me I'm being unreasonable, my panties are bunched too tight, whatever the proverbial 'you' thinks is appropriate. I will appreciate it.

OK. You are NOT whining. But you have to take charge of the situation. Go to the shop and demand to get your and your transmission back. Threaten them with small claims court if you have to. They should back off on that. From what you have said, they know they will lose. Then contact Brewer's. They are awesome. You will NEVER hear anybody complain about them. I have worked with them.
OK. You are NOT whining. But you have to take charge of the situation. Go to the shop and demand to get your and your transmission back. Threaten them with small claims court if you have to. They should back off on that. From what you have said, they know they will lose. Then contact Brewer's. They are awesome. You will NEVER hear anybody complain about them. I have worked with them.

It's an outright buy of one of their rebuilds, a no core deal. They don't have my transmission. There is no 'take charge' to it. I don't want to hear from them what I heard from the local shop, 'Here's your deposit, thank you for not doing business with us.'

My car has been sitting since I put down my deposit. I don't want to take a chance on additional damage with what's going on with the trans IN the car now. I planned to send IT in for a rebuild just so I would have a spare.

...well, a second spare. ;)

I use the past tense 'planned' because I'm not so sure now. I figured that re-using the shipping box I get from them with trans #1 to send in my 833 for repair would work well. It's a quandary to me. I trust this outfit. They have not done any rebuilds/fixes for me in the past, but I have purchased parts/pieces.
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the frustration is understandable. and while the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease, it may come at a cost of sloppy work or cutting corners here.

while i don't think you're to the point of: "let's take this to court"; i do think that you need to escalate it. i would start with a phone call, and let them know in very clear terms how displeased you are with the process and how you've been treated. let them know that you want them to do the work, you've paid a considerable amount of money for them to do just that and you would like to work toward a resolution.

but know going into that, a resolution may be anything from them returning your deposit, giving you the shine and saying it'll been ready in two weeks from next tuesday, or straight up telling you to pound sand and they'll get to it when they get to it and if you don't like it take 'em to court.

i'd see how they react to a phone call laying out your grievances before making the next move. but be 100% straight up on the call: i'm not happy about this, i think you're taking advantage of me and it doesn't make me feel good. let's figure some way to work this out together. their answer will tell you everything you need to know.
Well....and I say this with much respect and not being a smartass, but if you're not going to do anything, why'd you ask for advice?
Well....and I say this with much respect and not being a smartass, but if you're not going to do anything, why'd you ask for advice?

I did not say I was not going to do anything. I asked for the opinions of others. My point was to find out if my getting a bit irritated about the whole thing was out of line. I could well hear, 'They may be doing their best and dealing (still) with supply line issues of the past few years that still has an impact on parts, so take a chill pill!'... or something of the sort.

I've got no ball in no court and no game. There is nothing 'to do' except bail on the deal. Yeah. THAT would show 'em!!
I did not say I was not going to do anything. I asked for the opinions of others. My point was to find out if my getting a bit irritated about the whole thing was out of line. I could well hear, 'They may be doing their best and dealing (still) with supply line issues of the past few years that still has an impact on parts, so take a chill pill!'... or something of the sort.

I've got no ball in no court and no game. There is nothing 'to do' except bail on the deal. Yeah. THAT would show 'em!!
How long are you willing to wait though? I guess that's the question.
the frustration is understandable. and while the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease, it may come at a cost of sloppy work or cutting corners here.

but know going into that, a resolution may be anything from them returning your deposit, giving you the shine and saying it'll been ready in two weeks from next tuesday, or straight up telling you to pound sand and they'll get to it when they get to it and if you don't like it take 'em to court.

I understand such a 'resolution' is certainly a possibility. I would prefer to avoid that.

Yes, that does beg the question,

'Why did you ask for advice.'

Yep. Got that.

How long are you willing to wait?

THAT is part of asking the question.

I could send 'em a link to this thread. ;)

Thanks for the points of view.
I understand such a 'resolution' is certainly a possibility. I would prefer to avoid that.

Yes, that does beg the question,

Yep. Got that.

THAT is part of asking the question.

I could send 'em a link to this thread. ;)

Thanks for the points of view.
Yes and let them know we are 60K plus strong. Might get somewhere. Might not. lol
I would drop by shop and say "I'm going to help and disassemble it for inspection ". For the purpose of getting your hands back on it. At this point I would be worried about it going awol. As all have said, you aren't whining.
I would drop by shop and say "I'm going to help and disassemble it for inspection ". For the purpose of getting your hands back on it. At this point I would be worried about it going awol. As all have said, you aren't whining.
it's an outright build, he didn't supply a core; the only skin in the game is the $$ deposit.
Sounds like your builder is waiting for a suitable core to build, which would be very unpredictable
I understand such a 'resolution' is certainly a possibility. I would prefer to avoid that.

Yes, that does beg the question,

Yep. Got that.

THAT is part of asking the question.

I could send 'em a link to this thread. ;)

Thanks for the points of view.

You mentioned “doing business with them” but you are not.

You gave them your money and got nothing but put off.
(Multiple times)

That’s not doing business, and I would have been out of there long ago.
Have you asked WHY it’s not done?

If they are waiting for parts it may be out of their hands.

Or as someone said above maybe they don’t have a core.

It’s still horrible out there getting anything.
Have you asked WHY it’s not done?

If they are waiting for parts it may be out of their hands.

Or as someone said above maybe they don’t have a core.

I have not asked. They know it's been over a year. I would prefer they get the idea of better communication all by their own selves. I was told last I asked about it (April of this year) '...cases are done. In process. Couple of weeks'. NOT having a core does NOT seem to be the issue.

Yes. Parts may be an issue. Still, they could volunteer that info. ALSO, I realize that keeping up with maybe dozens or 'lots' of rebuilds via email/phone is work not getting done.

you do have proof of payment I hope !

Of course! It's in one of my crypto wallets somewheres. Or was it Venmo... Maybe Paypal? Did I keep that receipt for the MO I sent? Hhhmmmm....

JK. Yes. I have it. It was a 5% (or so) deposit, NOT prepaid. If the latter, I would indeed be upset.

My largest concern is that something is wrong; that someone got ill or is not doing well for some reason. Maybe it is something personal they don't care to share with people in general. THAT would be bad....and not a hurt I want to stick a poker into. This particular event seems well outside anything considering 'normal' for them from what I think I know of them.

A 'fer instance: Jamie Passon is an 833-guy I've heard a lot of good things about. He may well be sorry he ever stepped into his 855 idea. His website says 'no stock' for 'em. I've certainly read more than a couple of nightmare stories about that trans and Passon's dealing with 'em.

No. My issue has nothing to do with Passon. I'm saying, 'Excrement happens.'
I went through this with cylinder heads. two years in a row i dropped a set off in January right after new years. guy had the 2 months plus each time. Id call hed say "oh yeah I can finish them up this week..." Its like I understand he works on them here and there but Id wait and wait then when I called hed quick finish them up...now what if I needed them for my daily driver...? I was able to be patient but...anyway now I have two sets of heads redone and a grand plus set out between both of them so....but the thig is hes close and there arent machine shops on every corner so...if the guy is good and price is right...ya may have to be patient also its no 1990 anymore alot of folks are retiring young guys arent taking up the trade either... which kind of irks me also...there arent any machine shops yet used machine equipment is expensive...
And then find another 833-er I would trust. I wouldn't know where to start.

A local transmission shop wanted over $3500 to install a rebuild 'kit' in MY trans (with me bringing the trans to their shop)...and they would work ONLY with 'their' kits. Clearly, I heard, 'We don't want your business. Please...go away now.'

Yes. I have had an 833 apart before and, yes, it worked when I put it back in the car. It's not that I'm askeered of 'em, I just don't want to do it! I understand hearing, 'Just do it yourself...' but...I don't wanna!
Yeah they aren't too bad, main thing is identifying what you need that isnt in the kit.