Stop in for a cup of coffee

WWI was bruatal in so many ways.
Think this was the worst battle. Great Aussie movie on it out there.
Gallipoli campaign

British Empire:
198,340 (31,389 killed
9,708 missing and POW
78,749 wounded
78,494 evacuated sick)[11][7]
9,000 killed & missing
18,000 wounded
20,000 evacuated sick[11]
7,594 killed
18,500 wounded
New Zealand:
3,431 killed
4,140 wounded[11]

Total: 300,000 (56,707 killed)[11]
Ottoman Empire:
255,268 (56,643 killed,
97,007 wounded or injured,
11,178 missing or POW
69,440 evacuated sick[12]
21,000 died of disease)[7]

Total: 255,268 (56,643 killed)[7][12]
Happy Labor Day

Time to get to work

Rain for the rest of the week it seems. already issued.
Looked at phone earlier 'partly cloudy' most of the day. Finally got up and took the poop shooter out and it's drizzling. :wtf: Put news on. "Showers, heavy at times, flash floods after 4"... :BangHead: So not gonna be much outside work today.

Some plumbing on the adgenda today. Dishwasher to put in and noticed a leak in the basement. No idea how long it has been there thanks to the dungeon with dirt floors.
"minor' plumbing job for me today. Kitchen faucet is a relatively new Delta. Single handle has to be in the perfect spot or it won't shut off. Should be able to pop a new cartridge in. Will probably change the spout orings as well or at least clean and lube. Not sure if water pressure even hits them, but it needs to pivot between sinks better. Depends what happens when I take apart and what is in stock at store.
Other than that probably some garage and basement organizing. Still hoping to do a yard sale, but the possible weekends before its too cold are disappearing fast and plenty of other stuff to do...

Happy Labor day!
Thanks Keith
Just checkthe radar. I think we're rain free at least most of the day unless it moves fast.
I might make one last go at germinating some seeds for fall salad stuff
Always good will for a big tax credit if needed.
I take quite a bit there. Just dropped a couple bags of clothes last week. I have to do almost all the work either way. So usually try for at least one sale day before I haul it somewhere. Always nice to see someone else load up big stuff and take it away. :thumbsup: Then last time I took a load to Salvation Army, they wanted to pick and choose because they had too much already. :wtf:Was able to drop the rest in Goodwills tote boxes.
Our high yesterday 95°, overnight low 63°, it didn't get below 70° until 04:00 :lol:. Numerous days in the recent past our high temp wasn't much higher than this morning's low :lol:. Yesterday afternoon late one lone thunderstorm lookin' cloud just east of town, rain that never reaches the ground, yeah I went and looked :lol:. Good excuse to stay in the air conditioned Express :steering:.
Going to try to muster up enough energy today to cut some grass today.
Both wheel bearings out and in. Just brakes and wheels left. Then diagnose another wheel bearing.
The pix are of the room we are painting today. It will be the bar area. Romex hanging from ceiling will be lights over the bar. We are so tight on space I move most everything 3-4 times to do anything. Once we get upstairs finished we can move kitchen and living area upstairs. That will help. It is really just one very long camping trip!

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Looks like HEMI needs her chair.
Looks like HEMI needs her chair.
I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed in me Hemi is. She has sulked and ignored me for two days. Today is first day she is even remotely herself. Of course she finally went poop today so that always makes ya feel better. She did not eat or drink for two days as a result of the move. German Shepard’s like routine and lord knows I blew that to pieces! The chair she is now using we got off Craig’s list and it is just to small. She is pissed!
So I got pumphouse siding done. We have a great well. Jodi witched it, and we sunk it. Right at 100GPM at just under 100 ft! I did not get a pix but I hung the steel door as well today. Kind of a bugger hanging a steel door by yourself. As you can see from the pix I had to pick it up about two ft to set it in rough opening. It about whipped me. I also got the second bay ready for the painters, oh wait, crap, that is us as well! This DIY is killing me! The cabinets Jodi scored off FB market place, right at twenty feet of cabinets tops and bottoms for right at 400 bucks! Super score. It came with a old vintage cast iron sink so I will use that in the bar!




I cannot begin to tell you how disappointed in me Hemi is. She has sulked and ignored me for two days. Today is first day she is even remotely herself. Of course she finally went poop today so that always makes ya feel better. She did not eat or drink for two days as a result of the move. German Shepard’s like routine and lord knows I blew that to pieces! The chair she is now using we got off Craig’s list and it is just to small. She is pissed!

She'll adjust in time...
Got the duster all ready for the car show. Go figure , wouldn't stay running. Just put new coil on , changed ECU . Still the same. Low a behold took the rear sight plug off the back bowel. Fuel comes rushing out. One of those days.
Got the duster all ready for the car show. Go figure , wouldn't stay running. Just put new coil on , changed ECU . Still the same. Low a behold took the rear sight plug off the back bowel. Fuel comes rushing out. One of those days.
Let's see, sight plug on a carb, fuel rushing out. Ding Ding Ding Holley! There's your problem! :poke::poke::lol: