Why do people Piss and Moan?



AKA Mopars4us on Youtube
Mar 11, 2011
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The little woman is about to get on my last nerve today.

Why can't some people realize how much better off they are than some?
One of her best friends has a shitty job, lives in Phoenix and has no car.
She walks a mile or so to a bus stop and sits in the 100+ heat waiting for a bus that takes her within a few blocks of her job.
The wife doesn't have to work, and she drives a BMW325 vert with AC and bitches if she has to go to the store 3 miles away as if it's going to finish her off.

Her friend rents a one bedroom apt. with no yard, or privacy at all.
She is also single, hates it and can barely pay her rent month to month.
All with no help at all from her 21 year old son who mooches off her all the time.
The wife has a house with gardens, roses, vegatables and herbs, but pitches a minor fit when she has to go out when it's 80 degrees to water it, and both our still at home boys (23 and 21) work and pay rent.

I do ALL the home and vehicle maintanence (2 cars and the kids motorcycle) as well as own/operate a computer service business, and build HEI ignition systems for parts money for my car so I don't use the computer business money for my car stuff.
(even though my car is my daily driver for the business)
I do most of the cooking, a lot of the dishes, and a lot of my own laundry.

All I hear sometimes is,
We need more money.
My yard sucks.
You missed a spot on the counter when you washed after fixing my car.
You left a piece of wire on the kitchen table from your ignition kit.

Recently I spent $150 or so on all new front bushings, bearings and shocks out of the car money account (not to mention did all the work myself) and she tells me to consider that my birthday present. WTF?
I spent the money I made from building HEI ignitions kits and did the repairs myself.
I don't care about a birthday present in any case, but that one kinda pissed me off.

Blah, blah, blah, quit yer bitchin and realize some peoples lives suck a ton more than your does.

That's what I say on the inside. :D
Maybe you need to work on a way to say it diplomatically on the outside.
Might be time to show her this thread and tell her to get s job
It's called being married. My wife and I are working toward our 38th anniversary, it hasn't always been smooth, and it hasn't always been fun, but to be perfectly honest about it, I don't know what I would do without her.

If you guys love each other, it's just something else you need to work through. Immediately thinking of leaving when things aren't harmonious show either your immaturity, or the fact that you aren't in love.

If it's immaturity, grow the hell up, if it's truly that you guys no longer love each other, then, perhaps it's time to have a very serious conversation.

FABO isn't the place to do something like that.
You just described my ex. Broke crappy job the bus thing. A 21 year old daughter is the only difference and they live in Phoenix...WOW
Somebody sounds a little spoiled. Sorry to say that about your wife but I am just being honest.
so then why dont you lay down the law in your own house .....your the bearer of the sword and the leader of the legecy of honor there, so why not
Guess I ain't got it so bad,...Actually I know I don't,...Pam works 2 jobs, to the tune of 60-70 hours a week, and right now with a recent post surgery wrist operation,...Makes double what I make,....Doesn't complain when I want to go to the races or the time I spend in the garage, garden or at the firehouse,.... I do all the house chores, cover the mortgage, gas, car maintainance and groceries. Soooo It sounds like a real life wake up call might be in order,....just sayin....
so then why dont you lay down the law in your own house .....your the bearer of the sword and the leader of the legecy of honor there, so why not

you guys are too good to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:violent1:
Pull back the reigns. Take that BMW and stash it for bit. Tell her you sold it and get a beater. Something nice and reliable. Then tell her she has to get a part time job to pay for her fuel and insurance.
so then why dont you lay down the law in your own house .....your the bearer of the sword and the leader of the legecy of honor there, so why not

Just because you bear the sword does not mean you use it on everything, or everyone. (or even that it is the solution at all)
Being the male in a houshold doesn't automatically make you right, or give you the right to demand others do as you say.
Not in this country anyway.
Marriage in America is very much a Partnership. It's like that in most western countries, the same cannot be said for many mid eastern and far eastern countries, and many in Africa.
Sounds like it's time for a "let me help you understand something" moment.

exactly ....i didnt mean to come off scarcastic in my earlier posts ....but you should have the influence to show her that it is much worse out there.

a good household in America with a functional family is nothing to sneeze but soooo many dont see it.

some members may have to compromise more than other members ...but so what ....the collective good of a family is more important than the individual good in most cases. any good wife, parent or husband needs to realize that to make it all work at times.
Be a man and stand toe to toe with her and tell her what you think. And how it's going to be. Your letting it get out of hand.
Sounds spoiled to me too , in my case my wife [of 26 years] don't work she stays home and takes care of the house and dog, two weekends a month are her weekends [for garage sale shopping,flea market ect.] the other two are my car stuff weekends. She gets an allowance and that's it [been that way for years] I pay my bills and buy food first every payday then she gets her allowance and the extra money gets saved for fuel and needed grocerys till next payday. My cuda is a luxury playtoy that gets maintained and gets new stuff after everything else is taken care of when needed. I don't think that your going to change her, she sounds set in spoiled mode and anything you do to disrupt that will cause your life to be even more of a living hell!!
Why don't you just sit down and talk to her ? Love isn't about stuff, it is about sharing . Do more things together ,maybe she fells left out .
Pull back the reigns. Take that BMW and stash it for bit. Tell her you sold it and get a beater. Something nice and reliable. Then tell her she has to get a part time job to pay for her fuel and insurance.
I dont like to get in thes kind of threads .. But i will agree with Josh here . Make sure it dont have A/C what ever beater you get and some 4 banger little mid 80s car that the muffler fell off then put just pipe all the way out the back so it drones and resnates the crap out of you at 30 mph LOL Next time she bitchies bout the yard just say fine and go get the mower and cut the whole yard flowers and all to dirt . Come back in and say there you dont have to worry bout it no more i took care of it just for you sweet hart .
My Wife has a "strong" personality. Every once in a while I have to remind her I'm her Husband and not her child.That being said she doesn't give me much crap about my car stuff even tho she is" a car is just transportation" type of person.You need to set her down and discuss in a calm manner the feelings you wrote here.Good luck..... a good life partner is important to our over all health.