Stop in for a cup of coffee

For those that may not be aware today is National train a teacher (Educator) day. I feel a wee bit guilty as the rest of my cadre is working while I go play. Our Company (Get Trained Be Ready) is training just over 30 Teachers today for no charge, everything from defensive handgun to basic trauma etc etc. I think the only thing we aren’t offering was LZ training! We were shocked at the response this year once we offered the classes, as typically we get a few but not a lot of attendees. I reckon given the present landscape more teachers are figuring out our training could help save lives. Big shout out to all the trained professionals in many different fields that are donating their time and effort today across this great Nation.
This is true, my son Coach Mike told me last night he is set up to go to a class just for this, it will be his first training, school teachers are getting armed here in northeast Arkansas as well .
Thank you for helping out, stay sharp and aware and continue to protect those around you my friend
I figured and I thought they were the same as the 318 but I have no idea
HMMM Have to look into that a bit by part numbers I guess? That description says yes? No idea really this came up the other day when I asked what parts are not made.
HMMM Have to look into that a bit by part numbers I guess? That description says yes? No idea really this came up the other day when I asked what parts are not made.

A little hard to tell looking at those pics because the mounts are blocked by the pads. I don't think they look like my mounts fwiw
Hey Chris....did your Jeep start heating up or did it heat up after changing water pump or fluid or something
It just randomly started. I changed all the stuff trying to troubleshoot it. New radiator will be here today.
It is usually in the heater core. I take the heater hose on the intake side and pour antifreeze in and then put it back on. The 4.7 has a bleeder on the top. Same with the neon
Morning Mopar Warriors, another hot day planned here in the Midwest.
We have a couple ball games to attend this morning.
Nephew is coaching a high school team in a tournament and granddaughter has a game.
I drew the granddaughter's game and then will come home and mow a couple hours before it gets too hot.
I'm sure we're like most of you it's going to be hot for the near for sure!!
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Here's a few pics of my mounts and mocked up, looks like the drivers side is the rare mount and would be a tough one to machine. When the wife wakes up I'm going to tell her my crank needs polishing : )

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Really nice here today high in the 70's
Callin for 69...:rolleyes:

Looks like snow clouds out there right now. LOL

Big yard sale day in town. Think I will go waste some time. :p
A lot were set up yesterday. Most on the main street looked like total crap. I'll hit more of the side streeters. they don't get as much traffic and are more likely to still have something worth looking at.
Morning Gang

Woke up too early but just decided to roll with it. Have to get at the yard today and really want to get the Valiant down off of the jack stands now that I have an unexpected 3- day weekend.

Quick parts run first thing (they open at 0730) so going to finally get that last bit of tailpipe in and be done with that.

I'm thinking about that with the SureGrip I picked up. I read somewhere you can get an estimate on the gear by turning the hub and counting driveshaft rotations (?) 3.91 SG in the car now... figure the one I picked up is stock gear (2.73 maybe??).

Yes, if a sure grip, locker, spool etc. You can count the hub or tire resolutions and driveshaft revolutions and there it is. I have 3.91, 2.91, and a 3.23. The 3.23 will likely stay in the car once it is gone through. Right now the motor pulls hard enough that the 2.91 is actually a nice gear. The 3.91 was much less fun, yes great burnouts and got up to speed quick, but the buzzing down the road at 3000 @60 was a but much for just a nice cruise.
Callin for 69...:rolleyes:

Looks like snow clouds out there right now. LOL

Big yard sale day in town. Think I will go waste some time. :p
A lot were set up yesterday. Most on the main street looked like total crap. I'll hit more of the side streeters. they don't get as much traffic and are more likely to still have something worth looking at.

I'm doing that tomorrow, going to Anacortes for "Shipwreck Days". It's been cancelled past 2 years for Covid paranoia. Main reason I'm going is because of a record seller I buy from is showing up, unfortunately (or fortunately) he's bringing his $3-6 collections so shouldn't break the bank. Son is coming up as well, having pizza and beer at our house for Fathers Day.
Here's a few pics of my mounts and mocked up, looks like the drivers side is the rare mount and would be a tough one to machine. When the wife wakes up I'm going to tell her my crank needs polishing : )

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We googled them when I was there said he can bend them up. Heeds all the dimensions so when he does the machining flat it will bend up right.

P.S. Cam lube is a good thing!:rofl:
Good morning everyone. Dropped to 50⁰ last night. Windows wide open, so nice. High of 72 today, will be going to the drag races I guess. Should be a good day. Back in low 90s on Monday, so have to take advantage of it!

Good luck John! @Sublime one
I'm doing that tomorrow, going to Anacortes for "Shipwreck Days". It's been cancelled past 2 years for Covid paranoia. Main reason I'm going is because of a record seller I buy from is showing up, unfortunately (or fortunately) he's bringing his $3-6 collections so shouldn't break the bank. Son is coming up as well, having pizza and beer at our house for Fathers Day.
We have an awesome record store right in town here- 'Tom's'. My son used to frequent the place when he lived here. I bought him a nice turntable when he was in high school. I really need to get my turntable set up. I got this one years ago, but barely used it. It's a newer thing that converts to digital signal so you can record to cd. Never transfered any, so don't know if they sound like vinyl when played back. I don't have a lot of vinyl, but I do miss spinning them...