It’s wildly humorous that people complaining about the market will never purchase or build the engine themselves for the power level they are complaining about.
The old adage of (power) speed cost money (how thick is your wallet) also gets complained about.
It’s even funnier that an offset rocker is now exotic when it’s been in common house for decades and decades.
@Newbomb Turk , stop arguing with or trying to straighten out
@273. He hasn’t a clue about what he talks about since he has been here @ FABO. He just complains about what he doesn’t know and understands while presenting and giving advice of an expert builder of many years. Then as shown above, when you contradict him or try to correct him, …….
Whom ever posted the Victor head…. I call out as being right.
Anybody wants to build an EZ (ish) big power engine should start with those heads and slam them up top a stroker with a big cam and have a nice day.
There price point is better than ported chink heads even if purchased on Black Friday, then ported.