Stop in for a cup of coffee

I know mine will never totally retire. She loves legal work and the interaction involved.
She'll retire in a couple and then have a part-time gig enforcing tax collection at Carlisle.
Started a little shop cleanup.
Bumped my noggin on a sharp corner of my tool cart, think i made a hole. :BangHead::BangHead:
he said a hole

Good morning
Shame to lose it. Not too many around. Total gone? no way to get it back? I missed back read..
I could have got it, but would be salvage cert. Once fixed in PA the process to get reconstructed title is a bit of a pain in the a$$. And would end ep with too much time and $ in it to make sense for me. Just going to find something cheap to drive for a while... Still fighting with them to get more for it. Hopefully get it wrapped up soon. Probably return the rental Sat. Have wifes Journy to drive till I get something.
I could have got it, but would be salvage cert. Once fixed in PA the process to get reconstructed title is a bit of a pain in the a$$. And would end ep with too much time and $ in it to make sense for me. Just going to find something cheap to drive for a while... Still fighting with them to get more for it. Hopefully get it wrapped up soon. Probably return the rental Sat. Have wifes Journy to drive till I get something.
IN Ca salvage title is no problem. Just need a brake and light inspection.
IN Ca salvage title is no problem. Just need a brake and light inspection.
Not sure about paint, but damage must be 100% restored here. I've been told - -don't be surprised if it has to go back to inspection multiple times to get it passed. Since I don't have a trailer, every time I need it moved is more$. Only certain stations are approved to do these inspections, not sure who around here does it. And can take months in process getting that and 'Reconstructed' Title from state. So I would end up with near what its worth in it and not even have a clean title. Just decided better to move on...
So where is Karl? @krazykuda You OK.? Hope not too banged up. I assume you are good, and working too many hours, since you are not here.
I know I was feeling beat up for a good week even without any 'injuries'. I did have a little soreness in my leg and neck first couple days. Think I banged my leg on steering wheel. That seemed to be near gone a couple days later. Not even a bruise. As for my neck, just a little sore on right side. No reason to think its anything more than a bit of a pulled muscle. Think that's pretty much back to normal. Didn't even notice it for a few days, but slight soreness with the cold this morning. I did open a medical claim right after the accident- just in case.
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So where is Karl? @krazykuda You OK.? Hope not too banged up. I assume you are good, and working too many hours, since you are not here.
I know I was feeling beat up for a good week even without any 'injuries'. I did have a little soreness in my leg and neck first couple days. Think I banged my leg on steering wheel. That seemed to be near gone a couple days later. Not even a bruise. As for my neck, just a little sore on right side. No reason to think its anything more than a bit of a pulled muscle. Think that's pretty much back to normal. Didn't even notice it for a few days, but slight soreness with the cold this morning. I did open a medical claim right after the accident- just in case.
Karl was pulling long shifts and rocking a rental car last post I think? Sounded like he was ok physically from the wreck, but who knows. Many times car wreck body trauma takes a day or two to settle in. I miss his sense of humor!
Pretty sure he is on 4 - 10's now plus OT. I would assume he will be on later this AM or tomorrow for sure.
So where is Karl? @krazykuda You OK.? Hope not too banged up. I assume you are good, and working too many hours, since you are not here.
I know I was feeling beat up for a good week even without any 'injuries'. I did have a little soreness in my leg and neck first couple days. Think I banged my leg on steering wheel. That seemed to be near gone a couple days later. Not even a bruise. As for my neck, just a little sore on right side. No reason to think its anything more than a bit of a pulled muscle. Think that's pretty much back to normal. Didn't even notice it for a few days, but slight soreness with the cold this morning. I did open a medical claim right after the accident- just in case.

Karl was pulling long shifts and rocking a rental car last post I think? Sounded like he was ok physically from the wreck, but who knows. Many times car wreck body trauma takes a day or two to settle in. I miss his sense of humor!

I'm fine physically, just pissed at myself for getting in the accident... Just tired and trying to catch up on sleep if I can... They made us come into work yesterday, but it was slow... They promised to buy us pizza for lunch if we came in, then backed out when 3/4 of the shift showed up... Third shift got free pizza for half of them showing up... The warehouse was at 42° F inside all night and felt like some parts were below that... OSHA requirements are that it has to be above 45° F or they can be fined and forced to send us home... But if they do that, we probably would loose out on pay.... :mob:

Trying to find a good daily driver nearby if possible... Had a lead on a Buick for a good price, but the owner did not reply to us and then sold it a couple hours later... It was only listed for 15 hours... The good ones get scooped up fast, you have to jump on them when you get the chance... :mad:

Trying to find another good deal... some of the sellers do not reply - craigslist... :BangHead:
I'm fine physically, just pissed at myself for getting in the accident... Just tired and trying to catch up on sleep if I can... They made us come into work yesterday, but it was slow... They promised to buy us pizza for lunch if we came in, then backed out when 3/4 of the shift showed up... Third shift got free pizza for half of them showing up... The warehouse was at 42° F inside all night and felt like some parts were below that... OSHA requirements are that it has to be above 45° F or they can be fined and forced to send us home... But if they do that, we probably would loose out on pay.... :mob:

Trying to find a good daily driver nearby if possible... Had a lead on a Buick for a good price, but the owner did not reply to us and then sold it a couple hours later... It was only listed for 15 hours... The good ones get scooped up fast, you have to jump on them when you get the chance... :mad:

Trying to find another good deal... some of the sellers do not reply - craigslist... :BangHead:
Good to hear you are doing ok. "Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick" Ours have been good cars.
As long as you are ok, the rest will work itself out. What happened may I ask?

I was turning into the burrito place after work and did not notice a pick up truck coming... Tried to stop, but the streets still had some snow and ice (It was in the single digits or negative temp at the time) and I slid into his door, he then slid off the road and the other door of his truck took out a street light... He still slid a few more feet after taking out the street light before stopping... He may have been speeding, but I can't prove it.... I saw the street light go sideways, the light go out, then it fell away from his truck...

My car is driveable, but due to the age of it, the insurance company will most likely total it... The hood, driver fender, fascia, and bumper bar are damaged, but the pass fender is not touched... No airbags went off... I drove the car home....
Good to hear you are doing ok. "Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick" Ours have been good cars.

Yes, i have had some good GM cars as daily drivers lately... I want the older gen as I don't like all the new electronics and tech in the new cars... My buddy Doug is good at fixing the old GM's and gives me good deals when I need to have them fixed...